No Regrets Road Trip: Shifting driving behavior in Columbus (VIDEO)

6:37 PM
No Regrets Road Trip: Shifting driving behavior in Columbus (VIDEO) -
Ah, the thrill of the road. There, AOS nothing better than when the sun is shining, you, AOVE got the car windows rolled down and your favorite song comes on the radio.

But this time won, AOT last long if you give in to the many temptations aÌ as texting or taking a call behind the wheel, aÌ that lead to distracted driving. What, AOS addition, just because you, Aore following the rules doesn, AOT means that drivers around you are too. (Can you believe that 4 percent of drivers admit flossing or brushing teeth on the road !?)

After kicking things off in Cincinnati, The Summer of No Regrets Road rollers travel to Columbus, Ohio, where our host Chris Laxamana practice important defensive driving techniques grand Prix driving School Mid-Ohio. The school hosted an event on behalf of Maria, OSA message.

Erie Insurance is a proud sponsor of Maria, OSA Message, a nonprofit based in Ohio that promotes defensive driving and raises awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. The organization is named in memory of Maria Tiberi, daughter of Ohio Sports TV center anchor Dom Tiberi, who tragically lost his life at age 21 in an accident of distracted driving.

Do you know how to drive safely on a wet road or recover from a skid? Review these skills and more in this video

Then we're out of Erie, Pennsylvania -. The hometown of Erie Insurance - check the Roar on the Shore motorcycle rally.

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