Fraud Watch: Auto Accidents stepped

8:28 PM
Fraud Watch: Auto Accidents stepped -

In cooperation with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), the National Insurance Bureau of Crime (NICB) produced videos HD showing some of the more common methods of motor vehicle accidents staged to defraud insurance companies

According to NICB :. "Staged traffic accidents are on the rise, endangering the life and increasing the rate of innocent drivers who may unwittingly think they are fault auto insurance. Staged accidents are most common in" no fault " states like Florida and New York, where the stager insured can receive injury from their own car insurance company through their personal injury protection, or PIP, coverage. "


"tiered are generally carried out by organized groups that target drivers and vehicles that may be provided. The organizers frequently recruit participants who receive a cash payment to join the program and to claim they were injured in the accident. the organizers then have medical care providers who are in the system bill, car insurance companies for medical treatments that may be unnecessary and may or may not be completed. "

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