8 tips to save money on back to school items

7:26 PM
8 tips to save money on back to school items -

Back to School Basics: 9 Tips for Saving Money on Back to School Items - TaxACT

I love my children.

I love my children.

This is the mantra I keep repeating around August 1 each year after spending the summer with a bunch of "guy" Children of personality.

newspapers are full of ads and Back to school again, I have hope.

There will not be a steady stream of "I'm bored" or "There's nothing to do" or "Steven gets to go to Hawaii for vacation and all we have did was to go to Six Flags! "

I love my children.

as much a mother, I am something old fighter when it comes to the organization and the conquest of return . dam school

Here are some tips to save money and mental health while experiencing the most wonderful time of the year - back to school purchases:

1. Love to learning

Your children can learn financial literacy while learning a Back to school budget.

Depending on the age of the child, you can set the amount of expenses for their supplies, clothing and books.

sure that their budget is age appropriate and train on what are their limits to the shopping season.

that the budget is $ 50 for your school-age children to buy school supplies or $ 500 for your student to buy the bulk of dorm rooms, you can monitor how they spend and lead them on the best ways to use their money to the budget.

for my children fifteen years and more, I use another card that is added to one of my credit card accounts, where I can set spending limits and they may have set their budget on map.

It gets them used to the responsibility of a credit card and yet they can not get in trouble because I set the limits.

2. Layer savings

In today's economy, it is not enough to just save by buying something on sale, today, you have to the resist layer.

For the store, it means buying items on sale when you have a coupon. Coupon Mom shows you what is on sale in your neighborhood and the corresponding coupon.

For online shopping, look for sale items where you can also use a promo code or coupon to save on price, delivery and more.

it requires a little research, but it can also result in hundreds of dollars in savings for your return to school.

3. Look for "double dipping"

It's good to have a good value on a great need to return to school point, but you can also earn points fidelity to purchase or help establish your 18 years and build their own credit, then you really get the most for your money by maximizing those dollars to school shopping.

4. Little Big

When planning for school meals for children this fall, buy lunch staples in larger sizes to save money by buying in bulk and repackage them smaller sizes.

For example, take that 5 baby carrots book bag and put them in size snack plastic bags for safe and affordable option for lunch at a 30% savings buying smaller prepackaged sizes.

5. Expenditure Plan Limited

One technique that we used for all our many children, whether in primary school or college is to save money a family matter.

We give the children a spending plan, telling them how much money we will give them for their return to the school budget.

The fun comes when we tell them they get to keep what they do not pass.

So, if we have budgeted $ 75 for tennis shoes and they find them on sale for $ 35, then they get to pocket the extra $ 40.

It is amazing how our children can distinguish between "needs" and "wants" when it comes to this additional motivation for ways to spend less and save more learning.

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this new idea not only save money for our family, but he has trained all our children in money matters, which makes them more apt than young adults.

6. Lengthen The Shopping Season

One reason families often spend too much to go back to school items is because they are locked into the idea that they require all school supplies, clothes and gadgets of the first week of school.

In reality, the majority of these items on sales or authorization, in particular clothing, in the first months of the school year.

therefore, consider letting your child start the year with just enough clothes to get a good start and end of their wardrobe that key elements are on clearance a month later.


The same can apply to backpacks, lunch boxes and sports equipment.

as long as they have a prepaid card or an extra card to their limits, you will find yourself on track and get more for less.

7. Leverage High Tech savings

One thing I learned is that I have only a limited amount of time to teach my children the things that matter most in life.

By making back to school shopping a family effort, I am able to train our children in terms of money in fun ways that incorporate their forces.

For example, I let our teenagers purchases in another part of the mall, encouraging them to do their research online by comparing prices with other stores offers on their smartphones.

for example, they see a scientific calculator in the electronics store their algebra class, they can search MySimon to see if it is the best price.

Then they text me the numbers and give them permission to buy, enabling them to contribute to the economic well-being of our family being while allowing them to learn financial literacy .

8. Search Digital or hand books

With the emergence of digital textbooks options, it is important to demystify digital for the student.

By going digital, a student can save 40% to 60% over again. manuals

Although there are many titles available digitally, it might not be the most cost effective way to get your textbooks; your campus bookstore can help you find the right combination of new, used, rental and digital to help save a lot of money.

How your children can help you save money on back to school items?

photo credit: tncountryfan via photopin cc

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