Save money to repay the loan debt students

3:09 PM
Save money to repay the loan debt students -

How do you repay your student loan debt?

As a mother of seven children who are young adults and college, I know what it's like to struggle to pay for school and manage student loan debt.

Be free student loan debt

I believe that anyone can be free of the anxiety of the student loan debt and pay by following steps to save the 'money.

the key is to free up funds to put towards retirement these debts. It is also important to write a check (or make a payment online) to the ready when you save money.

Otherwise, your hard work in cutting back will only get reabsorbed into the family expenses.

Here are some key areas where you can start to achieve this.

Save in your community

Start saving adventure close to home by supporting your schools and local businesses

  • school discount cards -. Help your favorite student by buying their discount card schools, almost all schools offer as part of their fundraisers.Each card costs around $ 10 and is good at dozens of local businesses to save money on things like the oil changes, dry cleaning, haircuts, pizza and more, depending on the card. We saved loads to "buy one / get one free" offers a local cafe. My friends wondered why I chose the same spot every time we met to java but I saved $ 350 a year!
  • offers a coupon book and costs between $ 25 and $ 45. Overview coupon book for your area first. You'll save on movie theaters, theme parks, sporting events, and in local stores. The average reported total savings of books is $ 17,000. If you redeem 25% there would be annual savings of $ 4,250. Even a mere10% Redemption is a savings of $ 1700 per year to put towards student debt

Save On Eating Out

Some families eat more often due to time or travel . Others like to dine out at least once a week to have quality time and family fun.

Whatever your reason, you can save a lot of money in this area by implementing simple ideas.

  • Facebook and Twitter - Follow the local restaurants and cafes to get real-time alerts on daily specials and giveaways. For example, my daughter in college, Bethany, following his fave cupcake shop on Twitter and gets a word of the day for a free feast
  • Share and Save -. Split a meal with your partner or friend and for an appetizer to share as well. Drink water instead of soda. You will have a healthy wallet and waistline
  • local newspaper -. See the Lifestyle section of your paper to "buy food / get one free" offers and special days for special offers
  • - Want to try a new restaurant but do not want to pay full price? Go to, a site that emits printable gift certificates. paying $ 10 for a $ 15 gift certificate for $ 25. We usually buy these on sale for only $ 3 to save even more. Go to or for coupon codes for sales. the average restaurant bill for a family of four is $ 86. a weekly economy is 43 x 52 weeks or $ 2236 $ annually.

save on insurance

by investing 15 minutes of searching, you can save hundreds of dollars on premiums.

Homeowners policies - Raise the deductibles to at least 3% of the total value of the house and make sure to make the replacement value of the dwelling

Call your provider and tell them. you are considering moving to another company and voila! Suddenly, they are eager to help you reduce premiums to keep your business.

If your bank pays your policy, this could reduce your monthly payments. Most people who do their research can save $ 250 per year

Auto - .. Go to superior research site as and get several different quotes policies

Armed with the info, make a phone call to your current provider to request all discounts that your company can offer to match the best price

Discounts vary by business and state but here is a sample of the possibilities :.

  • Bundling to combine the owners and auto policy with the same support
  • Smoking
  • Good students (a and B honor)
  • car alarm systems
  • Storage of vehicle in a garage against the wearing of the car or in the street
  • Stay home note for vehicles driven by moms or dads who stay at home
  • safety course Drivers taken to keep a ticket to appear on your driving record.

The average savings for those who spend policies is $ 500 per year.

Save With good credit

A good FICO (Fair Isaac credit scores) can literally save you thousands of dollars each year on not only the auto and mortgage rates APR but a variety of other areas as well.

, including auto insurance premiums if you pay a deposit for utilities, and much more, even if you can get the promotion or job for many employers check FICOS.

Each spouse must work on their own because they are FICOS separate notes.

you can improve your FICO in just a few months by following three simple steps :.

  • payment on time - Set up automatic online payments for each bill so you're never late
  • pay more - Even $ 5 to $ 10 more than the minimum balance will show you pay the debt
  • pay proportionality - also known as credit utilization . Even if you pay your monthly cards, make sure you do not have over 50% of available credit viewed on a map. Therefore, a card with a $ 5,000 limit should never have more than $ 2,500 charged on it at some point.

Remember that every time you save money, pay off that debt.

For example, if you save $ 500 on your auto premium, a $ 500 check for your student loan.

There is a saying, "If you aim for nothing you'll hit every time" (tweet this) So, aim to become free of worries by taking positive steps to save money and. repay your student loans.

Where will you start saving today to pay your debt tomorrow?

Source of Image: thomashawk

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