Snowmageddon: your roof might collapse

8:16 PM
Snowmageddon: your roof might collapse -

After the unprecedented series of snowstorms record, we hear reports roofs collapsing under the weight of snow ?. One of our insurance partners, Hanover, published the graphic persuasive on their Twitter feed compare the cost of a roof replacement vs a roof rake.


This is quite convincing, but how do you know if your home or business is at risk? The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety has a great infographic (below), as well as an information office on four steps to identify and address the risks of heavy snow roof - it offers advice on how identify and assess risk and how to deal with problems in safety. Well worth a read, especially as forecasters say there may be more snow in our future this week!

This had to end one day, right? When he does, keep this handy resource:
In response to flooding when the snow and ice melt


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