Paying off debt: 5 Tools to help you become debt free

8:27 PM
Paying off debt: 5 Tools to help you become debt free -

5 Tools to Help You Pay Off Debt - TaxACT

Are you trying to pay off debt

When? you are just beginning the journey, it can be quite exciting not?

All you can think is to be completely debt free and you dream of the day it actually happens.

Every additional penny you earn is set aside to pay off your debt and you can almost taste of financial freedom!

But somewhere between that initial excitement phase and the time you actually do pay your debts, it is what seems to be an endless brake non-pleasure and non-excitement.

you constantly feel like everyone is having fun and you're stuck at home because you took this idiotic decision to get rid of debt.

you know deep down you do the right thing, but it would be much more fun to just forget to pay your debts for a night and spend time with friends this dear a downtown restaurant .

If you are facing at this time, and you do not have a real plan in place to keep you accountable to your decision, you'll most likely crack every time.

Soon you will be on a week on week plan where you occasionally be focused on debt repayment, but something fun comes along that you can not leave go, so you take a week off to pay your debts. Inevitably, your debts are and you end up back to your old lifestyle to go with your best friend at your side, your credit card.

If you do not want to fall in the company's standard though, and you really do want to get rid of debt, then I suggest you use these five tools to help you pay off debt.

1) Up friends

It is so hard to pay the debt when nobody is there now you accountable.

If you have some friends who decide to repay their debts, and you can find new ways to have fun and experience everything together.

You can stroll in the park or have game nights in the homes of each other. Free entertainment is usually the best way to get over your blue debt to pay.

2) Set up a reward system

You know, not every penny should go towards your debts. As it often takes years to get rid of all your debts, it is best to set up a reward system for yourself along the way.

Maybe you always wanted a fitted baseball cap, but just never felt like you should buy one.

Perhaps the brand reward of $ 1000, you make a plan in your budget to buy the hat. Doing quite small, but significant price.

3) Upload a Payoff debt App

There are so many applications to choose from, for example LearnVest. But sometimes it's good to visually see your debt down and net worth rise. These applications are ideal for this.

4) Create physical Visual

If an application does not do for you, then perhaps you need to set up a visual model.

Get two transparent containers and mark as a "debt" and the other as "Net Worth". Load each of them with fake money, proportional to the amount of debt you have and your total net worth.

If you have debt worth $ 10,000, it might be better to use fake hundreds. Then each time you pay a hundred dollars more, transferring the money from the pot of debt in the pot of the equity. After a few months, you really start to see the difference and you will be motivated to get rid of the debt faster!

5) View

The best way to accomplish anything in life is of the view before it happens.

Every night before going to sleep, imagine what you will do once you become debt free.

If you plan to take a trip to the Bahamas, consider the wave crashing on the beach and the warm soft wind blowing on your face.

If you have a view of the difficulty, to collect some brochures and plaster around your room or bathroom.

more you surround yourself with your end goal, more likely you are to achieve it.

What techniques have worked for you to pay your debts?

photo credit: iandavid via photopin cc

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