6 of the most popular questions customers TaxACT

9:16 PM
6 of the most popular questions customers TaxACT -

5 of the Most Popular Questions from TaxACT Customers

What if I do not remember my username or password TaxACT online?

If you have forgotten your username or password to your TaxACT Online account, you can still access your account by following these easy steps:

  1. Go to login page for your 2013 TaxACT online account . the yields of the previous year are also available for tax years 2012 2011 2010 .
  2. To recover your username, click on Forgot your username [link, enter your e-mail address, and click Continue. All user names associated with your email address for this year will be emailed.
  3. To reset your password, click on Forgot your password link , enter your user name, answer your secret question and click the reset button Send Email have sent the email to reset.

Sign In & Continue Your 2013 Return

How can I know for sure if my return was e-filed?

You must complete several, but very easy to step e-file your return in TaxACT . You know when you have completed the steps when you see a screen like this:

TaxACT E-Filing Submit Step

For more information on checking if your return is e-filed TaxACT, click here.

How can I check if my statements filed electronically received and accepted or rejected?

TaxACT offers 3 ways to check the status of your return e -filed, anytime, anywhere:

  1. Log to your account TaxACT online or open your back in the desktop program
  2. on a Web browser at efstatus.taxact.com
  3. Download one of our applications free mobile Tax Return Status .

Where's my refund?

If the declaration was accepted by the IRS and you expect a refund, follow these easy steps to check the status of your refund.

  • Go to the IRS website Where's my refund
  • Enter your SSN, filing status, and refund full amount exact dollar

IRS updates the reimbursement information once a day, usually at night. So you can just check your status once a day.

Once the IRS accepts your return, they do not provide any information regarding TaxACT your refund. The only way to check the status of your federal refund is on the IRS website Where's my refund?

The IRS issued more than 9 out of 10 repayment in less than 21 days last year. The quickest way to receive your refund is to e-file and choose direct deposit. State reimbursement processing times vary by state.

For more information on the status of your refund, Click here .

To state reimbursement information select your state here

How can I print or save my return TaxACT online

Reminder:.? You need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to print or save your back

Print your return :.

for your safety, the only way to get a printed copy of your return TaxACT Online is by connecting to your TaxACT Online account and print yourself. TaxACT can not send an email or mail your return to you.

  1. After signature , click "Print" in the upper right corner.
  2. Select the print option is best for you
    Post a paper return - .. this option to print all the forms required to file your return mail
    Print and return instructions - Select this option to print a copy of your return and filing instructions.
  3. once you choose the shape you want to print and click it, you will receive instructions to "Click the link below to view / print your ..." and indicate what form you are on the point of print.
  4. Click this link to open the PDF back.
  5. Once the player has been loaded and the return is displayed, simply click Print in the reading program.

Need more info?

How to print your Online TaxACT back
How to print your TaxACT office return [

Registering your return:
  1. Log in your TaxACT return online.
  2. in the upper right of the page, click on the link Print .
  3. Select the print option that suits you best.
    Post a paper return -. This option displays all the forms required to file your return by mail
    Print and return instructions - This option will display a copy of your return and filing instructions.
  4. Once you choose the shape you want to print and click it, you will receive instructions to "Click the link below to view / print your ..." and indicate what form you are on the point of print.
  5. Right-click on the link and select "Save Target As ..." or "Save as ..." depending on your browser.
  6. filename will be filled with the default form name. You can change the file name if you wish. We also recommend that you either change the location "Save" easy to locate the folder or write the default down.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Back Your file will be saved with the extension of .pdf and can be viewed at a later time, by opening it in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

I need help.

TaxACT offers four convenient ways to get answers:

1) for immediate help, use the Center response in TaxACT. Log your TaxACT Online account and click the "Help" tab on the right. The links under "Popular with Topics" are specific to the topic of each interview screen. You can also type your question in search of the Response Centre.

2) immediate answers are also available on the website of TaxACT to taxact.com/support . Enter your question to search our vast database of answers and videos.

3) Send to our TaxACT service and support specialists to get free answers .

4) Call us. Unlimited telephone support is included with your purchase paid TaxACT Online Deluxe. Free Federal Edition users can purchase unlimited phone support for the current tax year for a single fee of $ 7.99.

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