How to survive a blackout

4:47 PM
How to survive a blackout -
You need more than matches to survive a power outage.

outages can occur at any time, and they are almost always unexpected.

When it comes to how to survive a power outage, there are a few things to keep in mind beyond safety plug and dig board games. By taking a few steps in advance, you will be more comfortable -and-less panicked when the power is off.

Prep for a possible emergency

Although some power outages do not last more than a few hours, those caused by natural disasters and storms can last for days . For this reason, make sure first that you are ready to handle a worst case scenario by compiling an emergency kit and creating a emergency action plan .

Some key elements that will help you survive a power outage include:

  • At least two weeks of non-perishable food for each member of your household (do not forget the animals company!)
  • less than a gallon of water per person for those two weeks
  • a manual can opener
  • pocket to every room in the house (and maybe even a battery lantern camping)
  • battery-operated radio
  • portable fans that operate with batteries
  • Many batteries
  • matches
  • Books, cards and board games to pass the time
  • protection against surges for your electronics
  • disposable dishes and silverware
  • freshener
  • hand wipes and antibacterial
  • an extra supply of medicines and a plan for everyone in your home based on electrically powered devices for health status

consider investing in a method of back-up heating food

It is useful to have a means of heating food that does not depend on electricity. Some options include a camping stove or barbecue. You can also manually light a gas stove, just make sure you have matches and know the right technique

Remember :. Only use grids, generators and other carbon-producing items away. These elements can produce carbon monoxide which can be deadly if used inside.

Know stay warm (or cold)

You also need to have a plan to keep warm in cold weather (or cool in hot weather). Dress in layers and stay inside to keep warm when you deal with the cold weather. Stay out of the sun, in the shade and wear light colors to stay cool in hot weather. Do not forget to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

If you heat or cool your home with a method that is not dependent on electricity, make sure you have lots of wood, newspapers and / or fuel stored away.

Finally, if you are particularly concerned about power outages, consider purchasing a back-up generator.

do not drink the (tap)

When the power goes out, the water purification systems can not function. So fill your bathtub with water, just do not use it for cooking or cleaning without first purifying it. (Even better: Drink your water supply bottle.)

If you ran out of bottled water or distilled water, boil or disinfect tap water first. Bring water to boil for at least one minute. If you do not have a heating source, highlighting bleach. Add eight drops of bleach to one gallon of clean water (16 drops or if your water is cloudy). Let stand for at least 30 minutes before drinking.

Know what food is safe to eat

In an emergency, you should have non-perishable food stored and maintained. But what about the food in your fridge will it be another good during or after a power failure?

Avoid opening the refrigerator and freezer doors if you can. This will keep the cool air as long as possible. A full freezer will hold food safely for 48 hours; a half full freezer will hold food safely for 24 hours.

If the power is out for more than four hours, refrigerated items can begin to spoil. Use a food thermometer to check the temperature of your food before cooking or eating. Discard any food that has a temperature above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

blackouts can be stressful. In preparation, you will be able to survive a power outage without compromising personal safety or running out of food, water or things to do.

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