Weekly Favorites: survive a tax audit, 8 Secrets of money for moms, tips for those who owe money to the IRS

2:21 PM
Weekly Favorites: survive a tax audit, 8 Secrets of money for moms, tips for those who owe money to the IRS -

TaxACT Weekly Favorites: April 19, 2013

weekly Favorites: April 26, 2013

How to survive a tax audit via CNN Money
the tax season has finally wrapped, but the season audit is about to begin. The odds of being dealt an audit are low - about one in 100. But if you happen to be selected, you can take some steps to make the process a little less painful. Read more ...

8 Secrets of money every mom should know via LearnVest
Here are eight facts of money that I learned while in the middle of having baby in some cases, I had time to do the right thing financially, while others slipped a little too late for me to enjoy them this fiscal year. But that does not mean you can not. I also talked to a certified financial planner who added his own advice insight and money-saving. Continue reading ...

10 tips for taxpayers who owe money to the IRS via Sally Herigstad
Have you received a letter from the IRS stating you owe them money? Sooner or later, chances are you'll get mail from the Internal Revenue Service. Nobody likes to get that thick envelope full of advice. Before you get that letter to ruin a good day, however, take note of these tips. Continue reading ...

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