11 ways to save on back to school shopping

7:14 PM
11 ways to save on back to school shopping -

Do not look now, but summer is almost over. It is the lazy afternoon right at the beach will soon be replaced by the mad dash to get our children to school.

Before you prepare to fight the aisles of your local store for the back school shopping season, check these tips from top bloggers and your servant. They can help you save money and your serious mental-health during the shopping season of the season.

Know what you need

Before preparing to buy school supplies, a list of what you need. It will help you avoid spending money on things that are not absolutely necessary. Most local school supply stores stock lists to make this easier for you. You can also contact your child's school or visit the school's Web site, where many schools have supply lists grouped by grade and / or classroom.

"Having this list of school supplies in hand reduce the amount of time you're in the store as well," said Kristin Willis, blogger and founder of the friendly coupon, LLC. "You can enter, leave and focus on life. "

Recycling and upcycle

Resist the urge to rush, list in hand, to your local store to buy supplies. Look through supplies last year for recoverable items such as rulers, compasses and pencils. It will save money and teach your children the value of recycling.

You can also teach your children how to upcycle, or find new uses for old objects. Upcycling is a great way to save money and help the environment. For example, my second grader will use the bag of last year for lunch that his art box this year. the size and zipper closure, it is ideal for storing crayons and markers. It also lays flat on the tray, which saves space in the classroom.

Hit sales

If you're like me, you want to avoid the frenzy of frantic buyers by purchasing supplies as they appear on the shelves. However, buying too early or too late can cost you money, since most supplies are on sale now.

"Stores are trying to be the first with offers to get more customers, so they begin their sales early in the season," said Joe Daugirdas, better known as Joe Guy coupon, a coupon clipper and avid blogger. "It's easy to go to the store and get what you need at the last minute, but you can pay double or more if you wait too long."

Trying to find the best deal on every little item on your list is extremely long. instead, spend most of your time comparison shopping for expensive items like electronics and backpacks.

Cut coupons

to shave even more money on the sale price, try coupons Check your local newspaper and the Internet for weekly ads and coupons to help plan your shopping trips -.. and your savings

be careful, however, that you do not travel too far from your path. "Save gas by shopping in stores that are near you," advises Kristin. "Going all the way across town to buy $ 0.10 cases compared to 0.20 $ folders in a shop just down the road from your house is not really saving money."

Buy extras now

Keep in mind that the supplies on your initial list could only get your kids through the first part of the year. Consider buying pencils and other extra supplies on your list that will replace all year. The buy in bulk and on sale will save you money in the long run.


  • Host a return to school shopping exchange Ask friends to bring more clothes and equipment their children do not want to. (Ask them to bring in coupons they do not need and share them at the time!)
  • Search for digital books or used. used books cost much less than new brands. Many schools now allow digital downloads, so be sure to check with your child and their school to see if that is an option.
  • Decide what items are really worth. Do your children crave a new tablet? Or would they rather impressive pair of sneakers? By letting your kids designate which item (or items) are worthy splurge, you will save money and teach them an important lesson on the priority purchases.
  • days Shop tax free. Many states and local governments offer duty-free shopping days during the back to school shopping season.
  • Connect with your favorite brands of children. You can learn more about saving and get valuable coupons through the following brands on social media sites like Facebook® and Twitter. Also signing up for e-newsletters brands to get discounts directly in your inbox.
  • Buy gift cards at a discount. Websites like giftcardgranny.com giftcard.com and allow you to buy other unwanted gift cards to people sometimes considerable discounts.
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