Weekly Favorites: More money tax collection States, save on wedding costs, IRS can help treat children

12:19 PM
Weekly Favorites: More money tax collection States, save on wedding costs, IRS can help treat children

- TaxACT Weekly Favorites - June 21, 2013

weekly TaxACT favorites: June 21, 2013

states collection More Tax Money via Bankrate
A new survey indicates that taxpayers in most states should soon enjoy the benefits of the economic improvement "their places and fortunes collection fee. Continue reading ...

12 Fun Ways to Save on wedding costs via LearnVest
Say "I" does not mean saying yes to the debt or separation with every penny you 've saved a down payment on a house or a car. Here are some tips to get hooked in style, without "losing your savings or your sanity!" Continue reading ...

IRS can help treat children Bankrate via
parents most workers are well aware they get a tax break to help cover shipping Jimmy or Janie to day care. But some parents give the tax benefit of day camp fees summer. Continue reading ...

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Photo credit :. Adam Foster | CODEFOR via photopin cc


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