Miss date health insurance purchase limit? Maybe not!

3:34 PM
Miss date health insurance purchase limit? Maybe not! -

Miss the deadline to purchase health insurance? Maybe not! - TaxACT

April 15th marked the no-kidding around the end of the first open enrollment period for the signing of a new plan health care through the affordable care Act (ACA)

Obama administration (and many states) has extended by two weeks of leeway to those who (honor Scout) began signing before March 31 deadline, but ran into a snag -. -Be can they got stuck in a technical vortex because of the last minute surge or could not get through the phone.

This is all the people is the message until the next open enrollment, which does not begin before mid-November. . . unless you are in one of these three situations. In this case, you can get a second chance.

1. You are experiencing personal difficulties

If you have not completed your registration due to a significant disruption of life - a natural disaster, for example, or a catastrophic personal issue such as domestic violence or a serious illness - you may qualify for an extra 60 days to get a plan in place.

to seek a special registration extension, telephone the federal call center at (800) 318-2596 or exchange your state for more information.

2. You are eligible for Medicaid

There have been some misconceptions that 31 March was the last day to sign up for Medicaid, the federal health care program for low-income Americans, which was recently expanded in many states.

In fact, there is no deadline to the signing of this program

you can know if you qualify and register at any moment -. also why CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) -. no limit pressure

3. You have a qualifying event this year

If in the time between the end of the first registration period (March 31) and the start of the end of the year (could be from November 15), married, divorced and losing your coverage be cause you were dependent on the level of a spouse, laid off from a job that has ensured the coverage- age, or adopt or have children, you may qualify to register for health insurance.

In the market, this special registration window usually runs 60 days from the time of the event.

If any of these three situations apply to you, you're still not completely without a paddle insurance Creek.

There are other products in the short term health insurance, you can study as to short term medical (STM), which provides coverage for a limited period of time, usually up 'to six months, or accidental medical insurance (which provides coverage for you or your children in the event of accidental injury, including, for example, recreational activities).

However, these plans are often expensive, do not cover pre-existing medical conditions and, be-because they do not offer minimum essential benefits required by ACA, leaving you open to a possible penalty and ineligible for tax subsidies.

These could be ok palliative measures to help protect against unexpected illness and ac-cidents. A better bet: Get ready to hit the ground running next November

For more information, go to GetInsured.com or call 855-224-9212 for help to find the best. . plan for you

photo credit: a.drian via photopin cc

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