Curb this road rage!

9:04 PM
Curb this road rage! -

Angry driver Last week another person was killed in a rage incident while driving in New Mexico, shot in cold blood. This sad event is remarkable especially because the victim was a sweet, innocent child of four years. According statistics, at least 218 people were killed in road rage incidents over the past seven years; another 12,000 more were injured. Two thirds of road accidents are caused by aggressive driving

Aggression is often offset by the attack, which causes escalating tensions. Half of the drivers who are at the receiving end of aggressive behavior, such as honking, rude gestures, or tailgating admit respond with aggressive behavior. Think twice the next time you are tempted to take revenge or to degenerate because 37% of aggressive driving incidents involving a firearm .

Jayleen R. heft of talks about these and other statistics in his article, the drivers Scary! What you need to know about road rage. In the article, she made a distinction between aggressive driving and road rage - although often blurred the lines:

"Although the definition of road rage is complex and varies jurisdiction, in general, the difference between aggressive driving and road rage is that aggressive driving is a traffic offense while road rage is a criminal offense. at present, the Administration of the security national road Administration (NHTSA) defines aggressive driving as occurring when "an individual commits a combination of moving traffic offenses to endanger other persons or property."

Moreover, road rage is generally defined as "assault with a motor vehicle or other dangerous weapon by the operator of a vehicle or passenger (s) to another person, when assault was precipitated by an incident that occurred on a roadway. Road rage requires a willful disregard and deliberate the safety of others. "

If you have a rage incident driving on your file, it is "a serious red flag" that, at a minimum, cause higher insurance rates. Not only it will be harder and more expensive to get coverage if you have accidents that result from your road rage, you may have difficulty all claims associated because rage is often listed as an exclusion in the many auto policies.

Article Heft offers a laundry list of driving behaviors that would be considered aggressive, such as tailgating, making hand gestures to other drivers, using the paths or shoulders to pass emergency and the unnecessary use of high beams.

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Driving experts say that in addition to safe driving and courteous, it is very important not to escalate an situation or retaliate in any way. You have no idea who the other driver is, they have a weapon, and to what extent they will take a position. You can not control them or their behavior - but you can control your own character and your own behavior. For some, it may take practice. Heft's article offers some great tips to help you avoid the rage of meetings and driving. We reprint an abridged version here:

  • Do not assume other drivers are bad. Sometimes people make mistakes, or they could be driving more slowly for a reason.
  • Do not honking insistently. It is really annoying and increases the stress level of everyone.
  • If someone hounded, not to aggravate you and the other driver playing cat and mouse with your speed. Move off the road and let the other driver pass you.
  • Crank some tunes, not the engine. Try to listen to music because it can help you stay calm.
  • Leave a space to shoot around the car in front of you. Leaving a margin for maneuver can reduce vulnerability if the driver in front of you becomes aggressive.
  • Try not to run late. When you are in a hurry, your patience is short, and you are much more likely to become serious.
  • Avoid cutting off other drivers in traffic.
  • Signal several hundred feet before changing lanes or making a turn.
  • Avoid making gestures or eye contact with another driver.
  • Be courteous in the use of high beam.
  • Obey speed limits.
  • Drive in the right or the middle path; pass on the left
  • Stop at stop signs and red lights. do not run yellow lights.
  • Do not block intersections.
  • to report any incident of aggressive driving to the police immediately. also offers Top 10 tips to prevent Rage Road. Here are some that we found especially noteworthy:

Your car is not therapist. Many of us love and identify with our cars (part why launched CarSpace), but sometimes you can take the "car as an extension of self" idea too seriously. If your boss or your spouse you left steam, take care not to use the line as a way to vent. competitive type (you know who you are) should not try to prove himself on the busy road - save that enthusiasm to break the weekend on your favorite roads. No matter how much power you have under the hood, the vehicle is first and foremost a mode of transport, not a weapon.

Practice kindness. Dr. Leon James, aka "Dr. Driving" and author of Road Rage and Aggressive Driving, said that memory Simple courtesies, like allowing someone to merge or to apologize when we make a mistake, can go a long way to experience positive behavior for ourselves and others. Its base currency is the old "do unto others" rule: Treat other drivers how you want to be treated as additional incentive, reducing your road rage as you can avoid serious trouble. Several states have created special teams of law enforcement to search for and cite aggressive drivers. depending on the frequency of offenses, offenders can be fined, lose their license temporarily or even face imprisonment. . Often, they are required to take a behavior modification class as well

the AAA Foundation for traffic safety also offers good advice: Road Rage: How to avoid aggressive driving (pdf) a. trick we think bear repeating:

Adjust your attitude - - the most important actions you can take to avoid aggressive driving taking place inside your head. By changing your approach to driving, you can make each trip more enjoyable. Try these ideas for a nice change:

Forget win . For too many motorists, driving becomes a contest. Do not let the shortest time possible for a trip, then the clock running? If something happens to slow you down
down not you angry? Solution: Allow more time for your journey. You will be amazed at how much more relaxed you feel when you have a few extra minutes. So instead of trying to "make good time," try to "do a good time." Listen to soothing music or a book on tape. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing. You will get much more calm, cooler, and less stressed in a frame of mind.
Put yourself in the shoes of the other driver . instead of judging the other driver, try to imagine why he or she is driving that way. Someone speeds and constantly change lanes can be a volunteer firefighter or doctor rushing to the hospital. Someone who jerks from one track to another can have a bee in the car or a crying baby. Whatever their reason, it has nothing to do with you. Stay cool and do not take the actions of other drivers personally.

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