Too Little Liability Insurance creates extreme risks

9:03 PM
Too Little Liability Insurance creates extreme risks -
man with umbrella

I am a safe driver. I do not do risky things. Someone I know would never sue me.

Its like something you say? When it comes to really terrible events, many people have a mentality "It can not happen to me". This belief is not only false, it is also dangerous.

"Believe me when I say a catastrophic event can happen to anyone, "said Scott Brown, a supervisor at Erie insurance claims department with 38 years of experience." the most serious case we see involves a simple negligence, not recklessness . "


The most catastrophic event Scott has seen over the years involve cars. Surprisingly, most do not involve alcohol or drugs.

"Everyone thinks they are superior drivers, but we all made mistakes on the road," says Scott. "All of a momentary distraction of bad weather can contribute to an accident."

Accidents can have a significant impact if you hurt someone else. This applies even if you hit an expensive vehicle like a brand new luxury car or a commercial vehicle.


Such serious accidents in the home due to simple negligence. Some of the most common cases include Scott saw the pool drownings, burns and falls.

Given the consequences

Beyond the emotional impact of serious accidents on you, there is also a serious financial impact.

If you injure someone or damage their property, a court may well hold you liable for the victim incurred. These costs can climb into the millions quickly, especially if a person needs extensive medical treatment or long-term physical therapy.

"The general rise in health care costs and the fact that our society is more litigious, contributes to rising costs of medical claims," ​​he said.

an accident causing serious injury to someone else could easily exceed the limits of insurance automobile liability of an average person. If your limits are exhausted, personal property like your salary and savings could be at risk. In some states, even your retirement savings and home could be at stake.

How to protect yourself 100000

The basic insurance limits of liability on your car and home are usually $ or $ 300,000. This is sufficient for many situations, but not all. In fact, he will not even cover the price of the average jury for vehicle negligence verdicts. (Which currently stands at $ 531,858, and half of all the prices are higher than that.)

In these cases, a personal liability policy Catastrophe (PCL) could be a lifesaver. PCL policy, also known as an umbrella policy provides an extra layer of liability protection beyond both your auto and homeowners policies. You (or a member of the family covered) covers if you are sued because of an accident.

Beyond protecting hard-earned assets, PCL also ensures that you do the right thing when the wrong thing happens. unfortunate situations sometimes occur. By having the resources to help compensate someone for their injuries and disadvantages, you will have the means to help them.

Not just for millionaires

Many people mistakenly believe that only high net worth individuals need a PCL policy.

In fact, liability risks are everywhere, and they have the potential to derail the people financially modest means as well as multimillionaires. (Experts recommend that you cover at least one to two times your net exposure value.)

insurance certainly can not stop bad things from happening. But it can help to ensure that the accident will not let you, your family and maybe even a Dry victim. A professional as Erie insurance agent can tell you more on the law of liability insurance offers protection and peace of mind.

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