Slow down: international TV spots promoting safe driving speeds

12:20 PM
Slow down: international TV spots promoting safe driving speeds -

It is interesting to see how other countries are addressing the issue of road safety through ads in public safety (PSA). It is common for tasks to be much more dramatic or graphic in the content that we tend to run here in the US, we chose a sample of public service announcements aimed at accelerating that are spectacular, but not particularly graphic. (Alert :. They can still be upsetting)

The first PSA is an experience of the Victoria Transport Accident Commission demonstrating the difference that the slowdown by just 5 km an hour can make a impact ... this results in a little more than 3 miles per hour. How much of a difference such a small reduction in speed could possibly do? See for yourself.

The second PSA is a dramatic one for the Transportation Agency New Zealand, who said, "People should not pay for a mistake of their lives. When we drive, we share the road with others, the speed we choose to travel needs to leave room for any potential error. "

"Just Slow Down" is a mini-documentary of an ad. It is the Winnipeg Police Service. Two young guys tell their stories of surviving a speed-related crash that killed two their friends. Terribly sad because it is true.

Northern Ireland has a very stronghold that has been under a lot of protest and controversy. The controversy has caused the spot to go viral on the web. We chose not to include here, but you can read about why it is creating such a strong reaction and see the place here: people are very angry About this Out-of-Control Ad from Northern Ireland Safe Driving too real or not real enough [?

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