Dog owners: protect yourself against a dog bite claim dear

1:45 PM
Dog owners: protect yourself against a dog bite claim dear -

Have you a dog? If so, you want to be sure your dog is trained, as you meet the holding state or local laws, and that you are adequately covered by your insurance. Although the number of dog bite claims is trending down, the cost of these claims is rising trend - the average dog bite claim is now $ 37,214. This is therefore based national average of where you live, the cost could be higher: Arizona was $ 56,654 California is $ 44,983 and New York is $ 44,320. Ouch.

May 15 to 21 is Dog Bite Prevention Week . Learn how to prevent dog bites and how to keep dogs to take a bite of your insurance

The Insurance Information Institute has excellent information on Dog Bite Liability :.

There are three types of laws that impose liability on owners:

1) a dog bite law :. where the dog owner is automatically liable for injuries or damage that causes the dog without provocation
2) -bite one rule: where the dog owner is liable for damage caused by a dog if the owner knew the dog was likely to cause this type of injury in this case, the victim must prove the owner knew the dog was dangerous
3) negligent acts :. where the dog owner is liable if the injury occurred because the dog owner was unreasonably careless (negligent) in control of the dog

also see our post before about 10 dog breeds that could cause problems with your home insurance

Some insurance companies will limit the availability of homeowners insurance depending on the breed of dog or dog story. PropertyCasualty360 has an article on 10 breeds of dogs most often blacklisted by home insurance carriers.

Many insurance companies do not have a blanket breed ban. The MSPCA cites several national insurers will instead "... the work case by case, taking into account the behavior of the individual dog and history, and may require a meet and greet with the dog and / or a certificate of good canine citizen. "

And here is a good infographic of the American Veterinary Medical Association:

dog bite infographic

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