5 Things You Did not Know Were Negotiable

6:13 PM
5 Things You Did not Know Were Negotiable -

5 Things You Didn't Know Were Negotiable - TaxACT

You probably already know that you can negotiate the price of a car or a house, but you did realize that small items can be negotiable, too?

Here is a look at five expenses you did not know were trading, as well as strategies for haggling in each category.

5 Things You Didn't Know Were Negotiable - TaxACT

1. Utility bills

In areas served by several suppliers Internet access or cable TV, companies often offer low introductory price to attract customers from competitors.

In some (but not all) cases, existing customers can still get these prices if they call and threaten to jump ship. A less extreme approach is to call and ask if there might be a cheaper option available.

Sometimes, customer service representatives can work with you to find a cheaper plan that suits your needs (maybe you are not actually watching HBO and do not need pay for it).

the end of a cell phone contract is the perfect time to compare plans and call your provider to see if they might be able to match the offer from a competitor.

2. Gym memberships

members of Gym reps have some flexibility on price, it never hurts to ask if they could get a better deal available.

MarketWatch suggests asking the representative to waive or reduce initiation costs, extend your trial period to reduce your cost monthly subscription, or perhaps add a few personal training sessions gratia.
Join the end of the month, when representatives are eager to meet their sales objectives and they can give you the rest of the month free.

3. Furniture

Whether you buy new furniture or used, you can have some flexibility on price, especially if you shop at an independent retailer that rather a store (largest retailers are often less flexible on price).

If, for example, you'll find a mattress you like at a retailer, but another retailer offering a sale on a similar mattress, ask if they match the price or throw in free shipping.

If you buy multiple items, talk to the manager about maybe getting a bulk discount. And if you buy a used furniture on Craigslist, sometimes sellers price their items with the hope that buyers can try to haggle.

For some sellers, clean the house and get some extra money quickly pending strengths get the most money possible.

4. Services

Service providers such as hairdressers, gardeners, painters, music teachers, and landscapers may be open to negotiation of their fees.

Try to negotiate from the start, rather than waiting until the bill arrives.

another strategy for virtually any service provider is to ask if they can offer a discount for cash payment (no credit card processing fees for them) or pay for a big block of services at a time (eg, 10 personal training sessions for the price of nine).

Some may already offer these types of discounts. Or you might be able to reduce costs by dividing the service with a friend.

For example, perhaps your yoga instructor can make a semi-private lesson with you both and pay less for two private lessons.

5. The medical bills

medical and dental care may be hopelessly complicated.

WebMD offers these tips on negotiating medical bills, among them asking to be admitted to the hospital the morning of a procedure instead of the night before.
If you are not insured, some providers such as psychiatrists offer services on a sliding scale.

If you are on prescription medication, your doctor may be able to prescribe a generic instead of an expensive brand name or tell you the patience aid program a pharmaceutical company.

There is even a hospital in the Bronx, New York that allows artists and musicians to exchange their trade in health care services.

Your turn!

Did you negotiate any of these items recently? What strategies have you

Credit: Justin in SD via photopin cc

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