The age of the brain

12:20 PM Add Comment
The age of the brain -
Age of Brain Banner image

Statistics on accidents and brain science studies present conflicting data about whether young or older drivers are more affected by distracted driving.

the worst offenders of distracted driving, according to NHTSA, are also younger and less experienced: men and women under 20. The under-20 age group had the highest proportion of distracted drivers involved in fatal accidents (16 percent), followed by drivers 20 to 29 years (12 percent).

But when it comes to knowledge, older drivers are naturally distracted. "Internal Thoughts can be particularly difficult for older people to filter, from middle age, but more and more after 65 years, we have evidence that auditory stimuli are hard for them too, to listen for the visual tasks, "says neuroscientist Dr. Cheryl Grady of the Rotman research Institute in Toronto.

" I would advise any driver, but especially older, to avoid distraction as much as possible, do not use the cell phone, GPS systems programming, fiddling with the radio and CD player, and so on, "she said.

But experience can already be help older drivers understand that, as younger drivers, less experienced have the highest accident rate Adolescents and young adults are more likely to carry their mobile devices in the car, using MP3 players and SMS -.. This means distraction of temptation may be more widespread

the solution? Stay safe at any age and keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel.

Rachel Adelson writes about technology and behavioral science from his office near Toronto. In an hour to finish this story, she found herself driving behind someone putting on mascara to the wheel.

Best tires for Bad Weather

11:19 AM Add Comment
Best tires for Bad Weather -

Today's vehicles have flashy designs, brilliant engineering and gadgets, many of which help us stay safe the smart route. With our eyes on all this, and our nerves agitated by snow and ice, which remembers working rubber? Having the right tires can make a huge difference in driving safety.

A recent survey by the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) found that nearly 11 percent of vehicles had at least one bald tire. This raises the risk of accidents in inclement weather. Why? bald tires can hydroplane more easily or skate on the water. Start hydroplaning and you lost control of your vehicle.

The RMA also found that 64 percent of motorists do not know how to identify a bald tire.

Fortunately, identifying problems is easy rolling. Here's how:

The penny test: Put a penny with Lincoln's head upside down into the tire groove. If you can see all of Lincoln's head, the tire is considered dangerous. Less than Lincoln's head, you can see, the safer you are. If you want to know when to start Shopping new tires use a quarter instead

The wear test of the bar :. All tires have wear bars molded into the tread, by federal regulations. When the tires are worn, a solid bar of rubber will take place over the entire width of the tire and will be even with the tread.

If you found that it is time to replace your worn tires, there is help available to make relative comparisons. Dan Zielinski, RMA senior vice president of public affairs, said to use the feedback of the quality grading tires uniform standards under your tire shopping experience.

The standards for tires (excluding winter / snow tires) for passenger cars, are considered as a single purchasing tool. Tire manufacturers use standards to attribute "grades" the three Ts of a tire:

  • Treadwear Tires are evaluated against a "standard" tire with a score of 100 .. A tire rated at 300, for example, would be expected to have the tread that was to last three times longer.
  • pull . This measures the ability to stop on wet pavement under controlled conditions. Tires are classified as AA, A, B or C. AA is above.
  • temperature . This measurement capabilities of a tire's resistance to heat and generation to dissipate heat at high speeds. The tires are valued at A, B and C. A is the best.

The Security Administration of the national road of the US Department of Transportation (DOT) has developed these standards but DOT does not conduct the tests. Grades are assigned by tire manufacturers and are often used in manufacturer's marketing materials. provides information about qualities that can help you understand what they mean before making a purchase tires.

If the snow is your particular enemy, take a second look at winter we used to call them snow tires. They are underused, says Joe Nolan, senior vice president at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. "They can be a bit noisy, but they can really help."

The tread of winter tires is more efficient, and the composition of the tire is designed for stable temperatures below 45 degrees says Zielinski. other tires harden somewhat lower temperatures, offering less grip and reduced traction.

Whether you live in an area snow or no-snow zone, it is also important . keep your tires properly inflated (Yes, we've all heard But winter driving season is a good time to actually do it ..) that's what you should know:

  • a visual inspection of radial tires is not working. "the eyes are a poor substitute for a tire gauge," Zielinski said. "radial tires today are fairly rigid. A tire can be 50% under-inflated and not the air. "A return survey of more than 6,300 pressure of the vehicle tires measured in 31 US cities found that 17 percent of vehicles had four properly inflated tires.
  • Find the number of the tire pressure for your vehicle on the door of the driver's side or in the glove box. It is not the number on the sidewall of the tire. This is the "maximum allowable" for this tire. the vehicle manufacturer determines the tire pressure for your vehicle. Why? Because the appropriate pressure is based on vehicle load design and tire size.
  • Do not believe the myth that under inflation of your tires, you will get better traction. the idea was that the larger area would increase traction, said Zielinski. instead, under-inflation has the vehicle riding on the tire sidewall, not where the handle is. Traction is based on the tire pressure.

Want to know your tires? Check their rating with the Department of Transportation of the United States.

Looking for other tips to help you make it through winter driving? Check out these National Security Council.

Watch a video on how to measure the tread on your tires.

Stay safe behind the wheel

9:17 PM Add Comment
Stay safe behind the wheel -

If you are 65 or older, consider conducting regular checks in time for your annual physical. After all, health can affect your driving and vice versa.

1. Gather information.

Watching the drivers on different routes, at different times, in different weather conditions. Note that they follow the rules, manage safely lanes, yield and turn right, drive at the right speed and do not get lost on familiar roads.

non-driving behaviors such as frequent forgetfulness, confusion and disorientation, loss of coordination, stiffness, difficulty hearing, dizziness and difficulty following verbal instructions can also report problems behind the wheel.

2. Develop a plan.

Once the pipe is evaluated, it is time for "maintenance." Approach it with respect and sensitivity. Discuss whether drivers seem to be performing safely within their limits, and if the problems can be fixed. Can they adapt their driving habits? Can they find other ways to get around?

Drivers can also assess their own driving skills, perhaps by using prepared self-assessment guides. Often they themselves decide to hang up their car keys for good. "It is often triggered by a small accident. They realize their reflexes are not what they were and they do not want to hurt anyone," says ERIE Agent Charlie Peterson of Peterson Insurance Services. "Even the best pilot has to change. "

the NHTSA told to write a plan to improve the independence and control while maximizing community safety. You may need to search for other options consult a driver rehabilitation specialist, consult the department of motor vehicles, and register for a security program to prevent driver / accident. - Who can provide information while helping drivers reduce their premiums insurance

3. Follow through.

Because the needs and abilities change over time, it is important to "shoot" and periodically reassessed. some states, such as Pennsylvania, require physicians to report medical conditions that could affect driving. Insurance agents are sometimes approached by adult children of a driver, but officers must respect the privacy of insured duty.

At the age of 55, good drivers can enjoy discounts on their insurance, varying from state, especially if they take safe driving courses. Training on checking blind spots and other declines in age-related skills can help. ERIE is also studying the potential of insurance based on the use, which uses technology to track the actual mileage of a car and reduces security for premium, low mileage drivers -. Including the elderly tend to be

Improved vehicle and road safety (such as improving signs) could also "help seniors and everybody," says Dr. Li. His board. "stay active, stay healthy and stay safe when you're behind the wheel, focus on driving"

in summary, DWO (driving longer) may be a safe way to move -. As long as older drivers take into account their changing abilities, tune up their skills and consider the "yield" sign when it's time to slip on the passenger seat.

Age and win

ERIE offers discounts to drivers 55 years and more:

55 years cheaper - Available if the insured is the main driver of the car

accident Prevention Course Discount [ - (.... Ill, NY, Ohio, Pa Tenn and Va) drivers free claims (no age restriction in New York) who have successfully completed a driver improvement course approved during the last three years may be eligible for this discount.

If you are concerned about older drivers in your life, NHTSA suggests an approach in three steps :. Gather information, develop an action plan and follow the map

Young, Fabulous - and assured: Part 1

10:18 AM Add Comment
Young, Fabulous - and assured: Part 1 -

The insurance is generally not a priority for young adults to go to college or renting their first apartment. (It was not for us at the time, either.)

But as mom and dad always said, with freedom comes responsibility in this case, the responsibility for yourself, your property, and others to protect by taking renters and auto insurance policies.

"For many young people leaving home means taking new freedoms and develop a sense of responsibility," says Loretta L. Worters, vice president of the Insurance Institute information. "Part this new responsibility means to be properly insured to protect valuables "

the good news is that many young adults do not even need to take additional policies. and for those who do, some policies cost only pennies a day. This should be good news for young adults and people who taught them the many meanings of "safety first".

Protect your (temporary) home

Dorm residents and tenants of similar apartments should definitely schooled in insurance. young people who are not full-time students or who are over 24 years old will want to learn even more.

"When the children are in school, they are considered residents of the home of their parents and are covered to the full limit of the parents of the owners or tenant policy until that they are 24, "said Terry McConnell, vice president and director of REA in Personal Lines Underwriting. This is true for dorms and apartments as long as the young adult is a full time student and maintains residence in the house, that of their parents, they must have lived before moving directly away from their permanent residence.

Things are a bit sticky with students and full-time tenants who are not 24 or more. To protect the personal assets of the group against damage caused by fire, smoke, theft, vandalism, lightning and other common disasters, they will need to take out an insurance policy standard tenants, such as politics Tenantcover ERIE.

This policy provides coverage for personal property, loss of use (coverage that is triggered to take care of living expenses associated with temporary relocation), protection of personal liability and medical payments for damage or injury that occur in your rental unit or as a result of personal activities Away from home. And as a homeowners policy, you will have a global coverage that protects your property when you are away from home everywhere, whether in an exotic location or a friend across town.

Tenantcover protection (including protection responsibility), which starts at $ 100,000 and goes up to $ 1 million, usually costs less than $ 100 per year and costs much less when combined with a political self ERIE. It is recommended that tenants consider at least a limited personal liability of $ 300,000 and they opt for the replacement cost of the actual cash value.

"In a settlement of the real value of money, if something on TV that you have had for 15 years, you would have received the money he was worth with depreciation taken into account, "said McConnell. "With a resolution of the replacement cost, you will be able to buy a brand new TV There is a small difference in premiums between the two, but the value it offers its customers face a regrettable situation is important . "

Tips to keep your business safe

Even with the policy of a tenant in place, it still pays to practice some tips to stay safe and keep the claims in check. Here are a few to get you started:

  • Safeguard items or more costly leave home Dorms and holiday experience up to 50 percent more incidents flight, with costly. bicycles, jewelry, watches and laptops are some of the greatest goals. So take care to lock or leave them in the confidence of residence does not have a high level of foot traffic.

Renters must also be aware that REA has a limit of $ 3,000 per item to cover things such as theft of jewelry and watches. So if a valuable asset worth more, be sure to take a personal inner marine additional driver (also known as a "floater") on policy.

  • lock your doors. This seems obvious, but most dorm thefts occur during the day.
  • Fireproof your home. do not leave candles, cigarettes and grids-the most common causes of fires abandonment. For safety, consider flameless candles, indoor grills and just kicking the habit.
  • Electronic Burn. Graphics make it easier for the police to track down stolen computers, televisions and iPods.
  • Create a home inventory. saving all receipts from major purchases, make a detailed list of valuables in your home, and photograph or videotape your belongings, an application will be easier and you 're more likely to receive reimbursement what is stolen or damaged. To make the process a breeze, the Insurance Information Institute offers free home inventory software online Know Your Stuff.
  • Consider adding an identity recovery coverage to your policy. Young people are more likely to experience theft because of the extra time they connect to the Internet identity. Fortunately, for only $ 20 per year, REA will do the dirty work of restoring your good name and pay up to $ 25,000 in fraudulent charges to credit card if this occurs.

Insurance 101

there is no doubt about that insurance can also be scratching your head like a trick question on a final exam .

Although we can not do any less complicated, we can help more sense. To understand exactly how ERIE policies can protect you and give you peace of mind, we suggest you consult these resources ERIE:

The website ERIE -You'll find many no- nonsense information and glossaries insurance and an auto insurance quote tool free online life insurance calculator and many FAQ

The Eriesense archives -. Here, you can perform a keyword search to access each article on a given subject


Your ERIE Agent- The job of the agent is to help you, do not hesitate to throw questions in its own way.

Another treasure of all things insurance is the Insurance Institute of Web information site

Young, Fabulous - and assured :. Part 2

Six Flammable Foods

8:16 PM Add Comment
Six Flammable Foods -
Six Flammable Foods Main image

Flour may seem harmless, but many people do not realize that he has a hot temper. Under certain conditions, foods such as flour are highly flammable and can cause fire cooking situations.

fuels foods are part of the reason why cooking is the leading cause of home fires in the United States, with one in eight households with a fire every year. Cooked poultry in Turkey fryers is an obvious culprit, but the kitchen every day that follows can also be a recipe for ruin if mishandled.

1. Garlic

Why it is risky :. This powerful food is packed with a lot of natural oil, so it burns quickly and jumps when placed in a hot pan, causing the oil to splash into the burner

Stay safe "Jumps slightly and slowly," advises the Chief Michael Di Stefano, executive chef and culinary educator certified in Philadelphia, Pa

2 .. Bacon

Why it is risky: Any protein product that has a high fat content such as press bacon grease as it is cooking. When burning the meat, it causes the oil to splash the pot

Stay safe :. Do not let the grease leakage by ensuring that the pan is deep enough to hold fat. Also, if you cook several batches of bacon, to get rid of the old grease before cooking a new batch. Drain oil from pan and into a jar or bowl (to stay away from the stove).

3. fried stuffed peppers

Why it is risky: When the stuffed peppers are immersed in the frying oil, the flow air is tightened. This pressure can force peppers explode open, and there are open burners next to the pepper pot, the oil can fly open flame

Stay safe :. Do not fill the pot to the capacity with oil. It should reach halfway up the pot. Also, make sure the burners are off nearby.

4. Flour

Why it is risky: powder products, such as flour, non-dairy creamer and powdered sugar are made of fine particles that burn so it is added to a hot pan with nothing in it. Moreover, if these elements flow into direct flame can ignite

Stay safe :. Only add powdered ingredients in a saucepan with another ingredient in it, like butter. And never throw flour on a burning stove! (Use baking soda instead.)

5. alcohol-based sauces

Why it is risky: It is not uncommon for marsala, sherry and other alcohol-based sauces to flare. These flames are often controlled, but the danger is when the bottle is too close to the stove. If the container of the sauce is next to the flame, thereafter the bottle could explode

Stay safe: .. To prevent a bomb from the bottle, keep it away from the cook

6. peanut brittle foods and other ultra-sweet

why it is risky: If you make sweet dishes like peanut brittle or Flan proceed with caution. When the sugar gets very hot, it can create a fire in


Stay safe :. control the heat, and never walk. "You need to stay there (in the kitchen), from beginning to end," says the head Di Stefano. "Sometimes people can get a phone call and walk. Then, suddenly, they have a big fire and having to replace the kitchen."

ERIE offers home, auto, business, and life insurance. For more information on how to protect your home against fire damage, contact your agent ERIE.

Hosting a crowd soon? Read our 8 tips for a perfect party (and fire)

Keep your kitchen turn you on

In accordance with the following guidelines will reduce your risk of culinary disaster .:

  • Stay with food - "the cause of kitchen fires are located in the kitchen," said spokesman Tom Olshanski US fire administration, "but much of this is due inattention "If you leave the kitchen, always turn off the stove
  • do not let the grease leak -.. When cooking meat, make sure the pan is deep enough to hold . fat If the pan is too shallow, the fat can overflow and fire
  • a dirty kitchen is a dangerous kitchen. - food cakes oil inside the ovens and stoves. this fat can potentially catch fire, so always keep the oven clean and cook

If a fire not break in your kitchen, here's what you need to do :.

  • Have a lid close-If a grease fire starts on the stove, turn off the burner and cover the fire by sliding a lid or even a cookie sheet over the pan (while wearing an oven glove!). Do not attempt to move the pan; instead, keep the lid until it is completely cooled.
  • Do not add water to the grease fire because it causes the grease to splatter and spread even faster.
  • For oven and microwave fire, keep the door closed until the fire is out. Unplug the microwave if you can safely reach the cap.
  • Print out if you can.
  • If in doubt, simply out-Olshanski advises that if you have a fire and have doubts about how to manage it, get everyone out of the house and call 9-1- 1. "Fire knows nothing but destroy, injure and kill," he warns. "All of a kitchen fire can be replaced, except the people who live there."

ERIE covers home, auto, business and life insurance (plus you can save on home insurance for each additional policy you add by ERIE car company automobile, liability personal disaster or qualifying life policy). For more information on how to protect your home against fire damage, contact your agent ERIE.

Top 8 Myths Insurance

7:14 PM Add Comment
Top 8 Myths Insurance -

There are many misunderstandings about the insurance floating around. Read on for answers to most common insurance myths

Myth: .. Your insurance premium is shrinking as your vehicle ages

Most insurance companies have not taken a car's age into account when determining car insurance premiums over the years. One way to maintain a cost-effective coverage is ERIE Rate Lock ® * additional coverage that freezes your year of automatic premium after year, even if you file a claim. Your premium will not change when you add or remove a vehicle or driver of your font, change your primary residence and change the cover of your policy or pay the plan

Myth :. Only millionaires need an umbrella policy.

Even if your net worth does not seem much, injury or personal liability lawsuit can wipe you out financially and destroy future profits, too. Protect what you have worked so hard for a personal liability policy Catastrophe ERIE. It provides an additional $ 1 million to $ 5 liability protection in case you are hit with a lawsuit that exceeds your homeowners or auto policy. And it is more affordable than you might think

Myth: .. red cars cost more to insure

Red is often associated with risk takers with a penchant for fast cars- but it is the make, model and year of a car that really affects your premiums

Myth: .. we do not need a commercial insurance policy if you work from home

Even cottage industries may require at least some form of property, liability, business vehicle and the workers' compensation insurance. ERIE your agent can give you a detailed idea of ​​what level of protection you need

(sort of) Myth :. If your house is on fire, your insurance policy will give you enough money to rebuild exactly as is.

Many insurance companies do not offer guaranteed replacement cost to cover the value of your home value or they will have capped replacement cost which replaces a percentage of home value. Fortunately, ERIE automatically included as part of many of its own policies. ** (You can purchase an affordable addendum to policies that do not understand.)

* Not available in North Carolina, Maryland and New York. Limited to three years in Virginia. ERIE Rate Lock ® does not guarantee a continuous insurance coverage. Insured must meet applicable underwriting guidelines. Premium may change if you make a change in policy.

** Guaranteed replacement cost home improvements require more than $ 5,000 to be reported within 0 days. Covering the costs to comply with laws or ordinances is subject to limits. Depreciation can be deduced that the repair is made. Go to or contact your agent for more information.

Law of myth types

The customer service team ERIE fields all types of customer calls. Here are some of the misconceptions held more they hear

Myth: .. If you do not want to renew your contract, just do not pay your premium

most self-renewal business, to avoid interruption of insurance coverage. If you do not want to renew, give your top of the head agent

. Myth:? It was an act of God ... so there is no deductible, right

Sorry, but almost no insurance company waives the deductible for related claims weather

Myth :. Getting a speeding out of state will not be displayed on my driving record or affect my insurance premium.

most states to share data, so that traffic violations are likely to appear on your status in the motor vehicle record and could trigger a surcharge, regardless of where they occur.

Have hottest insurance issues? So do not hesitate to call your confidence ERIE Agent for fast, accurate answers.

Chimney Check-Up

6:13 PM Add Comment
Chimney Check-Up -
Chimney Sweep full image

The fireplace can be a happy place for the family to gather 'round. But did you know that fireplaces and chimneys caused 27,0 home fires in the United States in 08 and that these fires have caused $ 147.6 million in property damage and 10 dead? 1

Such statistics drive home the importance of planning an annual inspection of the chimney. Ashley Eldridge, director of education at the Institute for Security Fireplace America (CSIA), said that even homeowners who do not use their homes should spring for inspection. Indeed, other heating appliances of a house also release toxic gases through the chimney; when debris clogs his flight, these harmful vapors remain in your home.

"Preventive measures are generally much cheaper than repairs when you have a crisis," said Eldridge. "It just makes sense to be ahead of the curve."

Why an inspection of the chimney?

an inspector may check a big culprit chimney creosote fires, which is a thick, gummy substance that is a byproduct of burning wood . creosote causes most chimney fires, including one recently inspected by ERIE property Adjuster Sandi Benes. creosote buildup that chimney caused a fire that destroyed $ 23,000 of property. How did it happen? the owner decided to clean his chimney on its own.

to reduce the risk of fire caused by creosote, Benes recommend hiring a pro and burning wood only designated. "burning green wood or soft wood with the resin increases creosote build-up, "she says.

Chimney inspections typically cost between $ 100 and $ 300 and fall into one of two levels.

  • Level One inspection

in a standard inspection, inspectors will spend about an hour to measure all components easily accessible the fireplace, as the size of the combustion chamber and the clearance range. From there, he or she will decide if your chimney needs sweeping.

A fireplace deserves a scan for a number of reasons, but the main include debris blocking the air ducts and creosote buildup. "The birds and squirrels are a very real problem," said Eldridge, who also saw all basketball leaves clumps stuck in chimneys. "Animals can set up camp there, and it can be really unpleasant. "

the debris is not removed is a major risk factor of fire or trapping toxic gases like carbon monoxide in your home. in addition to an annual inspection of the chimney, it is also interesting to see a chimney cap. These tools fit over the fireplace to prevent debris, and damage the water out.

  • Level Two inspection

a closer inspection level two of the fireplace is a profitable investment for the new owners of a house that has not had a level of inspection. a two level inspection requires the sweep to get on the roof to made additional measures, such as the distance from the fireplace to all fuels.

For more information on each level and what that means, watch this video of CSIA.

Find a great sweep

CSIA lists more than 1300 scans that won the chimney Sweep® CSIA Certified Credential. This title proves a scan has a higher understanding of the tools, techniques and processes for the right job. In addition, all certified CSIA sweeps commit to a code of ethics.

To locate a certified chimney sweep CSIA in your area, visit the homepage of CSIA. Your scan will probably not have a cockney accent and a song in "Mary Poppins". But he or she will have the expertise to help you safely enjoy your home and hearth all winter.


How to prevent a dryer fire

5:12 PM Add Comment
How to prevent a dryer fire -
dryer fire

laundry is part of weekly grind of life. But did you know that dryers cause about 15,500 home structure fires, 29 deaths, 400 injuries and $ 192 million in direct property loss each year? In addition, most drying fires occur in winter.

The causes

The most common cause of dryer fires is failure to do a deep cleaning. Because a lint filter is not a foolproof way to catch all the fuzzy stuff clothes, stuffed animals can gradually build up and catch fire in the heater or drain.

compounds the problem is the fact that many people now install a dryer outside their basement. This usually results in a dryer vent pipes being much longer. These vent pipes more have a greater probability of being twisted and transformed to accommodate the structure of the house and creates spaces to accumulate lint.

Kevin Sippy, an insurance adjuster to Branch Wisconsin ERIE, about five inspects dryer fires every year. A particularly bad happened when a white customer an item containing a rubber type not intended to be dried at a warm temperature. When she turned the high dryer, burnt material and caused a fire that destroyed $ 44,000 of property.

In another case, a client suffered $ 0,000 in property damage from a fire started after she took her clothes from the dryer. This customer washed towels that have been soaked in a significant amount of disinfectant solution. She then placed the towels, which still had traces of the disinfectant solution in the dryer. When dried towels, they eventually spontaneously combust and start a fire that burned through an entire floor.

"We literally had to empty the house," says Sippy, who changed his laundry habits after the fire. "Now I never anything dry than the setting low I would take a little longer to dry my clothes burn my house. "

9 tips to prevent dryer fires

    1. clean the lint. "It starts by cleaning the lint filter each time you use the dryer." said John Hall, Ph.D., director of the fire Analysis and research division for national fire Protection Association. He also advises clearing the vent pipe to reduce the risk of fire and maintain the efficiency of the dryer.

    2. carefully install . Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions when installing the drain hose. Use a short straight pipe which is sufficient distance from the wall. Reducing elbows in the dryer exhaust pipe, it creates less fluff opportunities to collect. If you must evacuate your dryer over a long distance, consider investing in a fan dryer. These automatic electric devices accelerate the flow of air through the conduit each time you turn on your dryer to keep things moving along.

    3. Empty fuel. Move flammables such as cleaning supplies away from your dryer. Also regularly sweep the dust in the areas around and under your dryer.

    4. Choose a conduit of the metal dryer. Research shows that the ducts or sheets of flexible plastic may collapse and lead to lint buildup at low points. metal pipes do not bend any variety, and they are more likely to contain fires that start.

    5. Read tags. If the label reads maintenance tumble dry, do not turn the high dryer. Also use caution with some items like bath mats, padded bras and bibs can they hold the rubber should not be exposed to hot temperatures.

    6. Exercise extra precautions with flammable liquids. Wash colored clothes with volatile chemicals more than once and certainly choose to line dry on dry machine.

    7. Use your clothes to diagnose problems. Clothes that no longer feel dry or that are very warm after a normal dry cycle are a telltale sign that something is wrong. Before making the next load, check a trendy vent and clean the lint.

    8. Do not dry and dashboard. Turn your dryer if you need to go out during the wash cycle.

    9. Give vent outside a glance. Make sure the outside vent flap is not covered by snow or debris.

Another way you can protect your home is with the assurance of the right owners. Talking with a professional insurance as an Erie Insurance agent for more info and a free quote.

The latest and best innovations Auto

4:11 PM Add Comment
The latest and best innovations Auto -
Car in hourglass

It seems crazy that a car could literally prevent you from breaking. Yet that is exactly what some of the latest automotive innovations are.

New features avoidance of collisions that reduce the frequency of accidents are here and they are gaining serious ground. "We envision a future with fewer accidents if the technology continues to evolve," says Dave Zuby, director of research for the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).

as power windows and brakes antilock before them, the accident avoidance features usually come standard only in luxury cars. (you can get optional in some ordinary cars, but they will cost you between $ 1,000 and $ 3,000.) "as these systems become more widely available in more and more cars, costs will go down, "said Zuby. "But it will take 20 to 30 years before all the cars on the road have them."

Here are some of the technologies you can expect your future car to have. To see a complete list of all new crash avoidance technologies, see

The technology :. Forward Collision Avoidance

what he does Let a reverie driver is rapidly approaching a stopped car. With forward collision avoidance, the sensors of the car in motion detect impending collision with an alarm or even apply the brakes. Some car models tighten the seat belt, close windows and adjust the positions of the seat or headrest when an accident is about to occur, which helps reduce the risk of injury.

who offers The warning system and automatic braking is offered by several brands including Acura, Audi, BMW, Infiniti and Toyota. The only warning system is available in many other types of vehicles

The accident reduction factor :. The IIHS reports that the collision warning systems before warning about seven per cent of accidents involving other vehicles; systems with automatic braking prevent twice that number

The technology :. Adaptive H eadlights

what they do :. Adaptive headlights respond to steering input to provide a brighter, wider beam of light when rounding a curve dark

who offers Audi, BMW, Buick, Cadillac, Chrysler, Hyundai, Infiniti, Mazda and Volkswagen

the accident reduction factor :. The IIHS reports that adaptive headlights can reduce accidents by as much as 10 percent

The technology :. Lane Departure Warning and Prevention systems

what they do When drivers are distracted or fatigued, their cars will often drift into another lane and cause an accident. departure warning systems and prevention Lane use cameras to track the position of the car in an alley; when the driver crosses the lane markings without a turn signal, the steering wheel or seat vibrates or the car will emit sound or visual warnings. More advanced systems provide prevention systems that direct the vehicle back on the road through braking or steering slight modifications

who offers . Car manufacturers offering the warning system include Audi, BMW, Buick, Chevrolet, GMC and Hyundai. Infiniti, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz and Toyota warning and prevention systems offers both

The accident reduction factor :. If the roads are covered with snow or are not well marked, the lane departure warning system could have trouble recording the markings. This could be a factor keeping the functionality of earning high marks to date

The technology :. Blind Spot Detection

What it does This technology monitors the side of the vehicle by means of sensors; when a vehicle approaches, a visual warning appears on the side mirrors. If the pilot reported a corner and there is a vehicle in the blind spot, the vehicle will make a sound or even take control of the brakes and steering to keep the vehicle in its lane.

Who offers him :. Acura, Audi, BMW, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, Honda, Infiniti, Jeep, Mazda, Toyota and Volkswagen

The reduction factor of accident :. search does not show yet clear effects on the functionality of collision models

safety is always essential
It is important to keep in mind that even the best characteristics avoidance of collisions are not infallible. "People should continue to drive safely and not rely on these technologies to prevent them from breaking because they have limits and will not prevent all accidents," warns Zuby. For this reason, and the fact that the risks posed by weather, vandalism and fire remains as real as ever auto insurance is always something you will need to have.

In addition to competitive rates with multiple cuts, REA also offers ERIE Rate Lock ® *, which locks in your automobile premium year after year, even if you file a claim. Your rate does not change if you add or remove a vehicle or driver to your policy or change the location where your car is in the garage.

* Not available in North Carolina, Maryland and New York. Limited to three years in Virginia. ERIE Rate Lock ® does not guarantee a continuous insurance coverage. Insured must meet applicable underwriting guidelines. Premium may change if you make a change in policy.

Seven most likely to miss life insurance Groups

2:09 PM Add Comment
Seven most likely to miss life insurance Groups -

are you inadvertently put your family in danger?

Millions of Americans lack adequate insurance, or even a lifetime. Are you one of them?

A recent study found that life insurance ownership has recently hit a low and that 35 million households have no life insurance at all 50 years. This means that the death of one earner could also be financially catastrophic as it is sad.

Behind this trend is a misconception about how much life insurance actually costs. On average, people think it is three times more expensive than it really is. (In reality, life insurance has never been so affordable.)

While everyone may lack sufficient life insurance, seven groups are particularly likely to be sub or uninsured. Here's who they are and why they skimp on life insurance themselves and their families need. (To get an idea of ​​what you need, be sure to take our quick and easy Life Insurance Quiz!)

1. Single parents
The single parents often go uninsured because they think that buying a life insurance requires a large output time and money, two things they have in short supply.

"Single parents tend to be extremely busy, as they are alone, balancing work and family," said Greg Wieser, strategic marketing manager at Erie Insurance. "And without that second income, money often tense "This creates a classic case of penny wise, pound foolish;. while they are saving money in the short run, they run the risk that their children have no means of support if they had gone .

2. parents who both work
When both parents work, the parents earn less often discounts his contribution to the family. This is especially true when one of the parents works part time in order to keep the front of the house. "There's a lot less gain spouse that no dollar value associated with them, such as cooking or custody children, "said Wieser. "If something happened to that person, the surviving spouse is often hire extra help or take extra work to compensate for loss of income."

3. Stay at home moms (or dads)
Research shows that a parent stays at home contributes $ 112.962 per year in the form of custody children, cleaning, home maintenance, transportation, food and more online family background. These are the costs that the life insurance policy, not a surviving parent-should cover if one partner stay at home dies prematurely.

4. The owners
"If a person dies and no life insurance to pay the mortgage, the surviving family members can be forced to move, "says Wieser. It is quite difficult to lose a loved one, you definitely do not want your family to also lose their home, their school district and their neighborhood because there is no policy 'life insurance in place.

5. Business owners

"new business owners often give up life insurance because they think they have not enough money, "said Wieser. Or a company may have had enough insurance, but has since grown." a more established company usually requires higher limits to be adequately secured and have a plan in place to ensure the succession of the business, "said Wieser. Life insurance and a purchase and sale agreement will continue the show if a partner dies.

6. People with a history of minor health problems
Many people confuse life insurance with health insurance. "They think they will not qualify if they have high blood pressure or high cholesterol," said Wieser. "If your health problems do not affect your mortality, you can still get life insurance at a reasonable price. "

7. persons whose employer offers group life

This group often has a false sense of security. While they have coverage, it is often not enough. "A typical advantage of the group's life is twice your annual salary, but you will be more like six to eight times your salary just to break even," said Wieser. In addition, employers can (and do) to end the group life insurance benefits. (This is particularly common during a sluggish economy.) Another disadvantage is that you lose this coverage when you leave your employer.

Even if you do not fall into one of these groups, you and your family might still miss the life insurance you need. To find out what your needs may be, take our Fast and Easy Life Insurance Quiz. (And remember that your local ERIE Insurance Agent is always there to answer all your insurance matters!)

Children and identity theft

1:08 PM Add Comment
Children and identity theft -

Nathan was aged only 14, but his credit history has been turned, courtesy of a decade unpaid bills and credit card default home loans.

Of course, it was not Nathan who made all these summary movements-it was an identity thief who accessed the social security number of the child Kentucky (SSN) nearly 10 years earlier to fraudulently finance houses, cars and more.

An isolated case? Barely. Theft of the identity of children is booming, according to a groundbreaking study by Carnegie Mellon CyLab of. This research, which includes Nathan's history, identity of foundlings are stolen 51 times more often than adults.

All too easy targets
Experts say children are easy targets largely because they do not do things like open bank accounts, apply for jobs or take loans which would make them aware of problems on their credit report. As a result, thieves can often use the identity of a child for years-even decades with impunity.

"Many parents do not know that the information their child is of considerable value," said Lt. Robert Chappell, a veteran of 27 years in the state police in Virginia and author of Child identity Theft. what every parent needs to know "as a society, we have become more aware of identity theft. If parents do not become educated on the risks, it only will get worse. "

The report details how the thieves CyLab the identity of children used to buy houses and cars, accounts opened by map credit, a secure job, obtain driving licenses and medical care. of the more than 40,000 children examined in the study, more than 4,000 were victims of identity theft. many cases have been more a suspect linked to the identity of the victim, and 303 victims were under five.

How are things
Crooks take advantage of the identity of children of several different ways. Two of the most common include :.

  • Handling a thief steals the identity of any child, but changes the birth date to reflect the age adult.
  • synthetic identity theft. In this case, a thief uses the name of a child, the social security number of another child and a false birth date to commit fraudulent activities.

studies show that almost a quarter of all cases are flights "friends" in which family members abuse the privacy of the child. In other cases, the personal information of a child is accessible places such as a school, a doctor's office or online.

undo the damage
It can take years or decades to discover the child's identity has been stolen. The realization usually occurs when a minor applies for college or a job, or when the youth is seeking his first loan or credit bank card.

In addition to being scary, identity theft is too long and costly. Parents are often left with the dirty work to undo the damage, which usually involves countless hours working with law enforcement, credit agencies, lawyers and government officials to restore the good name of their child .

Moreover, a bad credit can cause significant delays or even cost a victim of a loan or a job. Sometimes creditors even reclaim the child or parent for fraudulent debts.

What is a parent to do?
Fortunately, there are precautions that reduce the risk of your child becoming a victim.

  • Use extra precautions to school. Ask how your child's personal information will be used before sharing it, and verify that sensitive documents are stored in safe and secure locations. Also think twice about having your child enrolled in a school yearbook from thieves could easily get a copy.
  • Keep SSNs under wraps. Keep your Social Security number for your child in a security safe or locked trunk. Always ask someone asks him how it will be used and whether another form of identification can work. Teach your child to be as selective reveal his SSN to anyone.
  • Monitor the mail. A credit card offering, performance or letters of the income tax from a collection agency in your child's name are all signs that something is happening.
  • request an annual credit report and a manual search. It is good practice to obtain a credit report for your child each year. Visit to order a free report.

    While a credit report shows if someone is illegally using the name of your child, only a manual search will reveal whether the Social Security number for your child is used under a different name. The credit bureaus are required to perform a manual search at no cost when requested, Chappell said.

  • Report of the problems as soon as possible. Do not wait to file a police report if the identity of your child is at risk.

Always worried about identity theft? ERIE can help
You can yourself and everyone in your household with the cover to protect ERIE identity recovery. Covered costs include lost wages, costs of monitoring children or elderly parents while you arrange things, certain legal expenses, expenses for filler applications and more. Available for about $ 20 a year, coverage Identity Recovery you and someone else as a child living at home or go to college-which is a part of your household.

The cover also provides the services of identity recovery protects loaded files. "If an identity is stolen, the expert assigned to a case will all the steps," said Joe Vahey, ERIE vice present and personal lines product manager. "This coverage provides peace of mind because you know you will not have to deal with this situation and all the hassle it creates itself. "(a good thing for the victims of identity theft facing a cost of $ 631 on average out-of-pocket . They also spend an average 33 hours undoing the damage.)

for more on this affordable coverage, contact your local agent or visit ERIE

In any Grilling security for 164 million

12:07 PM Add Comment
In any Grilling security for 164 million
- Guys grilling

According to the survey in 2013 Independence Day of the National Retail Federation, seven in 10 Americans who plan to celebrate the 4th of July this year will attend a barbecue, barbecue or picnic. This equates to 164 million people enjoying a flame grilled burger or two, a record compared to previous investigations

If you're one of the millions who will be grilling this holiday weekend -. Or at any time throughout the season, here are some tips to avoid four accidents festival open air common

Party Mishap # 1 -. Sparks Gone Wild
injuries from 90 fireworks were treated in US emergency rooms of hospitals in 2011, according to the most recent data published by (NFPA) of the National Fire Protection Association. The data also show that fireworks cause two of the five fires reported on a typical day of independence, more than any other cause of the fire. Certainly a negative point of the party.

Erie Insurance saw both injury and personal injury property damage caused by fireworks, including one in which a client has triggered fireworks in a courtyard and sparks landed on the house a neighbor, catch on fire. An estimated 17,800 fires across the country were started by fireworks in 2011, causing $ 32 million in damage to the global property

How to avoid :. Let the professional fireworks, use sparklers carefully
"Fireworks are a wonderful way to celebrate the birthday of our country, but we recommend that you look at a place sanctioned by the community, rather than put them off you, "said Matt Myers, senior vice president, Erie Insurance claims." There are just too many things that can go wrong, especially in a group of people and when children are nearby. "

Myers added that if you allow children to play with sparklers, NFPA says that account for a quarter of all injuries fireworks you must turn them off completely in water to avoid revive the unexpectedly

Mishap # 2 -. buckling Siding
Nothing beats the taste of barbecue or a cooked hamburger in the backyard, but when the grill is too close to the house, the coating may be singed (or worse). With more than eight in 10 American households owning a grill or smoker * This is a security measure almost everyone needs to consider.

"There are not the flames of fire that can be a danger," said Myers, "but the radiant heat of the grill can melt vinyl siding, and can even catch a home fire."

How to avoid: Give the room grill batches
Product Commission US Consumer Safety recommends grills be placed at least 10 feet from any structure, and that they are used in a garage, breezeway, carport or porch, or any surface that can catch fire.

ERIE also warns against the lighter fluid poured on hot coals, which can cause a flash fire or explosion. If you dump hot coals on the ground after the barbecue is done, sprinkle with water to make sure they are completely

Mishap # 3 -. Have low Fall Out
more and more people gather around fires in homes designed for patios and backyard. But while homes can be a great addition to an outdoor area, it is important to remember that anything that involves fire is inherently risky.

"We got a complaint that a customer started a fire in a home not realizing that the bottom had almost rusted, and all the embers and all, collapsed on the deck and began a fire, "said Myers. "We've also seen a situation where a customer thought the fire was out but the wind caught a spark, and that led to the platform to catch fire."

How to avoid it: Do not put a pit on a wooden deck and check the bottom

Follow these the fire pit safety tips . Also, never put a home on a wooden deck

Mishap # 4 -. Unplanned Slippin 'and Slidin'
pools, trampolines, playground equipment, volleyball nets and the like it can really boost the fun factor at an outdoor party. But these toys, pools, in particular, can be dangerous. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports drowning as the leading cause of injury and death in children between 1 and 4.

How to avoid: Use common sense
the best way to you, your family and guests safe keeping is to use common sense. "Even simple housekeeping, such as storage of toys and games outside areas where people can trip over them, can make your customers more secure," said Myers. "By using common sense, like not to the net volleyball too close to the grid, can also make a huge difference. "

the CDC has several pool safety tips, including that children learn to swim and be closely supervised when near pools or spas

* Source: 09 study by the Association Hearth, Patio and Barbecue

How to buy a used boat

11:06 AM Add Comment
How to buy a used boat -
Sailboat on the water

During my childhood summers, there was nothing I loved more than spending time our family boat. It may have been little used and in need of some serious TLC, but it gave us years of adventure and family ties.

Today, I realize that all the pleasure I enjoyed at that time had a downside: maintenance, expenses and paperwork, to name a few .

Even if a boat is a pleasure shopping, it requires a lot of work, and the work begins long before you own the boat if you buy used. If you're in the market for a used boat, ensure that the previous owners have kept the boat in good condition and the whole square to logistics. What you want to check before you sign on the dotted line:

  1. Registration: Sometimes the boats do not require registration if they are below a certain size, only used on private water or other criteria determines your state. But if the boat should have, but not a record, chat with the owner who will cover the cost of registering the boat in your name. If it is currently registered, check with your department boating and fishing state to learn how to transfer the recording. (It is generally free or for a small fee.) Also, be aware that there could be tax issues if the boat is not in the state in which it is registered.
  2. Inspection: First ask the current owner if the boat has never been involved in a collision, fire, sinking or other disaster. Inspect the condition of the boat yourself and also get expert advice from a qualified surveyor. If the boat is small and inexpensive, you could skip the investigation, but definitely take the boat for a test drive before committing to buy
  3. Title :. Make sure the title is the record. (. For added confidence, check that the title is listed with the National Vessel Documentation Center) Certain securities could list them on the boat privileges; if so, make sure your purchase contract requires the seller to pay them. Your state can advise you on what documents and signatures are required to transfer the title
  4. Hull Identification Number (HIN) :. HIN If the boat does not match the HIN on the registration and title, the boat could be. stolen, making the transfer or purchase risky
  5. tax privileges: To ensure that there are no tax liens against the boat, check with the office of Secretary of State located in state of residence both the seller and the state of registration ship. As an extra precaution against hidden privileges, contact the US Coast Guard.
  6. How much will it cost to make: A boat is not a small purchase, and you may want to protect your investment with insurance that covers damage and liability. (Even smaller boats to risks of liability.) Talk to your agent ERIE to see how it can cost to provide the boat you are considering. He or she can answer any questions you have related to you and your investment protected keep.
  7. Purchase Agreement. Protect yourself by putting contingencies such as obtaining financing and pass inspection in writing
  8. Bill of sale: It's finally official! Just make sure the vendor name appears on the sales invoice exactly as it does on the title and registration.

By following these steps, you open the way for a smooth sale and years of smooth sailing and good memories to come.

How named storms impact on your insurance cover

9:04 PM Add Comment
How named storms impact on your insurance cover -
Palm tree in hurricane

Hurricane season is upon us, and forecasters are predicting an active year. Weather reports before you were glued to the TV, here are some things to know about hurricanes, named storms and how all the major storms can affect your insurance coverage.

How hurricanes form

storm goes through several stages before it becomes a hurricane. They include:

  • Tropical cyclones occurs when a group of thunderstorms meet on an ocean. These storms usually come on the tropical water, have a small amount of rotation in the center and winds at or below 39 miles per hour.
  • Tropical storms have the fastest winds (somewhere between 39 and 73 miles per hour) and a cyclonic shape and heavy storms. Tropical Storms can be less powerful than hurricanes, but they can still cause an incredible amount of damage if they reach land.
  • Hurricanes are among the most powerful storms and devastating on the ground. They are divided into five categories, with hurricane winds category from 74 miles per hour and Category Five hurricane winds reaching 157 miles huge or more per hour.

A storm is called a hurricane when it forms over the Atlantic and eastern Pacific Ocean center; a cyclone when it forms on the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean; and a typhoon when it forms on the western Pacific Ocean.

Why hurricanes are named

Names are given to tropical storms and hurricanes to give people a quick reference point and to reduce confusion.

"Unlike other storms, hurricanes can be around for weeks," said Dennis Feltgen, a public affairs specialist and meteorologist for the National Hurricane Center. "We have also been cases where up to five named storms formed simultaneously. For these reasons, we call hurricanes and not other types of storms. "

Some early naming conventions included naming hurricanes after the day of the saint to which they have fallen and the phonetic alphabet. It was not until 1953 that the National Weather Service (NWS) began naming after hurricanes simple, easy to remember the names of women. (the names of the men were then added in 1978).

Today, the NWS maintains six lists of names that rotate every six years. the only exceptions are the 77 names of the most damaging hurricanes to the World Meteorological Organization retired out of respect for the victims and survivors

last year, the Weather Channel (TWC). - a cable television network and private satellite that is completely separated from the NWS announced that it would start naming winter storms. When asked why, they cited many of the same reasons to name hurricanes, namely, easier and more effective way to raise awareness and provide updates on the storm.

The decision was eventually generate a significant reaction. Critics have accused TWC sensationalism weather and override the authority of the NWS. They also criticized the TWC unusual list of names of storms that included Q, Ukko and Xerxes. (The NWS does not recognize these names.)

Today, a Facebook page opposing the decision has more than 1,000 followers.

drama Franchise named storms around

Another reason people are opposed to naming winter storms had to do with the name hurricane deductible clauses in insurance policies. These clauses stipulate that the insurer may require a higher deductible than normal when a weather event becomes a named storm.

While this fear has proved unfounded in relation to winter storms, it always applies to the hurricane and wind damage coverage. Many clauses named-storm deductible work requiring a franchise that is a percentage of a value of a home to 10 percent instead of a fixed amount. This means that rather than pay a deductible of $ 500 or $ 1,000, a house that is assured to the US average of $ 161,100 would pay $ 16.100 if their franchise named storm was 10 percent.

Fortunately for most customers in the path of Superstorm Sandy, the National Hurricane Center said Sandy a post-tropical storm just before it made landfall. This meant the named storm deductible could not be triggered, saving many policyholders big bucks.

With ERIE, you do not have to worry about a named storm deductible.

No Sticker Shock-Named Storm Deductible

10:05 AM Add Comment
No Sticker Shock-Named Storm Deductible -
Radar image of hurricane

Unlike many carriers named storm ERIE franchise is a specific amount rather than a percentage of your owners limit. Instead, you only pay your regular deductible if your home is affected by a named storm or danger deductible you choose.

Peril ERIE franchises are a new option that lets you choose different deductibles for different perils. They are based on two things: how much premium savings you want and how much risk you're willing to remember. These franchises are actual dollar amounts instead of percentages, a good thing because the percentages are more likely to lead to sticker shock when a franchise expires after a major weather event.

"We offer our customers a new option and a new way of managing risk premiums with deductibles," said Joe Vahey, vice president and product manager, Personal Lines. "Customers can choose a deductible dollar amount from $ 250 to $ 10,000 for meteorological events NWS officially names. This includes hurricanes, tropical storms and tropical depressions."

Alternatively, choose deductibles for fire and lightning, hail, theft and vandalism, water and wind.

Not interested in changing your franchise? No worries because you always have the option to keep your original franchise.

"Your ERIE Insurance Agent can you whose franchises are the best solution for you and will impact how different franchises advice show your premium," said Vahey.

ERIE will begin deploying this new option in September 2013 in April 2014, all REA customers will be able to choose their own franchises for these dangers.

Watch a video of the response to 27 ERIE April 2011, Tennessee tornado.

What's new regulations mean for small business

8:03 PM Add Comment
What's new regulations mean for small business -
Chess board

There is much discussion about taxes and regulations, and how changes to the system could have a impact small businesses. Recently, the chatter is also included potential impacts of the Act on affordable health care and reform. But what taxes and regulations really mean to you, your company or small business you work with most often?

We looked for a florist, a mechanic and business owners an insurance agent working with consumers every day -to ask how they handle the new change. We ended up talking to an award-winning designer, find the American dream and learn what it means to be an American entrepreneur. It made it difficult to remember that we wanted to talk about taxes and regulations

In a nutshell, here is how taxes work for a small business :.

  • Tax season is every season for a Company. They pay estimated taxes each quarter on the basis of what they did at the same time the previous year. Sometimes this means a small business owner can pay taxes on income they have not yet been made. (This is especially true if they are a sole proprietor, partnership or S-Corp).
  • Le Petit tax credit for business health care provides a credit on a percentage of the premiums a small business pays on health care for employees. But it was controversial. The credit does not help directly with cash flow, one of the biggest challenges small businesses.
  • Project based or seasonal business owners, as entrepreneurs and repairers, the experience of the fiscal crisis / cash flow even more that companies with stable recurring income. At any time, a company can look rich on paper but have little money to spend, invest or hire.
  • If a small business builds its coffers for an emergency (for example need a new air conditioner for office buildings and retail storefront) or the money to hire a new employee, that savings, if sufficiently high, can be heavily taxed.
  • something that everyone can do to support small businesses is to shop locally. The more you buy in your own community, most small businesses grow, regardless of taxes or regulations.

Enough with the dry substance tax. If you're like us, you will find stories of these amazing individuals much more interesting.

Find the American dream
Tek Collision Keno, Keith Matus
ERIE customers with insurance Sparks, Kenosha, Wis.

Something to design new
Something new florist and events, Joe Mineo
ERIE customer with Chase Agency, Boardman, Ohio

building from scratch
Mike Masters ERIE Agent
Insurance Agency Masters Dunkirk, Ind.

Car seats for children: How to find the best value

7:02 PM Add Comment
Car seats for children: How to find the best value -

Choosing a car seat is incredibly difficult. As a parent for the first time of a 1-yr-old who had outgrown his infant seat, bought the car seat next step was at the top of my "Big decisions I do not know how " listing.

I was relieved when I read that all car seats rated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (almost every car seat on the market) meets federal safety standards.

However, standing in front of screens, I felt like I was shopping for wine. There were expensive choice and choice not so expensive. And very little indication of what was actually "good" or right to my car and my baby. In the end, we went with the Graco MySize 70 so we can keep facing the rear a little more

If you are in the market and need to get the best value. Here is a helpful article you read from the vehicle connection. Remember to check the ease of review by panel practical use of the NHTSA.

Parents and caregivers have many different choices with regard to the choice of car seats to transport their children safely in the family car. How do you find the best value car seat? It all comes down to the selection of car seat that is best for your needs, fits your vehicle and your budget. Among the recommendations ...

Read source

ERIE agents deliver food for Meals on

6:01 PM Add Comment
ERIE agents deliver food for Meals on -

ELMIRA, NY (WETM-18) - home meals have received a gift from a company local insurance Tuesday. A donation of $ 2,500 from Erie Insurance in Elmira transformed into more than 0 meals

Read the original article at the house -. WETM

ERIE ask: Why the premium of my neighbor homeowners insurance does not rise without a complaint

5:00 PM Add Comment
ERIE ask: Why the premium of my neighbor homeowners insurance does not rise without a complaint -

homeowners insurance Pricing is complex and there probably several reasons for your homeowners insurance the premium increase of neighbor. They could include:

1. Inflation: Increases the value of its housing, the other structures on his property and the replacement cost of its property would make up his bonus. "While there is an increase, it is really a good thing because it means that your property is well covered," said Terry McConnell, vice president and director of ERIE, Personal Lines Underwriting.

2. disasters increased :. the increased frequency and severity of disasters over the past five years have made prices more volatile prices that owners of auto insurance since you can not move exactly your home out of danger

Sometimes less meteorological phenomena of interest cause the most damage. "people always think of hurricanes when they think of disasters, but some of our greatest losses from storms, hail, winter storms and tornadoes, "said McConnell.

the insurers adjust prices based on the amount of damage you experienced particular state. If your state does not suffer much, you can usually wait little or no increase.

3. Construction costs of a shortage of materials: Even if a disaster occurs on the other side of the country, it can still have an impact on the rate of owners your neighbor. Indeed, widespread damage causes a shortage of building materials, which increases the price for everyone. (Labor shortage increases the cost of construction projects as well.)

4. Changes in previous reductions: Finally, your neighbor might have seen an increase in his bonus if the owners some of his cuts have been reduced or expired. For example, a new home rebate will decrease as a home years.

ERIE offers many home insurance values ​​and reductions to offset premium increases. * For more information, visit or contact a ERIE Agent .

insurance question you puzzled? Then email for possible inclusion in a future column Ask ERIE.

* Discounts are subject to eligibility criteria and the applicable rates and rules. Actual savings vary.

Your Halloween safety checklist

3:59 PM Add Comment
Your Halloween safety checklist -

I remember that my mother sent me with a hug and a Halloween safety tips to crowd each October 31. It did not take long to learn the Halloween safety drill: Look where I was walking, stick with my group and report to the house just after the candy completed the acquisition

She was right to be cautious after all, reports the National Highway Traffic Safety administration. that Halloween is the most dangerous night of the year for kids to walk the roads.

and there are other Halloween safety hazards such as tripping and fire hazards. It seems I'm much more aware of these risks than I was back then, must be a product being older and wiser.

Fortunately, you can reduce the risk of something going wrong with some precautions. Here is a list of things you want your little candy collectors to have.

The suit

  • A durable travel hem. have children take a test in their costumes, and shorten that may cause a trip. Also make sure they have enough room there to move freely.
  • A mask or a non-limiting headphones. Make sure your trick-or-treater has a full range of vision outside their mask or helmet. (Even better: non-toxic, hypoallergenic face paint.)
  • comfortable shoes. preventing injuries leaving comfort, not kindness, save the day.
  • flexible accessories. Ensure that all swords or other accessories are flexible plastic or made of rubber that folds.
  • fire resistant costumes, wigs and accessories. Check labels to find out for sure.


  • reflective tape. Glue some pieces on the costume of your child so cars will have an easier time locating them.
  • a flashlight with fresh batteries. Winter's coming, and it is dark this time of year. Make sure you have a handy flashlight to light the way.
  • Identification emergency. Fasten your child's name and your phone number and address on a bracelet or in the suit. also store your phone number and know to call 911 in an emergency.

Everything checked? Then let the candy bonanza begins!

Erie Insurance and Rebuilding Together Creating Safe Homes Richmond and Roanoke

2:58 PM Add Comment
Erie Insurance and Rebuilding Together Creating Safe Homes Richmond and Roanoke -

The sounds of hammers, saws and electric drills filled four homes in Richmond Roanoke, Virginia recently, as an employee, agent and client volunteers Erie Insurance has teamed up with the organization Rebuilding Together to make repairs to the house, the security changes and energy efficiency improvements for local owners.

Rebuilding Together is a nonprofit organization that rehabs homes for low-income homeowners across the country. Updates included caulking doors and windows, installation of handrails, improved lighting, electrical repairs and minor plumbing, and securing external doors

Three houses in total -. Two in Richmond and Roanoke - have been renovated. To mark Veterans Day in Roanoke, ERIE improved the home of the widow of a veteran. In spring, the team will work on another house of a local veterinarian.

"Rebuilding Together works all year to raise awareness of the plight of homeowners and low-income American communities struggling to stabilize and preserve their homes and neighborhoods," said Amy King, executive director of Rebuilding Together Richmond. "with the generous support of sponsors such as Erie Insurance, we were able to make significant improvements in the homes and lives of local residents for the past 21 years."

in Richmond, Agents Doug Cox Cornerstone insurance, Ken Kenneth Forti Forti insurance, Rob Thurston Heare and Heare insurance, Gene Lastfogel Virginia insurance services, Kevin Perry insurance Group Dyeco Sumser and Todd James River insurance have ERIE employees joined for the day.

in Roanoke, customer ERIE Ryan Richards Richards Landscaping, joined local employees for construction.

Shirley Roop, whose house was renovated in Roanoke, joked renovations, "I just know the water bill will go up because every time I walk through the tap, I want to turn" .

Tips to avoid car sickness

1:57 PM Add Comment
Tips to avoid car sickness -
Family in vehicle smiling

Millions of Americans take the road this season and holidays many will suffer from car sickness. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent and treat the disease car. Here are some "fixed" the coach Lauren Fix car.

Read Article Source Lauren Fix, The Car Coach Car

Do you know your responsibility to host liquor?

12:56 PM Add Comment
Do you know your responsibility to host liquor? -
Wine Glasses

As the host of the party, you probably do not want to think about your potential alcohol responsibility. But it is something you'll want to consider planning your party gets under way this holiday season.

Indeed, most states hold party hosts that offer excessive alcohol to their customers responsible for the actions of those people behind the wheel. In these states, any person injured by a drunk driver has the right to sue the host of the party that served alcohol. Sometimes criminal charges can even apply.

Recommendations on how to host your holiday party

This does not mean you have to call your party. Instead, by keeping a few things in mind can significantly reduce your exposure to liability of the social reception liquor.

  • Limit invited to consider people you know and seriously made the cut of your list anyone usually overindulges.
  • Encourage guests to pick a designated driver before they arrive.
  • Serve lots of soft drinks and food to help counter the effects of alcohol.
  • have activities such as dancing or during games that do not involve alcohol.
  • Stop serving alcohol well before the end of the game.
  • Offer to call a taxi or be the designated driver for anyone who appears. intoxicated

to limit your exposure to more alcohol responsibility, consider:

  • Hosting the event in a restaurant or bar that has a license to alcohol rather than at home.
  • Hiring a professional bartender. More may be better able to recognize the signs of intoxication and it is easier to cut someone you do not know. This is especially true if a bartender ended ServSafe® alcohol program.

In the final caution, review your homeowners or renters policy. It can provide coverage for damages claimed by a person injured by a guest of the party.

For more information on liability insurance, contact an ERIE Agent in your community.

What about your holiday office party?

your holiday office party presents some difficult situations as well. Check out our infographic to learn more about what is good, what is bad and the ugly on holiday office parties.

Improve your business: Boost Accountability

11:55 AM Add Comment
Improve your business: Boost Accountability -

several years, I was looking for a way to improve my business to take the "next level" proverbial you might say.

mission statement of our agency is "service tomorrow today." I thought we did a very good job at it ... but something was missing.

We are all familiar with the companies we work every day. (in my case, he sold insurance.) But we are not always aware of how to improve them and how to give our customers the service they deserve.

In my experience, you can really work to improve your interactions staff members among themselves and with your hard-earned customers. Here is how we did.

responsibility and measures are essential

Our process began with increasing responsibility. I found that the fight against this problem is like fixing a leaky faucet . you start to solve the obvious problem, and when you finish, you have touched every inch of plumbing in your entire home

It has been said that "you can not manage what you can not not measure. "on the baseline of the industry, my agency was good that we did. But I realize now that the benchmarks are set by others who are just "good" as well.

Once I understood, I made a concerted effort to bring the total responsibility to our office, our customers and our suppliers. As you can imagine, it was not very popular with my staff. Some changes included:

  • requiring employees to store their cell phones and other electronic devices in a tray until break time
  • phone conversations registration and the play randomly team meetings to learn. a member of the team has handled a call. *
  • Teaching clients how easy managing online applications.
  • Letting go of accounts that have produced little profit, but many headaches.

The figures speak for themselves

I am happy to say this experiment worked. During a period of two years, we have seen

  • An increase of 13.7 per cent of income
  • A reduction in payroll of more than 16 percent
  • An increase of 25 percent in compensation for 12 of the 15 employees who stayed with us

income produced per employee increased by more than 50 percent, which placed us 25 percent over the industry benchmark for income per employee. I believe this because the staff who have remained are true members of the team have a new bonus system that rewards to please our customers, confirming our mission statement and be really responsible.

Now it's your turn

Have you taken a good hard look at your business lately? If so, is the image of the company that you hold in your mind really exists, or you need to improve your business? If you see any leaks in your plumbing, it may be time for repairs before your competitors set their first leaks.

David Ballard is president of Franklin Insurance Agency in Franklin, Pa. It's just one of the agents ERIE and small business owners operating more than 2,175 independent insurance agencies in 11 states and the District of Columbia.

* Before starting a telephone conversation monitoring or recording program, be sure to consider the legal requirements in your state and the state where your customers reside. Federal law and all states require the consent of at least one party to a conversation to record the conversation. Some states require the consent of all parties. Remember to obtain consent from those of your employees who will make or receive calls.

Join adolescence Safe Driving Program ERIE

10:54 AM Add Comment
Join adolescence Safe Driving Program ERIE -

Seven schools and students in these schools will share $ 20,000 in cash and prizes with Shift, a teen driving contest away from REA. Now in its second year, Maj encourages teenagers to creatively share safe driving tips and experiences with their peers.

Teens who participated in Maj points earned by completing activities such as signing a commitment safely pilot, creating and voting on safe -Driver videos, and sharing messages safe driving with their peers. Teenagers with the most points won cash prizes for themselves and their schools. (Just a winning student was Josh Hollin Barbara Ingram School of Arts Listen to his original song "Red Lights (Slow It Down)" above.!)

The winning schools and prices include:

1. Barbara Ingram School of Arts
Hagerstown, Md., $ 10,000

2. Thousand Islands High School
Clayton, NY, $ 2.500

3. Mountain View Junior / Senior High School
Kingsley, Pa., $ 1000

4 . Roxana School
Roxana, Ill., $ 1000

5. Chester High School
Chester, Ill., $ 1000

6. Punxsutawney Area High School
Punxsutawney, Pa., $ 1000

7. Williamstown High School
Williamstown, W. Va., $ 1000

the first and second spot winning students received $ 1 500 and $ 500, respectively. Other student winners received $ 50 Amazon gift cards.

"The objectives of our contest were to raise awareness of safe driving practices and we hope to reduce the number of injuries among adolescents and deaths that occur each year," said Megan Euston, Shift Program Administrator Erie Insurance. "We were delighted with the level of participation."

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), nearly 16,000 adolescents ages in the United States aged 16 to 19 died in accidents car from 07 to 2011. Erie Insurance worked with IIHS to conduct an exclusive analysis of crash data from the US Department of Transportation to show how states compare in terms of relative danger of deaths from car accidents when teens are behind the wheel.

Teddy Bear Toss for Vanderbilt Basketball game helps children

9:53 PM Add Comment
Teddy Bear Toss for Vanderbilt Basketball game helps children -

When you think of basketball, you do not often think of teddy bears.

Yet you would if you were in the women's basketball game Vanderbilt University on December 21

This was when the annual Teddy Bear Toss took place. The event invites fans to make, then launch, brand new teddy bear on a target in the center of the court. For a few frantic minutes, fans are competing to land their bears in the center and win a set of Vanderbilt price.

The real winners, however, are the sick children in the community. After the draw, the Bears were picked so that the team basketball women Vanderbilt could personally deliver them to children who spend the holidays at the Hospital of Monroe Carell Jr. Children at Vanderbilt University .

This year, ERIE got into the action by being the title sponsor of the game on 21 December. Agents and employees in Tennessee also conducted a separate drive to benefit the children spend the holidays in the hospital.

"There were literally hundreds of teddy bears collected during the draw as well as many additional donations ERIE agents and employees," said Lindsay Tisdale, a senior specialist business support.

21 Inspiring Quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr.

8:52 PM Add Comment
21 Inspiring Quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr. -

Martin Luther King, Jr., was one of the greatest orators of the 20th century with quotes like, "We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope." (This despite the fact that it took a C + to speak in public!)

as we remember his life and legacy during this national holiday, it is worth reflecting on some of his most memorable words. Here are some to uplift and inspire you. (If you're feeling particularly moved, consider sharing your dream the King Center website.)

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chicken wings for the Super Bowl? If better

7:51 PM Add Comment
chicken wings for the Super Bowl? If better -

Why wait until Sunday? I'll start my chicken wing consumption tonight. As for the cheese dip, however, it seems that I can still wait ...

What is your favorite dish of football? Leave us a comment on Facebook


With great weekend for the wings of the impending consumption, industry and chicken restaurants are ready

Read the article source.

Infographic: 8 Tips for Safe Sledding Season

5:49 PM Add Comment
Infographic: 8 Tips for Safe Sledding Season -
An Ode to Sledding Safety
Start by making sure to wear lots of clothes, add extra to keep you warm and dry when it snows.
Parents, you'll have one less thing about which to fret if you make your kids wear some sturdy helmets.
Use sleds with runners and steers, they make it easier to switch gears.
Make sure to choose the right spot, not one that ends in a street, pond, drop off, or lot.
Keep hands and feet tucked safely inside, from the very start to the stop of the ride.
Don't go head first, backwards, or belly flop, doing so makes it way too hard to stop.
Pass on the snow disk and toboggan, they both make it more likely you'll hurt your noggin.
Never attach a sled to the back of a snowmobile, ATV, or vehicle, if you have an accident, changes are it could be lethal.
Most blunders happen to children 14 and under and 34 percent involve the head. These stats show why you need to take precautions when riding a sled.
By keeping these tips in mind while you sled, you'll be able to enjoy your hobby for years ahead.
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