Weekly Favorites: Stop overpay the IRS, and more

5:48 PM
Weekly Favorites: Stop overpay the IRS, and more -

TaxACT Weekly Favorites March 14 2014

weekly TaxACT Favorites: March 14, 2014

Stop overpay the IRS

via Kay Bell Bankrate.com

repayment of the average federal tax deposit this season is $ 3,034. The Internal Revenue Service says that most taxpayers get refunds annually. The size of the average tax refund is probably the main reason why so intentionally too much money withheld from their pay. Basically, they see their source of payroll as a forced savings account that they can not loot until they file their tax returns. Continue reading ...

6 things to know about pre-existing conditions and health insurance

via Sally Herigstad

You have heard now that the companies "Medicare can deny you coverage because you have a preexisting condition, thanks to the affordable care Act (ACA). This sounds like good news, and for many people it is. It is not quite that simple, however. Continue reading ...

IRA Contribution Window Closing Soon

via Sheyna Steiner on Bankrate.com

Planning to make a contribution to an IRA for the year of 2013 taxation? Better act quickly because the IRA contribution window will close soon. The deadline is April 15th is fast approaching. The contribution limit for 2013 and 2014 is $ 5,500. People over age 50 get to save an extra $ 1,000 a year before they bail out of the workplace. Continue reading ...

Credit: Giovanni 'jjjohn Orlando via photopin cc

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