Six Flammable Foods

8:16 PM
Six Flammable Foods -
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Flour may seem harmless, but many people do not realize that he has a hot temper. Under certain conditions, foods such as flour are highly flammable and can cause fire cooking situations.

fuels foods are part of the reason why cooking is the leading cause of home fires in the United States, with one in eight households with a fire every year. Cooked poultry in Turkey fryers is an obvious culprit, but the kitchen every day that follows can also be a recipe for ruin if mishandled.

1. Garlic

Why it is risky :. This powerful food is packed with a lot of natural oil, so it burns quickly and jumps when placed in a hot pan, causing the oil to splash into the burner

Stay safe "Jumps slightly and slowly," advises the Chief Michael Di Stefano, executive chef and culinary educator certified in Philadelphia, Pa

2 .. Bacon

Why it is risky: Any protein product that has a high fat content such as press bacon grease as it is cooking. When burning the meat, it causes the oil to splash the pot

Stay safe :. Do not let the grease leakage by ensuring that the pan is deep enough to hold fat. Also, if you cook several batches of bacon, to get rid of the old grease before cooking a new batch. Drain oil from pan and into a jar or bowl (to stay away from the stove).

3. fried stuffed peppers

Why it is risky: When the stuffed peppers are immersed in the frying oil, the flow air is tightened. This pressure can force peppers explode open, and there are open burners next to the pepper pot, the oil can fly open flame

Stay safe :. Do not fill the pot to the capacity with oil. It should reach halfway up the pot. Also, make sure the burners are off nearby.

4. Flour

Why it is risky: powder products, such as flour, non-dairy creamer and powdered sugar are made of fine particles that burn so it is added to a hot pan with nothing in it. Moreover, if these elements flow into direct flame can ignite

Stay safe :. Only add powdered ingredients in a saucepan with another ingredient in it, like butter. And never throw flour on a burning stove! (Use baking soda instead.)

5. alcohol-based sauces

Why it is risky: It is not uncommon for marsala, sherry and other alcohol-based sauces to flare. These flames are often controlled, but the danger is when the bottle is too close to the stove. If the container of the sauce is next to the flame, thereafter the bottle could explode

Stay safe: .. To prevent a bomb from the bottle, keep it away from the cook

6. peanut brittle foods and other ultra-sweet

why it is risky: If you make sweet dishes like peanut brittle or Flan proceed with caution. When the sugar gets very hot, it can create a fire in


Stay safe :. control the heat, and never walk. "You need to stay there (in the kitchen), from beginning to end," says the head Di Stefano. "Sometimes people can get a phone call and walk. Then, suddenly, they have a big fire and having to replace the kitchen."

ERIE offers home, auto, business, and life insurance. For more information on how to protect your home against fire damage, contact your agent ERIE.

Hosting a crowd soon? Read our 8 tips for a perfect party (and fire)

Keep your kitchen turn you on

In accordance with the following guidelines will reduce your risk of culinary disaster .:

  • Stay with food - "the cause of kitchen fires are located in the kitchen," said spokesman Tom Olshanski US fire administration, "but much of this is due inattention "If you leave the kitchen, always turn off the stove
  • do not let the grease leak -.. When cooking meat, make sure the pan is deep enough to hold . fat If the pan is too shallow, the fat can overflow and fire
  • a dirty kitchen is a dangerous kitchen. - food cakes oil inside the ovens and stoves. this fat can potentially catch fire, so always keep the oven clean and cook

If a fire not break in your kitchen, here's what you need to do :.

  • Have a lid close-If a grease fire starts on the stove, turn off the burner and cover the fire by sliding a lid or even a cookie sheet over the pan (while wearing an oven glove!). Do not attempt to move the pan; instead, keep the lid until it is completely cooled.
  • Do not add water to the grease fire because it causes the grease to splatter and spread even faster.
  • For oven and microwave fire, keep the door closed until the fire is out. Unplug the microwave if you can safely reach the cap.
  • Print out if you can.
  • If in doubt, simply out-Olshanski advises that if you have a fire and have doubts about how to manage it, get everyone out of the house and call 9-1- 1. "Fire knows nothing but destroy, injure and kill," he warns. "All of a kitchen fire can be replaced, except the people who live there."

ERIE covers home, auto, business and life insurance (plus you can save on home insurance for each additional policy you add by ERIE car company automobile, liability personal disaster or qualifying life policy). For more information on how to protect your home against fire damage, contact your agent ERIE.

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