Some ways to celebrate St. Patrick

6:14 PM
Some ways to celebrate St. Patrick -


The St Patrick's Day is a big event in our neck of the woods - although the parade this year will have a bit of an abbreviated route because of all the snow. Here is a guide to Where to celebrate Irish heritage in Boston and around the city - parades, pubs, concerts and more. Here are other parades of St. Patrick in New England, many Sundays. Or you can just stay home and cook a traditional dinner of the New England Boiled beef and salted cabbage. Remember one important thing: It's Paddy Patty word!

And remember, if tipping a few pints are in your plans, be sure to have a designated driver!

Here are some interesting excerpts from Discover Ireland to put you in mind.

With any luck at all, you'll fall on one of the flash mob dances from Tourism Ireland - here's a spectacular they organized in the Central station, Sidney few years ago.

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