Stay safe behind the wheel

9:17 PM
Stay safe behind the wheel -

If you are 65 or older, consider conducting regular checks in time for your annual physical. After all, health can affect your driving and vice versa.

1. Gather information.

Watching the drivers on different routes, at different times, in different weather conditions. Note that they follow the rules, manage safely lanes, yield and turn right, drive at the right speed and do not get lost on familiar roads.

non-driving behaviors such as frequent forgetfulness, confusion and disorientation, loss of coordination, stiffness, difficulty hearing, dizziness and difficulty following verbal instructions can also report problems behind the wheel.

2. Develop a plan.

Once the pipe is evaluated, it is time for "maintenance." Approach it with respect and sensitivity. Discuss whether drivers seem to be performing safely within their limits, and if the problems can be fixed. Can they adapt their driving habits? Can they find other ways to get around?

Drivers can also assess their own driving skills, perhaps by using prepared self-assessment guides. Often they themselves decide to hang up their car keys for good. "It is often triggered by a small accident. They realize their reflexes are not what they were and they do not want to hurt anyone," says ERIE Agent Charlie Peterson of Peterson Insurance Services. "Even the best pilot has to change. "

the NHTSA told to write a plan to improve the independence and control while maximizing community safety. You may need to search for other options consult a driver rehabilitation specialist, consult the department of motor vehicles, and register for a security program to prevent driver / accident. - Who can provide information while helping drivers reduce their premiums insurance

3. Follow through.

Because the needs and abilities change over time, it is important to "shoot" and periodically reassessed. some states, such as Pennsylvania, require physicians to report medical conditions that could affect driving. Insurance agents are sometimes approached by adult children of a driver, but officers must respect the privacy of insured duty.

At the age of 55, good drivers can enjoy discounts on their insurance, varying from state, especially if they take safe driving courses. Training on checking blind spots and other declines in age-related skills can help. ERIE is also studying the potential of insurance based on the use, which uses technology to track the actual mileage of a car and reduces security for premium, low mileage drivers -. Including the elderly tend to be

Improved vehicle and road safety (such as improving signs) could also "help seniors and everybody," says Dr. Li. His board. "stay active, stay healthy and stay safe when you're behind the wheel, focus on driving"

in summary, DWO (driving longer) may be a safe way to move -. As long as older drivers take into account their changing abilities, tune up their skills and consider the "yield" sign when it's time to slip on the passenger seat.

Age and win

ERIE offers discounts to drivers 55 years and more:

55 years cheaper - Available if the insured is the main driver of the car

accident Prevention Course Discount [ - (.... Ill, NY, Ohio, Pa Tenn and Va) drivers free claims (no age restriction in New York) who have successfully completed a driver improvement course approved during the last three years may be eligible for this discount.

If you are concerned about older drivers in your life, NHTSA suggests an approach in three steps :. Gather information, develop an action plan and follow the map

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