Is it crazy to buy gold for investment?

1:32 PM
Is it crazy to buy gold for investment? -

Is it crazy to buy gold coins for investments? - TaxACT

Have you ever wanted to buy gold coins to invest? Or maybe just as a hobby?

In the instant days, online stock trading and financial accounts, sometimes money almost seems to believe.

We even a booklet to keep. We certainly have not seen much of our money as a tangible object.

This is why there is something very satisfying and solid investment in and wanting to buy gold coins.

There is nothing like going to a coin shop, going out with a small but heavy paper bag and then take it home and feel the weight of each coin.

Some people may look askance to buy gold coins in this day and age, however. Is not that a bit crazy

Here are some pros and cons of buying gold as an investment :?

Advantages to buy gold

gold and other hard metals have always been a secular party plans traditional investment. Here's why: ..

  • Gold tends to rise when other investments decline, providing a stabilizing effect for your portfolio
  • Gold is a hedge against inflation
  • You. not having to pay tax on capital gains until you sell
  • Nobody has to know that you have it -. if that matters to you
  • In financial scenarios worst, as massive devaluation of currency, you can use gold and silver to buy and sell. . This may sound crazy - but it has happened in other countries

Drawbacks to buy gold

Moreover, gold has some drawbacks:

  • a thief might take your gold if you're not careful.
  • Unlike stocks and bonds, purchase of gold is not an investment in the growth of the company. You will not receive dividends or interest of tangible gold.
  • You may have to wait years for gold to go up in value.

How to buy and keep gold

If you decide to buy gold coins, get it from a reputable dealer or financial institution . We would not buy gold coins on Craigslist, but that's just us.

If you buy gold from individuals or from someone else you are not sure, have the authenticity of the gold coins checked first. You do not want a collection of gilded lead.

U.S. gold coins come in, half, quarter and tenth ounce denominations. You pay a "premium" on the price per ounce when you buy gold coins, which is how the dealer makes a profit.

You can pay a higher premium if you buy gold coins less than an ounce each. In general, you need to buy bullion coins, such as gold American Eagle, Canadian Gold Maple Leaf or South African Krugerrand.

collection of coins, called numismatic coins are a different set of bullion gold coins. They can sell at a very high premium, and prices depend on several factors.

Unless you are very knowledgeable about the collection of coins, stick with bullion coins.

Once you have coins, you might be tempted to carry the coins through your hands, like Ebenezer Scrooge

But of course, you will not be - .. you have to leave coins in their case, far from scratches and fingerprints

do not even think of hiding the gold in your home, unless you have a safe. Thieves know where to look, or they can find it with a metal detector.

For very little money you can rent a safe in a bank for your gold and other valuables.

Don 't get caught buying gold. Perhaps 5-15% of your portfolio should be in hard assets such as gold.

Most investors want most of their portfolio in growth funds, stocks or other investments. That's a good way to get the best balance between risk and return.

Other ways to invest in gold coins

You can even buy items with your individual retirement arrangement (IRA). You will not be able to take these items home.

Your IRA administrator will keep them in a safe for you. Coins must meet purity standards to qualify as IRA investments.

You can always invest in gold without actually bringing home gold.

By buying gold mining stocks, gold certificates, or tradable goods exchanged, for example, you can get the benefits of coverage of gold against inflation, without lugging parts heavy gold around and worrying about where to keep them.

when was the last time you were in a coin? and objects store collection

photo credit: chrisolson via photopin cc


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