How to preserve family traditions

11:31 AM
How to preserve family traditions -

When my grandfather passed away three years ago, he left behind a house full of stuff. Incredibly, we are still sort today. (Last week my boyfriend / partner bought her old convertible.)

My grandfather was a prolific traveler who had been to every US state and every continent, including Antarctica. So there were a lot of memories of his world travels for four children and 12 grandchildren who survived him.

Yet the most precious things I received from him are intangible no monetary value. They are traditions and stories that give context that I am and how our family came to this great country.

Capture family history

The health of my grandfather started fading years before his death. For once, I started to imagine life without him and what it meant for my family.

I'm always interested in the genealogy of the family, but I did not have a firm grasp on most of it. I decided it had to change.

So I began by stopping his house more often. These visits were interesting, to say the least. My grandfather became active on Facebook in his later years, and he was constantly asking me to give him advice and tips on how to use it.

After our social media tutorials, I travel in time to make cabbage rolls her mother was back in eastern Europe. I took this recipe down with a delicious recipe from my Italian grandmother from lasagna.

One day I filmed them talk about how our family came to America, where they grew up, how they met and what life was for. them through the decades

I made the video just in the nick of time; a few months later, they both suffered major setbacks in health.

How to preserve the traditions of the family

I am always grateful that I was spending that time with my grandparents. Today I give this advice to all who want to preserve the traditions of the family :.

  • Come with a list of questions Many people become nervous in an interview or they will give a -Word answers. That's why I came up with a lot of specific questions for my grandparents. Instead of "What was your childhood?" I asked about their schools, their hobbies, who their friends were, etc.
  • Get on the video. written stories are great, but seeing someone in action adds a whole new dimension to things. Video using their true personality come through, which can help future generations understand better.
  • Write a family tree. This is a case where you want things written rather than said. Having a knowledgeable person in your family write the name of everyone and how they are related. Other parents and can help fill the holes.
  • Prepare recipes together. Many people follow a recipe he family was just something they have learned to do. Actually make the dish together, you learn the little nuances that make this great recipe.
  • Protect your memories. Some things like a vast collection of pieces from my grandfather need insured. (Your homeowners or renters policy should normally be the case, however, more expensive items may need an indoor marine approval). For family documents and other materials, it is important to store them in a place like a fireproof safe. Also, be sure to make copies and backups.
  • Start now. Perhaps the most important tip of all is to start as soon as possible. Although members of your older family are healthy, you never know what tomorrow will bring.

I still miss my grandfather. But knowing that his memory is preserved and protected means it will live for many years to come.

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