Moms Need Me Time Beyond Mother Day

5:37 PM
Moms Need Me Time Beyond Mother Day -
open book with coffee

approach the mother's day, new moms everywhere are probably realizing the same thing that I know from the last 15 years: We do a lot of things for everyone and very little for ourselves. But this must change - moms need me time for us to be the best we can be.

While using your kids to baseball practice and dance class, take out the trash, check homework, paying bills, stop at the grocery store, working outside the home , taking the dog to the groomers, lunch package, and the list goes on and remember that it is normal not to be super mom. Yeah, I know people say, but we really believe?

I say, but I always find myself trying to juggle everything. As a single mother of two active children (16 and 12), a career and a house to look, I'm half crazy most of the time. It's amazing that I can really be competent to anything. But there's one thing I learned and started to join several years ago: moms need me time.

So whenever I can fit - like when I do not take my daughter driving, which seems to be all the time - I foresee things. I find it works to have events and activities waiting. Here are my five suggestions for simple things you can do to treat you every day of the year :.

1. Relish relaxation This does not mean you have to find a high-end spa and spend a lot of money. Even a manicure or pedicure can make you feel brand new.

2. Give yourself a little entertainment. Tell a friend (or go solo) and hit movies. And, yes, absolutely deliver on cinema butter deliciousness popcorn!

Or perhaps a quiet corner with a good book is all you need? Or a marathon of "Breaking Bad" on Netflix? Anyway, do it. The distraction of all the chaos of the day is comforting.

3. Do you buy something special. Yes, children need summer clothes and stuff, but when's the last time you bought a new outfit? I tend to be much more productive when I hit the mall by myself. Of course, having friends with offers you a great second opinion in the locker room. If you look at your portfolio, even an hour to travel home furnishings section of a store is a good getaway.

4. Let the music play. Update your music playlist and listen to songs that make you feel good. Hearing some songs can take you straight to the high school years. (Did someone say '80s music?) Or take a step further and check a local group.

5. Bring on the Bunco. Even something as simple as dinner with friends can perk you. I'm in a Bunco league with 11 other women. (I know this kind of made me sound lame, but it's a blast). We meet once a month at the home of another person (in this way, you need to host once a year) to play Bunco, dinner and chat it up. But do whatever works for you - it can be a book club (I am too) or just a day trip. Fact: Giggling with your girlfriends just feels right.

Have a beautiful Mother day, and remember you do not need to wear a cape, you are beautiful.

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