(Bitter) Sweet 16: Auto Insurance for teenagers

2:34 PM
(Bitter) Sweet 16: Auto Insurance for teenagers -

My 16 year old daughter, Maddi, and I spend a lot of time driving after she received her driver's learner ago three months. I thought it was probably a good time to meet my Erie Insurance Agent to discuss the inevitable rise in insurance rates once I add it to my policy. I also hoped that the motivation for these job applications submitted since it will be chipped in car insurance. (By the way, since when teenagers become so picky about their work?)

Meeting with the insurance agent

We met Erie Insurance Agent Bob Murray Murray Insurance. As a standard practice in the agency, they try to meet all their new young drivers to reinforce safety messages and a "Talk of young drivers." As preachy as it may seem, it was not at all. think about it: Is your young son or daughter listen to you I mean really listen to you or you just get the nod of the head and rolling his eyes after sentence number three reasons?. why you can not text while driving

this was the great thing about this short visit: Bob was the "expert" and he talked about things in a way that was really listening to him. and not only that, but he took out newspaper clippings of some local accidents - some very serious - and discussed their implications

"If I can prevent one accident from occurring by having these talks, then it's worth it. "said Bob.

While we were there, he handed a flyer with information about young drivers that affected the determining factors such as time of day, seatbelts, weather conditions, speeding, distractions and number of passengers.

number of passengers a teen driver adds to the vehicle increases the chances of a fatality. I work for an insurance company, so I know a lot of risk factors identified for young drivers; however, I am shocked at how Maddi answered questions and how it was even more than what I thought. Bob had his fill a worksheet that asked what percentage of deaths occur when you add a young passenger in a vehicle driven by a 16 or 17 years. She has written 5 percent. No, it was 44 percent. *

When asked about the addition of two young passengers of the vehicle, said Maddi 10 percent. In reality, it was 88 percent! And the addition of three or more passengers? Get ready ... it was a huge 176 percent more. OOPS!

And that's the point. Most children do not know the facts, or more commonly, never think it will happen to them. Educating children is the key. When you mix inexperience with the attitude of the driver distraction and / or more passengers, it can be a fatal disaster.

The reason behind the rate

Bob gave a rough estimate of how much my insurance will increase once she gets her license. I was not surprised at all because I know that the number of accidents for young drivers is three times higher than drivers aged 20 and over *. So it stands to reason that auto insurance for teens usually costs more than it does for the most experienced drivers.

It is good that Maddi could hear rate and reasoning. It was also a great opportunity for my daughter to hear a good driving record can go a long way to maybe save you money down the road.

As she led us to the house, I thought again about the scary way, it's out there on the road for new drivers. As a mom, leaving my daughter for the first time alone in the car is probably one of the most terrifying things I'll ever have to make. I can only hope that some of these words of wisdom resonate with her and she takes driving decisions.

Read the next installment of this series regular.

* Statistics from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

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