Workout of the Sixty-Minute money

5:36 PM
Workout of the Sixty-Minute money -

Sixty-Minute Money Workout

How do you want to be financially transformed into one hour a week?

When my husband, Bob, and I were first married we would like to say that we "supported" money.

Since he was a born spendthrift and I'm a born saver it was natural to learn to manage money as a couple would need a certain amount of give and take, but " argue "was just a little too negative for honeymooners like us.

so we called "intense communion" instead! We learned that there was a good way to approach this delicate subject and a very, very bad way.

We decided to try an experiment. We set aside an hour a week and developed a strategic plan on how we spent that hour. We found that we stopped arguing and finally our finances began to change for the better. Just like a physical workout takes dedication and hard work, our workout money was strong, but it was worth it.

We went out of debt, began to pay cash for household goods and even planned vacation debt free family.

I think the finances of each person can be transformed by strategically investing an hour a week.

The Pre-Workout

I was once at an official event when someone started throwing rolls and before we knew it, there was a war going on roll among prom dresses and tuxedos!

it just goes to show that even smart people can digress into bad behavior without limits.

The first step is to get a money buddy (your spouse or a trusted friend) and establish limits to be observed during the workout.

These boundaries should be only yours, but here are some limits to get you started:

  • No condescending
  • No negativity
  • No name-calling
  • Each training section will be timed
  • workout will begin and end on a positive note
  • No food throw (especially rolls)

in the years since Bob and I have developed our workout money, I shared with thousands of couples who have moved from fight for financial freedom within months.

Like any session of physical training, the key is consistency and intensity. It is also important to realize that you will not solve all your problems in one hour, but you will make progress each time. (Tweet this)

So, let's begin. Get a timer and set it for each part of the workout an hour.

1. Make Up Your Mind Warm-up (five minutes)

The first part of this workout is twofold :. Decide on the financial issue and say something positive

Here are some sample topics money either:

  • budgeting
  • debt
  • vacation planning
  • retirement planning
  • children and allowances
  • Stretching the entertainment budget
  • Building savings accounts of
  • College funding
  • Cut the fat in the spending plan
  • buy a car
  • refinancing of home
  • Homebased business plan

You get the idea.

then say something positive to your partner. For example, say that the subject is "debt" you might say. "I think we can dig this debt if we work together"

Speaking of debt, Bob and I had 40,000 $ of consumer debt when we got married.

in our workout money, we decided to get out of debt and made immediate changes in our lifestyle to live on a budget to achieve this.

We made our minds, sought resources to help, and less than 2.5 years, we were debt free!

to during this part of the workout, an idea on the subject of today's workout and say something positive.

2. Strength training (10 minutes)

during this part of the workout, note the desired results according to your topic of money. By writing goals on paper, you will have a tangible and objective standard of work

For example, if your topic is "debt" certain goals could include :.

  1. We'll stop spending more than we make,
  2. We will pay interest on the debt that we have accumulated and / or
  3. We want to repay the debt.

3. Budget Burn (20 minutes)

When you are on this section, you get into the nuts and bolts of your about money.

For example, if your topic is the establishment of a budget, then it's time to crunch the numbers, negotiating each category in the spending plan and accept the new budget.

it may not seem like much time on this, but realize that you can not get it done during the first workout.

the key is to keep the discussion moving and catch what you missed the next time.

If you want to see a variety of useful tools, including a budget online, go to

by limiting the time defined on each section, you are motivated to continue to work hard to achieve your goals and will not be as likely to spend time on rabbit trails (such as supporting or pontificating.)

4. Take your heart rate (20 minutes)

This is the section where you continue to work toward resolution and the specific goals you set for now.

You may need to gather facts on your topic of money.

For example, if your topic is "debt", you can gather information of the debt by ordering a free copy of your credit report at Annual Credit Report.

5. Congratulations Cool Down (5 minutes)

You are at the end of your workout. Sit down and have a glass of something cool to drink and reflect on all that you have accomplished in an hour!

Take this time to tell your partner something you appreciate about them in order to end this on a positive note.

for example, "Thank you to crunch the numbers that we work on the budget. I know you're tired, but you kept going and I appreciate it. "

Then sync your calendars and set a date for your next training session money.

Keep in mind that while you do not get physically buff in a workout, your finances are not going to get in shape after the first try either. But after working with this money drive repeatedly, you will find yourself stronger, smarter and more fiscally fit.

What area of ​​your finances you want to turn by this training money

photo credit?: wwarby via photopin cc

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