Budgeting: Why only spending less is not your answer

2:57 PM
Budgeting: Why only spending less is not your answer -

Budgeting - TaxACT

Looking for ways to cut costs and save each week

[1945001?] are you budgeting on a weekly and monthly basis?

if you spend less or try to make more money when budgeting?

you can turn the heat down, grow your own vegetables, pick up children's clothing at garage sales, take your lunch to work every day of the year.

at some point, though, you can reduce spending so much, for so long.

In fact, if you focus your energy on saving money, and do not try to increase your cash flow, you might lock yourself into watching every penny when budgeting -. perhaps for the rest of your life

You can not skimp your way into prosperity.

In fact, when money is tight, people often struggle to fix things and spend money where they really should

dental checkups and maintenance the car are easy to put off, and any breaks in the house can stay that way

deferred maintenance really does not save money .. - it just puts off for later, when repairs will probably cost more.

Trying to live in reduction mode severe costs for too long can be tiring, too.

Eventually someone will fall your family budget, or at least become very difficult to live!

a way to think about budgeting is that going on a diet to lose weight.

Cutting a few hundred calories a day can help. If you cut too many calories, however, your body starts to close.

Either you start to burn far fewer calories per day, or you feel like you're starving and RAID refrigerator.

It is inevitable.

make money without looking at the spending will not work either

Before deleting your budget spreadsheets and decide to work only to make more money, however, consider what happens when people go too far in the other direction.

analogy of the diet is true, again. You can burn 500 calories on a nice, long run. That beats trying to cut another 500 calories to your daily intake.

However, if you use your race as license to eat a piece of cake, washed down with a large latte mocha, you are worse than when you started.

Whatever you win, you can always spend more than if you're not careful.

How to make more money

If you decide to work on the side income from your budget, you have many choices on how to do it.

For example, some people may start by selling something they own and possibly make a few hundred dollars per month on eBay or Craigslist buying and selling things.

to other people, just working more hours, or adding a part-time job may be all they need to do.

Even if jobs are scarce in your area, people still need services rendered. Find something people need, you're good, and you're in business.

Maybe it is housekeeping or childcare or after-school tutoring.

Make sure you use your special skills. You will be happier and you will make more money this way.

For the long term, work on increasing your earning potential.

If you're stuck in a late career dead end, what do you do about it - today

If you have access to a free library, you can learn how to start a business , improve your professional skills, or ask for a better job

[1945001?] you can take classes at a community college or online.

most career goals can be achieved one step at a time.

For example, if you want to be a nurse, consider starting as a nursing assistance or licensed practical nurses (LPNs) while you get more education.

If you want to start a restaurant, first try to work in one, maybe a second job.

No step is too small if you take it in the right direction

everybody agrees -. we all need to keep our spending under control

However, taking steps to increase your income is often easier and more. productive than trying to reduce your budget to almost nothing

the best way -. in fact, the only way - to make a budget work is to optimize revenues and expenses until you find a way to cope with current spending and work to your financial goals

do you think you spend more or less money than your parents did, adjusted for inflation

photo credit:.? Ed Callow [ torquespeak ] via photopin cc

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