Do you know your responsibility to host liquor?

12:56 PM
Do you know your responsibility to host liquor? -
Wine Glasses

As the host of the party, you probably do not want to think about your potential alcohol responsibility. But it is something you'll want to consider planning your party gets under way this holiday season.

Indeed, most states hold party hosts that offer excessive alcohol to their customers responsible for the actions of those people behind the wheel. In these states, any person injured by a drunk driver has the right to sue the host of the party that served alcohol. Sometimes criminal charges can even apply.

Recommendations on how to host your holiday party

This does not mean you have to call your party. Instead, by keeping a few things in mind can significantly reduce your exposure to liability of the social reception liquor.

  • Limit invited to consider people you know and seriously made the cut of your list anyone usually overindulges.
  • Encourage guests to pick a designated driver before they arrive.
  • Serve lots of soft drinks and food to help counter the effects of alcohol.
  • have activities such as dancing or during games that do not involve alcohol.
  • Stop serving alcohol well before the end of the game.
  • Offer to call a taxi or be the designated driver for anyone who appears. intoxicated

to limit your exposure to more alcohol responsibility, consider:

  • Hosting the event in a restaurant or bar that has a license to alcohol rather than at home.
  • Hiring a professional bartender. More may be better able to recognize the signs of intoxication and it is easier to cut someone you do not know. This is especially true if a bartender ended ServSafe® alcohol program.

In the final caution, review your homeowners or renters policy. It can provide coverage for damages claimed by a person injured by a guest of the party.

For more information on liability insurance, contact an ERIE Agent in your community.

What about your holiday office party?

your holiday office party presents some difficult situations as well. Check out our infographic to learn more about what is good, what is bad and the ugly on holiday office parties.

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