Improve your business: Boost Accountability

11:55 AM
Improve your business: Boost Accountability -

several years, I was looking for a way to improve my business to take the "next level" proverbial you might say.

mission statement of our agency is "service tomorrow today." I thought we did a very good job at it ... but something was missing.

We are all familiar with the companies we work every day. (in my case, he sold insurance.) But we are not always aware of how to improve them and how to give our customers the service they deserve.

In my experience, you can really work to improve your interactions staff members among themselves and with your hard-earned customers. Here is how we did.

responsibility and measures are essential

Our process began with increasing responsibility. I found that the fight against this problem is like fixing a leaky faucet . you start to solve the obvious problem, and when you finish, you have touched every inch of plumbing in your entire home

It has been said that "you can not manage what you can not not measure. "on the baseline of the industry, my agency was good that we did. But I realize now that the benchmarks are set by others who are just "good" as well.

Once I understood, I made a concerted effort to bring the total responsibility to our office, our customers and our suppliers. As you can imagine, it was not very popular with my staff. Some changes included:

  • requiring employees to store their cell phones and other electronic devices in a tray until break time
  • phone conversations registration and the play randomly team meetings to learn. a member of the team has handled a call. *
  • Teaching clients how easy managing online applications.
  • Letting go of accounts that have produced little profit, but many headaches.

The figures speak for themselves

I am happy to say this experiment worked. During a period of two years, we have seen

  • An increase of 13.7 per cent of income
  • A reduction in payroll of more than 16 percent
  • An increase of 25 percent in compensation for 12 of the 15 employees who stayed with us

income produced per employee increased by more than 50 percent, which placed us 25 percent over the industry benchmark for income per employee. I believe this because the staff who have remained are true members of the team have a new bonus system that rewards to please our customers, confirming our mission statement and be really responsible.

Now it's your turn

Have you taken a good hard look at your business lately? If so, is the image of the company that you hold in your mind really exists, or you need to improve your business? If you see any leaks in your plumbing, it may be time for repairs before your competitors set their first leaks.

David Ballard is president of Franklin Insurance Agency in Franklin, Pa. It's just one of the agents ERIE and small business owners operating more than 2,175 independent insurance agencies in 11 states and the District of Columbia.

* Before starting a telephone conversation monitoring or recording program, be sure to consider the legal requirements in your state and the state where your customers reside. Federal law and all states require the consent of at least one party to a conversation to record the conversation. Some states require the consent of all parties. Remember to obtain consent from those of your employees who will make or receive calls.

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