The secret to financial success

2:33 PM
The secret to financial success -

Thinking Long Term: The Secret to Financial Success by Sally Herigstad | TaxACT

Do you think about your future? Where you will be (will be) in 5, 10 or 15 years

The biggest secret to financial success? - Or success in any business -. Is to think further than most people

To illustrate how this works, think children grow. They gradually become able to understand longer and longer periods. It is a leading brand of maturity.

A baby does not understand this second. A child can start talking about next Christmas. It rises on teenagers they will eventually be adults themselves. Although they can not imagine really getting old - as more than 30.

financial maturity works the same

A financially naive person thinks to get through today, or this month .. Cash in your pocket, or available credit on a card? The right of all.

Immature people do not spend much time thinking about the long term consequences of their decisions. Wise people do.

Excuses for not thinking long term

People give all sorts of reasons why they can not or do not must plan further ahead financially.

If they do well, some people might not be bothered by thinking further ahead.

Unfortunately, "well done" too many Americans signify their credit cards still work and they can at least make the minimum payments.

they can not have an emergency fund, they may not be getting ready to retire, but as long as they can go on a pleasant holiday and drive a decent car, if it is not broke, why fix it

when trouble strikes ?; for example, when they lose their jobs, families break up, or anything that catches just spending with them, they may find it almost impossible to think long term.

It may seem that it is useless, when they re too busy trying to survive day to day. It is hard enough just to keep the lit lights - it may seem cruel to try to make them look further ahead

Whatever your situation, however, if you want long term success, you must first thinking. further and further ahead and plan accordingly.

5 decisions easier in the long run by thinking

long-term thinking can influence the decisions you make every day. For example:

Thinking Long Term: The Secret to Financial Success. Short-Term vs. Long-Term Thinking | TaxACT

Tips to think long term

When you see a daily cost, weekly or monthly, ever understand how much it costs per year. For example, a gym membership $ 24 is $ 288 per year. If you use it, great. Otherwise, you could have bought exercise equipment used for the same or less.

Look for the total cost of a payment plan. Do not be fooled by the monthly payment. Some ads are not even tell you how many months it will pay something off.

Think, "What I wish I had, five years from now?" This is probably what you should do.

When you subscribe to a monthly service such as an Internet subscription, do you automatically calculate how much it will cost you per year?

photo credit: Nicholas_T via photopin cc

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