Tiny House Movement takes off

4:11 PM
Tiny House Movement takes off -

Despite the fact that people have fewer children than in years past, the average American home swelled in size recent decades. This fact, as well as the rise of, ÄúMcMansion, Âu it is easy to see that many Americans think bigger is better when it comes to home.

However, not everyone is a big fan of large houses. A group there argues for smaller homes. houses much lower, actually.

The tiny house movement

The tiny house movement is a social movement described itself with a focus on small spaces and more simplified life. It is sometimes called the movement of life Tiny.

A tiny house is usually no larger than 400 square feet. Yet they can be as small as 100 square feet.

Why live in a tiny house?

tiny house movement proponents cite several advantages of a drastic Downsize. They include:

  • More savings. It, AOS no secret that the property can be expensive. Most Americans spend between 25 to 50 percent of their income on their mortgage or rent. Home maintenance projects, renovations and repairs siphon more money into the house.

    The reports of the US Census Bureau that the US average house costs $ 272,00. Meanwhile, a small house costs about $ 23,000. Tiny owners often do not need a mortgage or they take for a short time. In fact, 68 percent of the tiny owners have no mortgage. Another advantage is lower monthly costs of utilities.

    Perhaps it, AOS no surprise that research shows that, on average, lower owners have more money in the savings that people have traditionally sized homes.
  • More time. With a tiny house, you don, AOT have to spend so much time cleaning, repairing and decorating your home. This gives you more free time and less stress about.
  • Less environmental impact. A small house leaves less of a carbon footprint. That, AOS because you use less electricity, heat and perhaps even water on a daily basis. You, Äôll also use fewer materials to build, furnish and decorate your home.

Does the appeal motion tiny home for you? If so, make sure to consider all the pros and cons. (For example, can you really live in close ron other all the time?)

Remember also that you, Äôll always want to insure your home against fire, theft, liability issues and more. So if it, AOS tiny, sprawling or something in between, be sure to contact a professional as an Erie Insurance agent to learn more about your coverage options owners.

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