Couples and Money: 5 Solutions To Go From Fighting To Freedom

10:29 PM
Couples and Money: 5 Solutions To Go From Fighting To Freedom -

Couples and Money: 5 Solutions To Go From Fighting To Freedom - TaxACT

What is the number one reason given for divorce

you guessed it-money issues!

While most couples are asked if they argue about money, they will answer: "We do not fight for money, we just have some disagreements"

. Yeah, right.

When Bob and I were newly married he got into an electronics store to buy batteries and came out with a new VCR. We had $ 40K in debt, living on a Service income and barely had enough money to buy food.

But do we fight about his compulsive decision to drop $ 500 on a new video when we do not even détenions a TV?


We just had a "disagreement."

There is no wonder that "money issues" were cited as reason number one for divorce.

But I believe that every couple can range from the fight for freedom by recognizing the most common disputes and moving toward resolution.

A Spender Bender

problem: This is an age-old problem when one of the spouses is a born saver and his companion, born spendthrift, goes into a buying frenzy

Solution. : The balanced budget - The best way to start reducing the buying habits of a spender is to sit down and work on a family budget

If you have "been there, done that "and again. does not work, then do it again, this time in front of a credit counselor for consumption or if you are military, then a financial advisor to prepare the family.

the Done Deal

problem: This is when a person opens the credit card bill and discovered the tab for the new tablesaw, the costume designer or night, your mate took all his office for a drink while a company convention

The fantasy here is that because it is "mission accomplished" your half will be let go

Oh, they do not

Solution: the return Process - with the average couple $ 8,500 in credit card debt, we find that this policy of "fait accompli".! only leads to more problems and more debt

If you still have the receipt and can take the item back. for a refund, this is the quickest solution.

further, make it a policy to check your spouse for purchases over _______ (you fill in the blank).

Sometimes just the idea of ​​calling to ask what your spouse thinks of buying $ 300 Coach purse is enough to give up impulse buying

where is the money, Honey

problem.? This is where you (or honey), use your debit card for cash on Friday and Monday, you do not know where that money went. You have nothing to show for it. Nada. . Zilch

Solution :. Target Practice - The old saying, "If you aim for nothing, you hit every time" is especially true in your family finances

the solution lies in tracking money LearnVest is. . good application that can help you It takes two minutes to document purchases and makes you think twice about spending carelessly

My spouse is so Emo

. Problem:! this is what happens when you sit down to discuss finances and spouses or defensive, feel superior, condescending act or show a sort of another emotion that is not constructive

Solution . set up a date money once a week and follow workout money Sixty minute This workout has a start and an arrival time so that you are motivated to work together

It also sets very clear limits that help to promote mutual respect. It worked every time Bob and I had a "problem" and instead of breaking apart feet, we ended up hugging

Too many judges, not participants Enough

Problem: on American Idol, the judges wrong combination can trigger the wrong kind of fireworks.

many financial problems come when a person attempts to seize control of money matters. If you're not careful, children can take control with all their needs and desires

Solution: Checks and Balances - In most families, one of the partners is better with money that. other. It is natural to place the person in charge of paying bills and the administration of the household budget.

But it is also essential that the other partner knows where the money goes and how it is spent.

I 'm better "money manager" in our family (surprise), but we set our budget together.

Bob writing checks or pay bills online and I balance the checkbook that we built in mutual accountability.

No matter what your financial situation, you can learn to move from the fight about finances to find freedom from your family deserves.

All it takes is willing to give ground on both sides and you 'will soon find yourself in the context of a consistent winning team!

what can you make to the struggle for freedom in your marriage when it comes to your finances?

photo credit: Makena G via photopin cc

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