Taxable and non-taxable income: What is the difference

9:16 PM
Taxable and non-taxable income: What is the difference -

Taxable vs. Nontaxable Income: What’s the Difference? - TaxAct Blog

If you receive money, goods or services, you may have to pay tax on the value of what you receive as taxable income.

This is true for the money you earn, and the interest and dividends you receive on your investments. Unless the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) specifically describes a type of non-taxable income ... you pay tax on it.

Here is a quick breakdown of the various forms of income you can receive, and if they are generally taxable or nontaxable

earned income

taxable :. You pay tax on wages, salaries and tips. Bonuses are taxable and included on your W-2 form. Cash paid "under the table" is taxable, even if you do not receive a 1099-MISC to report it.

Jury duty can not pay to much, but it is always taxable, unless you turn to your employer in exchange for continuing to receive pay wages

. Earned income is taxable, even if it is generated from your favorite pastime. You can deduct expenses of hobby income, but only up to the amount of your hobby income

nontaxable :. Your employer may offer benefits that you do not need to include in taxable income.

For example, the cost of life insurance up to $ 50,000, aid for qualified adoption, children and dependent care benefits and contributions you made to health insurance can not be subject to taxes.

income given or paid to you by other people

taxable: received support payments are considered taxable income. Moreover judicial rewards you receive lost wages and punitive damages and business are subject to taxes

nontaxable :. Gifts, regardless of size, are generally not taxable to the recipient. The donor can gift up to $ 14,000 without being taxed too. combat pay and child support are examples of non-taxable income.

The damage you bodily injury, illness or emotional distress and did not take an itemized deduction for medical expenses related to injury or illness in previous years, the full amount is non-taxable.

However, you must include in your income the portion of the settlement that is for medical expenses you deducted in a year before the extent that deductions have provided a tax benefit.

retirement and disability income

taxable: you pay tax on retirement and disability income if you do not already pay tax on contributions or if you do not pay premiums receive income.

you also have to pay tax on withdrawals from a traditional IRA or 401 (k) plan because you contributed pre-tax regime. You also pay tax on disability benefits for which your employer paid the premiums.

Up to 85 percent of your income from Social Security may be taxable if your income is above certain levels.

nontaxable: you do not pay tax on the disability income if you paid the premiums yourself, or if the benefits are connected to government service. You also do not pay tax on the Roth-like pension plans, which you contributed to the use of after-tax dollars.

If you rely mostly on Social Security benefits for income, your benefits may be taxable.

investment income

taxable: Interest and dividend income is taxable income unless specifically exempted

nontaxable :. Municipal bonds are nontaxable on your federal return. Dividends that are a return of capital are not subject to tax, as opposed to dividends from profits

Revenues from the sale of assets

taxable :. Your gain from the sale of an asset is generally taxable. Your gain is usually your base (the amount you paid for an asset) minus the amount you received when you sold.

For example, if you buy a stock for $ 100 and sell it for $ 0 (after expenses Sales), you have a gain of $ 100 ($ 0 - $ 100 = 100). You also pay tax on your gain from the sale of commercial property, stocks and bonds, real estate investment, collectibles and personal items that have increased in value.

You may need to adjust your basis for other items. For example, you reduce your basis for any depreciation you take on a commercial asset. You increase your basis for additional expenses such as major improvements

nontaxable :. One of the best breaks in the tax code is when you sell your home, you may not have to pay tax on the first $ 250,000 of gain ($ 500,000 if filing jointly).

you must own and live in the home for two of the last five years to have this be nontaxable gain, and you should not have taken this exclusion the two years before the sale of the house.

If you receive money from a garage sale, you generally do not need to report sales because most garage sale items are sold for less than their original cost.


taxable: Gambling winnings are taxable. However, you can deduct gambling losses if you itemize your deductions. Unemployment benefits are fully taxable

nontaxable :. If you receive an inheritance, it is not taxable. The estate of inheritance taxes paid before it gives money to all heirs. But if interest or other income generated by cash inherited is taxable.

income Have you received you took was nontaxable such as unemployment benefits, and later found out that you had to include it in taxable income?

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