Top 8 Myths Insurance

7:14 PM
Top 8 Myths Insurance -

There are many misunderstandings about the insurance floating around. Read on for answers to most common insurance myths

Myth: .. Your insurance premium is shrinking as your vehicle ages

Most insurance companies have not taken a car's age into account when determining car insurance premiums over the years. One way to maintain a cost-effective coverage is ERIE Rate Lock ® * additional coverage that freezes your year of automatic premium after year, even if you file a claim. Your premium will not change when you add or remove a vehicle or driver of your font, change your primary residence and change the cover of your policy or pay the plan

Myth :. Only millionaires need an umbrella policy.

Even if your net worth does not seem much, injury or personal liability lawsuit can wipe you out financially and destroy future profits, too. Protect what you have worked so hard for a personal liability policy Catastrophe ERIE. It provides an additional $ 1 million to $ 5 liability protection in case you are hit with a lawsuit that exceeds your homeowners or auto policy. And it is more affordable than you might think

Myth: .. red cars cost more to insure

Red is often associated with risk takers with a penchant for fast cars- but it is the make, model and year of a car that really affects your premiums

Myth: .. we do not need a commercial insurance policy if you work from home

Even cottage industries may require at least some form of property, liability, business vehicle and the workers' compensation insurance. ERIE your agent can give you a detailed idea of ​​what level of protection you need

(sort of) Myth :. If your house is on fire, your insurance policy will give you enough money to rebuild exactly as is.

Many insurance companies do not offer guaranteed replacement cost to cover the value of your home value or they will have capped replacement cost which replaces a percentage of home value. Fortunately, ERIE automatically included as part of many of its own policies. ** (You can purchase an affordable addendum to policies that do not understand.)

* Not available in North Carolina, Maryland and New York. Limited to three years in Virginia. ERIE Rate Lock ® does not guarantee a continuous insurance coverage. Insured must meet applicable underwriting guidelines. Premium may change if you make a change in policy.

** Guaranteed replacement cost home improvements require more than $ 5,000 to be reported within 0 days. Covering the costs to comply with laws or ordinances is subject to limits. Depreciation can be deduced that the repair is made. Go to or contact your agent for more information.

Law of myth types

The customer service team ERIE fields all types of customer calls. Here are some of the misconceptions held more they hear

Myth: .. If you do not want to renew your contract, just do not pay your premium

most self-renewal business, to avoid interruption of insurance coverage. If you do not want to renew, give your top of the head agent

. Myth:? It was an act of God ... so there is no deductible, right

Sorry, but almost no insurance company waives the deductible for related claims weather

Myth :. Getting a speeding out of state will not be displayed on my driving record or affect my insurance premium.

most states to share data, so that traffic violations are likely to appear on your status in the motor vehicle record and could trigger a surcharge, regardless of where they occur.

Have hottest insurance issues? So do not hesitate to call your confidence ERIE Agent for fast, accurate answers.

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