How to prevent a dryer fire

5:12 PM
How to prevent a dryer fire -
dryer fire

laundry is part of weekly grind of life. But did you know that dryers cause about 15,500 home structure fires, 29 deaths, 400 injuries and $ 192 million in direct property loss each year? In addition, most drying fires occur in winter.

The causes

The most common cause of dryer fires is failure to do a deep cleaning. Because a lint filter is not a foolproof way to catch all the fuzzy stuff clothes, stuffed animals can gradually build up and catch fire in the heater or drain.

compounds the problem is the fact that many people now install a dryer outside their basement. This usually results in a dryer vent pipes being much longer. These vent pipes more have a greater probability of being twisted and transformed to accommodate the structure of the house and creates spaces to accumulate lint.

Kevin Sippy, an insurance adjuster to Branch Wisconsin ERIE, about five inspects dryer fires every year. A particularly bad happened when a white customer an item containing a rubber type not intended to be dried at a warm temperature. When she turned the high dryer, burnt material and caused a fire that destroyed $ 44,000 of property.

In another case, a client suffered $ 0,000 in property damage from a fire started after she took her clothes from the dryer. This customer washed towels that have been soaked in a significant amount of disinfectant solution. She then placed the towels, which still had traces of the disinfectant solution in the dryer. When dried towels, they eventually spontaneously combust and start a fire that burned through an entire floor.

"We literally had to empty the house," says Sippy, who changed his laundry habits after the fire. "Now I never anything dry than the setting low I would take a little longer to dry my clothes burn my house. "

9 tips to prevent dryer fires

    1. clean the lint. "It starts by cleaning the lint filter each time you use the dryer." said John Hall, Ph.D., director of the fire Analysis and research division for national fire Protection Association. He also advises clearing the vent pipe to reduce the risk of fire and maintain the efficiency of the dryer.

    2. carefully install . Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions when installing the drain hose. Use a short straight pipe which is sufficient distance from the wall. Reducing elbows in the dryer exhaust pipe, it creates less fluff opportunities to collect. If you must evacuate your dryer over a long distance, consider investing in a fan dryer. These automatic electric devices accelerate the flow of air through the conduit each time you turn on your dryer to keep things moving along.

    3. Empty fuel. Move flammables such as cleaning supplies away from your dryer. Also regularly sweep the dust in the areas around and under your dryer.

    4. Choose a conduit of the metal dryer. Research shows that the ducts or sheets of flexible plastic may collapse and lead to lint buildup at low points. metal pipes do not bend any variety, and they are more likely to contain fires that start.

    5. Read tags. If the label reads maintenance tumble dry, do not turn the high dryer. Also use caution with some items like bath mats, padded bras and bibs can they hold the rubber should not be exposed to hot temperatures.

    6. Exercise extra precautions with flammable liquids. Wash colored clothes with volatile chemicals more than once and certainly choose to line dry on dry machine.

    7. Use your clothes to diagnose problems. Clothes that no longer feel dry or that are very warm after a normal dry cycle are a telltale sign that something is wrong. Before making the next load, check a trendy vent and clean the lint.

    8. Do not dry and dashboard. Turn your dryer if you need to go out during the wash cycle.

    9. Give vent outside a glance. Make sure the outside vent flap is not covered by snow or debris.

Another way you can protect your home is with the assurance of the right owners. Talking with a professional insurance as an Erie Insurance agent for more info and a free quote.

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