8 Preventive Services Under Obamacare free

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8 Preventive Services Under Obamacare free -

8 Preventive Services Free Under Obamacare - TaxACT

As the saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

and now, thanks to the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), taking steps to ward off illness and disease has never been easier.

All Market Plans are needed to cover a specific range of preventive services with no co-pays or co-insurance, whether or not your annual deductible has been met.

as you see a network provider, ask them the following, you should take to ensure that your best possible health -. and your peace of mind

1. Immunization vaccines for adults

Vaccinations are not just for kids! Adults of all ages need to protect against infectious - and often fatal -. Diseases

In addition to a vaccine against the annual flu, routine immunizations include hepatitis A and B, HPV (human papilloma virus), MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), DPT ( diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus), and chickenpox.

recommended vaccinations depend on your age, personal health, and lifestyle.

2. Blood Pressure Screening

This is an important test to get because hypertension usually has no signs or symptoms. It can not be detected is measured, and catch it early and control, it can reduce your risk of stroke, heart disease and kidney failure.

3. Detecting depression

Depression is a common condition, but severe that affects millions of adults each year, and can greatly affect your health.

The good news is, it can be treated so if you think you might be depressed, talk to your doctor. Screening can help you understand the disease and the steps you can take to overcome them, and feel better.

4. HIV testing among adults aged 15 to 65

If you are sexually active, it is essential to have yourself tested, for your own safety and your partner. How often you should get tested depends on your risk of infection by HIV.

The ACA also offers free prevention counseling and screening for other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

5. Obesity Screening and Counseling

last June, the American Medical Association has recognized obesity as a disease requiring intervention for the treatment and prevention.

Obesity , which is determined by measuring BMI (body mass index), can lead to conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes , sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis.

free diet advice is also available for adults at high risk of chronic disease. Consulting a physician or other health care professional about this issue is the first step to safely reach a healthy weight.

6. Type 2 Diabetes Screening

One of the main causes of disability and death in the United States, diabetes , if untreated, can lead serious health problems such as blindness, kidney disease, and nerve damage.

Your doctor may use one of several tests that measure your level of blood sugar to screen for the disease and, if necessary, provide an effective plan to prevent diabetes, or inform you of how to manage the disease if you are diagnosed.

7. Colorectal cancer screening for adults over 50

Nobody likes the idea of ​​preparing for this test, but the fact is, colon cancer is 0 percent curable if caught early. Because of the amount of bacteria and immune cells in the large intestine, the organ is particularly vulnerable to cancer -. And the risk increases with age

Although colonoscopy is the gold standard of colorectal screens, there are other types of tests, ask your health care provider which one is good for you. If colon cancer in your family, your doctor may recommend you to take the test at an early age.

8. Tobacco screening

smoking continues to be the leading preventable cause of death and illness in the United States, and from this year, the ACA requires most plans to cover intervention and cessation programs for all adults.

not only causes lung smoking and other types of cancer, but also contributes to heart disease, stroke, and even cataracts, so it's not hard to see why quit is one of the best things you can do for your health.

to learn more, go to GetInsured.com or call 855-224-9212 for help finding the best plan for you.

photo credit: Amaury Henderick via photopin cc

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