Protect your children against ID theft

4:12 PM
Protect your children against ID theft -

Sleeping child Your child could have ruined their credit report and their ID stolen while sleeping and it could be years before be aware that everything is a failure. minor children are the first targets of identity theft. A story today on the states with the most identity theft complaints explains how certain segments of the population are particularly vulnerable to identity theft:

"While everyone world is vulnerable to identity theft, children and the elderly are targeted more than others, although for different reasons. According Toporoff, children are prime targets because their information is readily available such that it is stored in a school system. in addition, almost no one monitors a child's credit report. This means a child's stolen identity can often be used for years before the abuse is even detected.

older Americans are vulnerable to identity theft for a variety of reasons. they are targeted because they often have more money than young Americans. they also tend to have more contact with institutions medical, with several specialists, and several people as guardians to enter home more often. This may explain in part the identity theft rate in Florida, where nearly 19% of the population was 65 or older in 2013, the highest percentage in the nation-leading country. "

How can a child be compromised ID Unfortunately, far too many ways: It could occur from a large data breach, as the Hymn exposure millions of sensitive records ; it may be exposed from school records that are poorly protected and could be exposed to from a computer hack or stolen wallet, perhaps even worse, it could be stolen by an adult you know

How can you protect your children against identity theft? the Federal Trade Commission offers excellent advice on monitoring and protecting your children against identity theft. They offer great ways to identify warning signs that something might be wrong, ways to protect the identity of your child, and what to do if you have problems

Here are some prevention tips FTC :.

  • Find a safe place for all paper and electronic documents that display personal information from your child
  • not not share social security number for your child unless you know and trust the other party. Ask why it is needed and how it will be protected. Ask if you can use a different username, or use only the last four digits of Social Security number for your child.
  • Shred all documents that display personal information from your child before disposal
  • . Be aware of the events that put information at risk. For example, there is an adult in your household who might want to use the identity of a child again; you lose a wallet, purse or paperwork that the Social Security information of your child; there is a break in your house; or a school, office or company doctor informs you that the information your child has been affected by a security breach.

The FTC also suggests a number of steps you should take if you are a parent with a child who is enrolled in school, such as who has access to the information of your child, how the information is used and how it is shared.

there are also a number of protective services and identity fraud monitoring on the market - check with your insurance agent to see if they offer services under their insurance packages

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