Job Interviewing for a new millennium

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Job Interviewing for a new millennium -

Job Interviewing for a New Millennial | TaxACT

What can you do to hit a home run on your next job interview?

With graduations upon us, it is a natural time to start preparing for job interviews. The job market is flooded with candidates of the millennial generation who are vying for the same position.

At 7.5%, the unemployment rate is at its lowest level since 08, so the possibilities are there. Tweet this!

In the household Kay, our children were naturally prepared for grilling questions through our habit to ask them about their day every night at dinner.

"What was something good about your day?"

"What did you do at school?"

"What was something wrong about your day?"

They were obviously more to come some days than others, but usually more natural for them to talk about their experiences.

This easily translates to job interviews, where potential employers ask both conventional and unconventional issues.

you've probably heard of the most common questions, such as those relating to your story, why you are interested and your strengths and weaknesses.

But every now and then, you'll have. common question disguised as a rare

Here are five issues disguised common interview:

1. "What was your best moment MacGyver? "

When the interviewer asks a question similar to this, they are really looking for examples of your adaptability and ingenuity.

have you ever had unconventional assignments or homework projects where you do not have common resources? This is a good time to talk.

2. "How many employees does it take to screw in a bulb? "

This is a unique way to see where you stand to be a team player and if you have problem-solving skills.

most careers have good amount of group projects, so that investigators want to see if you are a lone wolf ( "just one. me. ") or if you can work with others (" As much as it takes to do this effectively. ")

3." What is the name of our receptionist? "

This could also be a question about something or someone else in the building.

the interviewer is looking to see if you are observant, paying attention and have a good memory.

Just be aware of your surroundings and you'll be ready for that matter.

4. "If you were in the NBA, what position do you play?"

Believe it or not, you are not obliged to follow the sport to correctly answer this question.

the interviewer wants to know if you are a leader or team player and ready to contribute immediately.

Focusing on the responses that show your willingness to do anything for the team / company.

5. "If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be?"

This is a good opportunity to talk about a variety of things, from your hobbies to which you enjoy. It may be a current or past number, but should be someone that you really admire.

This is a great way for you to tell the interviewer and ease any tension or awkwardness.

What will you do to prepare for your next job interview

photo credit: Victor1558 via photopin cc

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