persistent myths about reforming health care

8:51 PM
persistent myths about reforming health care -

Persisting Myths About Health Care Reform

What are the most persistent myths about the Affordable Care Act?

The answer to this question depends on who asks and who is to answer the question.

so many myths have persisted for so long it is difficult to distinguish what might seem like a really crazy myth (as the law contains death panels-which it does not) of what is going just to be a common myth (as the law will increase the deficit and current estimates show that it could actually reduce the deficit).

Nobody says grandmother has to die

no death panels in the Affordable Care Act, but the myth seems to have the staying power because he was recently repeated on national television.

but before the myth was repeated many Americans already believed, as a poll showed earlier this year.

The Kaiser Family Foundation, an independent organization providing news and analysis of health, reported in March that 40% of Americans and 35% of executives citizens erroneously believed that the ACA allows a government committee to make life and death decisions about Medicare beneficiaries.

In truth, there are no death panels and no one asks the grandmother died.

at the end of 09, PolitiFact, a website that evaluates political lies, awarded this myth lies the Year award.

repeated myths persist

other myths that seem to persist include a belief that the ACA creates a health plan run by the government.

Kaiser survey in March found that the majority of Americans (57%) mistakenly believe this myth.

In fact, a so-called "public option" was proposed in the initial versions of the ACA, but was later abandoned, Kaiser reported.

Kaiser also found that nearly half (47%) of Americans meet its investigation raw spring in the myth that the law would allow undocumented immigrants to obtain tax subsidies to help to buy health insurance.

But, in fact, undocumented immigrants are not eligible for such financial support.

Keep your plan and your doctor?

most 80% of Americans who have health care employer-sponsored plans and keep their doctors.

But other Americans may not be as lucky.

The Washington Post reported that some 7 million 12 million Americans who currently get their health insurance on the private market, which means they do not have employer-sponsored coverage could get notice of cancellation of their health insurers.

claim that you can keep your doctor is a myth, too, and for similar reasons.

Again, 80% of Americans who have coverage sponsored by the employer are likely to keep their doctors. But those who choose a health plan network of narrow and anyone whose plan is canceled may need to find a new doctor.

Does the ACA increase the deficit? CBO Says No

One last myth to address is the effect of the health legislation on the deficit. This common prediction is based on the fact that the government provides tax subsidies to encourage uninsured people to register

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated earlier that the ACA would reduce the deficit of $ 109 billion.

Then, in early December, the New York Times reported CBO estimates showing Medicare spending in 2020 would be $ 137 billion less than previously thought, due in part to the ACA.

further, Medicaid costs would be cut by $ 85 billion and even private health insurance premiums decrease by 9%, the Times

A final question

so, the question is as follows :.

What have you heard of the ACA that you can not say is fact or fiction

photo credit: h.koppdelaney via photopin cc

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