With the approach of summer, are your kid-proof windows

2:46 PM
With the approach of summer, are your kid-proof windows -

window safety We are a bit late jumping on the national safety week train window - he runs April 3rd to 9th this year - but we would maintain that the security of the window is not an issue that should be limited to a single week of the year. The National Security Council said that "Window Safety Week coincides with the arrival of spring, when the owners naturally want to open the windows and let in fresh air. Its objective is twofold: For families understand the role of windows to escape a fire or other emergency and learn to protect against accidental window falls "

Each room should have two ways leave - most often, which is at least a door and a window the National safety Council offers these window safety tips as part of your escape plan

  • [ Make sure windows are not nailed or painted shut
  • do not install air conditioners in windows that may be needed to escape
  • Make sure at least one window in each room meets escape and rescue requirements
  • window guards, security bars, grilles or grids make unnecessary windows in an emergency unless they have a release mechanism; update them if necessary
  • Develop an emergency escape plan and practice during the day and night
  • Keep emergency escape ladders in the second or third floor rooms and teach everyone in the house how to use

If you have young children, you have a another safety issue to consider. Each year, over 3,300 children under 5 years of falling windows, suffering from injuries serious enough to send them to the hospital; Unfortunately, about eight children per year die from these falls

The Working Group on Security Window offers these tips to protect children against the window falls :.

  • Avoid placing furniture near windows to prevent children from climbing
  • do not rely on insect screens to prevent fall of the
  • Keep children's play away from open windows and doors
  • Install compliant building code devices to limit extent of a window open or window guards with release mechanisms to help prevent a fall
  • Teach your child how to safely use a window to escape in case of emergency

Here are some additional tools:

safety Brochure window
Fire Escape and window security: a balanced approach
window Checklist security

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