(Bitter) Sweet 16 Series: No Right Way to make a left turn

8:15 PM
(Bitter) Sweet 16 Series: No Right Way to make a left turn -

Since I (vaguely) embraced this teaching-my-girl-how -to -drive period of my life, I got really close to being struck by another vehicle "only" three times. What was the common denominator, you ask? The infamous left turn.

In each case, my daughter Maddi was so focused on what she was doing and how to go around it forgot that traffic coming the other way had the right of way. YIKES.

This made me cry and declare me the worst teacher never . But who would blame me? We were fortunate, however, that every time the other driver had enough time to hit the brakes.

This made me wonder about left turns and how many accidents occur when drivers make a left. Unfortunately I could not find too many statistics on left turns versus right, but I know more about the roundabouts. A roundabout is a circular intersection or junction where the traffic flows in one direction around a central island. He denies the need for a left turn and the curvature of the road appropriate to reduce the speed of vehicles.

Of course, I had heard of roundabouts before and how they were considered much safer. Yet we do not have them where I live in Pennsylvania, which has not really helped.

Compared to other types of intersections, roundabouts have demonstrated the safety and other benefits, according to the Federal Highway Administration. They include:

  • a reduction of more than 0 percent of deaths.
  • 76 percent reduction in injury.
  • reduction of 35 percent in all accidents.

Did you know that there are actually several years UPS changed their routes to avoid drivers all left turns? The company said the decision was taken because of safety and effectiveness.

What to do?

It might be embarrassing to do that UPS did and change our routes include only right turns. But we can emphasize caution when our young drivers (and us older people, too) make a left turn. Be especially careful when you are a fire waiting to make a left turn and the light turns yellow.

Also pay attention to what other vehicles are doing when they make a round -. Especially when you are at an intersection

I am now back in the car with her after near misses - being .. hopefully a little calmer, and, of course, always on the lookout for left turns

Read the next installment of this series regular

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