4 things to consider for your wedding

11:18 AM
4 things to consider for your wedding - At-Home

A 2013 survey of 17,500 married by TheKnot.com and WeddingChannel.com, it is easy to see why many couples choose a wedding at home. The survey found the average wedding budget is $ 28,427 - the cost of a new car or a deposit on a house.

With the rising cost of weddings and the move towards more casual wedding styles, wedding at home can be an attractive option. While the bride and groom should cover the basics like making sure they have enough space, refreshed landscaping and rental of tables and chairs, they must also ensure that their insurance coverage is the task of managing the big day.

Here are four key insurance issues couples happy should think about planning a wedding at home:

  • property - Your personal property is covered by your insurance policy owners. "But you have to consider the limits of the personal property of your policy with your agent," said Joe Vahey, vice president and product manager at Erie Insurance. "The limit is usually a percentage of the value of your home, so you'll want to ensure it covers all the wedding gifts you receive with a potentially expensive one-of-a-kind dress."
  • liability insurance - Some liability coverage is included on the standard homeowners policy to cover the possibility that an injury can occur on your property. So if your uncle falls while doing the chicken dance or your aunt diving trips to catch the bridal bouquet, you're probably covered. Again, review these liability limits with your agent to make sure you have enough coverage.

    "It is always wise to consider adding an inexpensive policy of personal catastrophe liability (PCL), sometimes called umbrella insurance, your policy, "said Vahey. "Having this additional protection you and your future spouse with the necessary peace of mind on a hectic day supply"

  • Rings - Consider. "Scheduling" your wedding rings - or adding to your separate policy. - rather than relying on the overall coverage provided by a standard font comprehensive warranty in standard policies may have a limit value a planned ring has additional coverage to the specific value of this ring of. so you do not have to worry if you need to replace a lost or stolen ring
  • Power -. Your caterer should carry their own insurance, but make sure to request and confirm . If you provide food and someone gets sick, your liability insurance may be necessary to start. again, this is a political PCL could be interesting.

If you have questions about coverage for your home or wedding insurance in general, contact a local agent Erie Insurance in your community.

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