What Obamacare Means for the health of women

2:34 PM Add Comment
What Obamacare Means for the health of women -

This week it's all about the ladies. Week Women's Health officially begins on 12 May and for a week the focus will be directed to the health and well-being of women. With a whole week dedicated to women's health throughout the world, we have gathered some important information about what the Affordable Care Act (ACA) means to women.

1. Women can not be charged more for health insurance. Before the ACA became law, being a woman means you could be charged higher insurance rates. No more insurers will be allowed to charge women higher premiums and the rates they charge men.

2. All plans must provide maternity coverage. The cover of "essential health benefits" must be included in all health insurance schemes, including maternity coverage and other basic health care services, including care newborn, prescription drugs, pediatric services and more.

3. Preventive care will be provided at no cost sharing. New laws require health plans to cover preventive services such as health screenings, vaccinations and more without paying a co pay. This law, estimated at 47 million grant women access to preventive health services guaranteed women, applies to new health plans created after March 23, 2010.

4. No more forward down for coverage because of pre-existing conditions. Previously, people with pre-existing conditions could be denied by insurance companies. The new law on the eve health that women will not be denied coverage based on past or current medical conditions.

5. Single women will now be eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid expansion is a crucial part of the law on health care and an important source of health care for women with low income single. In 2014, people with incomes up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level will be eligible for coverage. This expansion will help approximately 7 million women become newly eligible for Medicaid.

6. Women will also be eligible for grants to help buy health insurance. Starting in 2014, the ACA provides tax credits to those who can not afford quality health insurance. Women buy insurance from 1 January, 2014 and a market are eligible for grants or cost-sharing if their income is below 400 percent of the federal poverty level.

Three steps to calculate your tax 2014 Health Reform Subsidy

1:33 PM Add Comment
Three steps to calculate your tax 2014 Health Reform Subsidy -

The year 2014 is the beginning of some exciting changes. People buying health insurance through an exchange can qualify for financial aid if their income is more than 400 percent of the federal poverty line. How do you know if you qualify for tax credits of premium? It is not difficult to know. Just calculate your household Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI of) to know how you really won. Here's how:

Step 1: Calculate the gross income (GI)

Health care reform and your taxes Gross income is every penny, dime and dollar earned in a given year. So add up all. Take into account the wages, interest, investment income, dividends, rental income and royalties, capital gains, unemployment and child support

Step 2 :. Calculate the adjusted gross income (AGI)

adjusted gross income is household income before applying detailed or standard deductions, exemptions and credits. So take the GI (found in step 1) and subtract all eligible deductions. Contributions to IRA, moving expenses, alimony paid, self-employment taxes and student loan interest deductions are all eligible

Step 3 :. Calculate Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI)


Adjusted Modified AGI is a household and all tax-exempt interest income. Do not worry if your AGI is your MAGI. This is common. Take AGI (found in step 2) and add all tax-exempt interest income. Interest income exempt include deductions for IRA contributions, deductions for student loan interest and tuition, certain foreign income, interest of employee savings bonds used to pay fees higher education and the adoption fee paid by the employer are tax-exempt interest income.

The steps for determining eligibility for grants and what you might get back in 2014. Check out easy to use tool GoHealth calculator grant health insurance to determine what the grant you are eligible and what you can expect to pay premiums.

How the ACA affects the employer's decisions about health care

12:32 PM Add Comment
How the ACA affects the employer's decisions about health care -

health care reform calendar The entry in the health insurance exchange opens in October and consumers aren, AOT the only ones who need to be ready and up to date on the latest health law. Many implications of the Affordable Care Act will affect employers too. To ensure that employers continue to provide some level of affordable and adequate health coverage to workers, the ACA includes, provision Äòshared responsibility, AO.

Free-Rider Politics

While the ACA does not explicitly require that the employer offers health insurance to its employees, it imposing fines for companies based on the number of workers it employs. In this case, the law considers companies with fewer than fifty employees to be small, while those with fifty or more employees are great. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), employers are expected to pay $ 130 billion in penalty payments over a period of ten years.

From 2014, large companies providing coverage to less than 95 percent of full-time employees are subject to a penalty if at least one full-time employee enrolled in subsidized coverage. This is otherwise known as the free-rider policy and applies to all employers common law, including entities and non-profit organizations of government. Employers must pay a fine of $ 2,000 multiplied by the total number of full time employees at least 30. This excludes the first 30 employees.

Most small companies with fewer than fifty employees are exempt from punishment, and are not required to change their insurance or insurance plans offer all employees to donate, AOT already provide . However various incentives exist to persuade them to offer coverage. If the employer chooses to provide insurance, they may be eligible for tax credits available to the cost of health insurance based on size requirements, salaries and coverage. Credits are available for small businesses with 25 or fewer employees who have annual salaries of $ 50,000 or less, and which contribute at least 50 percent of the premium for a plan in an exchange.

affordable and adequate coverage

Employers are required to provide affordable and adequate coverage. What does that mean exactly? Affordable is defined as costing no more than 9.5 percent of household income employee, OSA. A plan is considered to provide adequate coverage if the actuarial value plan AOS (meaning the share of the total allowable costs that the plan is supposed to cover) is at least 60 percent of a person, AOS medical expenses . In addition, provided insurance must cover dependents (under 26), but not to cover the employee spouse, OSA.

For each employee isn, AOT being provided affordable, adequate coverage and receives a credit / assistance from the federal government to purchase health insurance, the employer is subject to a penalty of $ 3,000 per employee.

employer benefit options

Given these developments, the main issues are how employers structure their employee benefit plans, which they will cover and the contribution they offer to the cost of coverage. Some experts believe that employers may drop health coverage altogether and face sanctions or offer a fixed amount of coverage of specific procedures and tests, called defined contribution plans.

In an attempt to reduce medical costs, employers may offer a health plan company that pays a fixed amount for strict doctor visits and procedures. Also known as the Äòreference price ÃO the employer sets a ceiling on prices based on the average cost for a medical service. This allows employees the opportunity to choose services from a wide range of hospitals and providers eliminate high prices. For health care costs exceeding the amount of the fixed cover, the employee must pay the remaining costs of pocket.

There are pros and cons to every decision, but one thing is certain. With 2014 approaching regularly, employers should start thinking about what benefit packages, if any, they will offer employees in accordance with the Affordable Care Act.

What is the mandate of the deferred employer means for workers

11:31 AM Add Comment
What is the mandate of the deferred employer means for workers -

Question Mark It was earlier this month that the Obama administration surprised the nation by announcing a delay in the employer mandate "provision of the health Act, which requires companies to provide insurance to workers. companies now have until 2015 to comply with the mandate .

the provision expressly requires companies with more than 50 workers provide employees with insurance coverage. Those who fail to do so are fined $ 2,000 per worker. This postponement gives both companies and the government more time to work through the details of the law, but here that workers and employers need to know.

Do I still have to get coverage?

Although large employers now have more time to offer health coverage, individuals are still required by law to obtain health insurance next year or face a penalty. The penalty-which remains unchanged, starts $ 95 or 1 percent of household income (whichever is greater) and skyrockets to $ 695 or 2.5 percent of household income in 2016. Workers whose employers delayed coverage of the offer, may actually be able to find a better deal by shopping insurance exchanges. Individuals can register for an insurance plan through online markets set to open October 1st.

Is this delay increase the chances of my employer coverage Dropping?

For those workers who already receive health coverage through an employer, do not worry. The chance that your business will drop next year the coverage without the requirement of government is thin. Many employers offer insurance to the fact that he keeps healthy, happier employees.

It is also unlikely that employers scale back coverage in 2014, the law requires that all coverage offered by the employer to cover at least 60 percent of medical expenses. cover employers exceeding 9.5 percent of the household income of a worker is considered too expensive and can put the company at risk of federal sanctions. Most employers' insurance existing policies already meet the requirements of the law for 2014.

What is the average time for low-wage workers?

Many low-wage workers are not already receive coverage through their employers, and although this may not change next year, they can still register by means of exchange and be eligible for grants to help offset the costs of insurance. Uninsured people who earn less than 400 percent of the federal poverty level ($ 45,960 for an individual, $ 94,0 for a family) are eligible for the sliding scale grant. For more information on credits and tax subsidies for health care here.

What if your employer Drops spousal coverage?

10:30 AM Add Comment
What if your employer Drops spousal coverage? -

Health Care Reform Changes Although not required by law, many health plans sponsored by employers could offer spousal or dependent coverage as an additional benefit for workers. However, due to rising health insurance costs anticipated, several companies have announced that they give up the spousal coverage for employees. A survey conducted by global professional services company Towers Watson reports that "while the supplements for spousal coverage are more common, next year, 12% of employers plan to exclude spouses, up 4% this year."

The Parcel Service States (UPS), perhaps one of the most remarkable of these companies, plans to cut thousands of spouses of its health plan, citing the rising medical costs combined with costs associated with the affordable care Act (ACA) have made it more difficult to continue to provide the same level of health care benefits to employees at an affordable cost.

Without fret! If you or your spouse was launched Medicare plan of the employer, there are other options. Start by talking to your employer to find important information:

  • When the employer next open enrollment period
  • Are they fall from the spouse and dependent coverage
  • [1945007?] or there will be changes in the rate for spouse or dependent benefits?

If your employer is indeed declining spousal coverage or changes in interest rates, know when that coverage ends. The next option for you or your spouse is sign up for an individual health coverage when the individual open enrollment begins October 1st st , 2013. During open enrollment, individuals can shop and compare health plans many institutions in the new health exchanges or markets.

It is important to be prepared in case your employer decides to reduce coverage of the joint, such as ACA mandates that most people buy health insurance or pay a fine. This individual mandate takes effect in 2014.

Obama Addresses Frustrations exchange, promises of improvement

8:28 PM Add Comment
Obama Addresses Frustrations exchange, promises of improvement -

Health Care Reform Just earlier this morning, President Barack Obama spoke to the nation, raise recent challenges in the federal health exchange of deployment. In the near months that exchanges were set up, many consumers shopping for coverage under the federal website Healthcare.gov experienced technical complications such as error messages, delays page, frozen screens and more.

An administration official said, "the site is unacceptable, and we are improving, but the product is good and across the country, people get access to affordable care from January 1." President Obama agrees, insisting at his event that the health care law is more than just a website, and access of the population to quality and affordable health insurance, the essence of the law is in fact works very well.

In order to simplify the process of buying insurance, the administration has updated the site's home page to provide more information on other avenues to enroll in health care. The Department of Health and Human Services also provides outside technology experts to help diagnose problems.

The administration reported that nearly 476,000 applications were filed by both federal contracts and state health insurance online, but it is unclear how many of these people have actually been able to Sign in coverage so far.

in his speech, President Obama assured the public that the administration is doing everything possible to get federal websites and running successfully. Remember that the early projection by the Office of Congressional budget, believing that 7 million people will gain coverage during the registration period? The President ensures that everyone who wants to obtain insurance through the new health exchanges will still be able to do so.

So that consumers can do in the meantime? GoHealth is open now and consumers can get answers about the law, view or compare plans through our online portal or phone. We also help consumers estimate their tax credit and compare all the options available to health.

Visit our online exchange to GoHealthInsurance.com or call (888) 322-7557 to speak to a licensed today.

Why do some insurers withdrawing policies and what to do if this happens to you [

7:27 PM Add Comment
Why do some insurers withdrawing policies and what to do if this happens to you [ -

Cutting the deductible As news of health insurers canceling continuous insurance policies surface, thousands of Americans are wondering if this could happen to them and more importantly, what to do if it does. Of course, nobody wants to be informed that their individual contracts will be canceled or premiums and benefits are changing at the end of the year, but there are ways to ease your transition to a new policy.

We sought to Kaiser Health News to see what they have reported and here's what we found ...

Why this happens

individual policies are a major focus of the affordable care Act and from 1 January 2014 most insurers will be required to strengthen their policies to meet the new minimum standards and add essential benefits such as coverage prescription drugs and more. It will also be prohibited to reject people who are ill or charge more for coverage.

Because of these changes, some insurers stopped insurance plans may not meet all legal standards of the federal health. Some plans may also have deductibles or additional expenses that exceed a maximum pocket of the law. Policies that do not meet all the new standards of health law need not be canceled if. If a plan is "grandfathered" or purchased prior to the enactment of the law in March 2010 and no individual or the insurer has made significant changes, the plan could still be sold.

What you can do

Those whose policies were canceled can shop and sign up for a new plan instead. In some states, insured with abandoned plans can even be selected for an "early renewal", allowing them to continue their existing plan through next year, even if it does not meet all the federal guidelines . Given this option, be aware that your premium could increase.

Since insurers added benefits and can not pay higher premiums to individuals based on age, sex, or a pre-existing condition, many will experience an increase in premiums. Those who are older or in poor health may actually end up paying less, while very healthy or younger people might pay more.

If you have been told that your plan will soon be arrested, pay attention to the terms and shop around to compare with what is offered by the new policies. New options offered by the markets will most likely offer more benefits, but also compare deductibles, coinsurance and caps out-of-pocket annual.

Evaluation of Incentive to Quality Health Insurance: one year later

6:26 PM Add Comment
Evaluation of Incentive to Quality Health Insurance: one year later -

Health Care Reform Changes Just over a year ago , Medicare launched a new incentive program for quality hospitals, rewarding and based penalizing two dozen quality measures such as patient satisfaction. This program was part of a major change to Medicare, which has traditionally compensated hospitals and doctors based on the type of services they provided patients regardless of the actual quality of care.


The program 'Purchase Program based on the value "established under the Law on health care began to retain 1 percent of hospitals in reimbursements in October last, and with plans to distribute $ 850 million to hospitals based on how they scored on patient experience surveys and their ability to follow basic clinical guidelines. as part of the program, hospitals have the opportunity to earn the amount they abandoned more even if they exceed the performance standards. Nearly 3,000 hospitals participated in the program.

the results

Now the second year of the Medicare program, government records show that more hospitals receive penalties as bonuses, the average sentence being steeper than last year. Medicare raised payments of about 1231 participating hospitals, while reducing the payment to hospitals in 1451

the bonuses and penalties are part of efforts by the health care law to encourage hospitals and physicians to deliver better patient care .; with scores based on how often hospitals follow clinical standards of basic care and how patients assess how they were treated. According to Dr. Patrick Conway, chief medical officer of health insurance, most hospitals have improved since the program began a year ago. However, even the hospitals that work well can still lose money simply because they do not score as well or have not improved as much as competitors hospitals.

Bonuses and penalties program comes at an uncertain time for the nation as HealthCare.gov technical issues of high profile and increased premium price raises doubts about the effectiveness of the law on health care. While the quality incentive program has received mixed feelings of hospital executives, many do acknowledge that the attention of the sudden government encouraged hospitals also pay more attention, thus improving patient care.

What happens if I do not sign up for a health insurance plan?

5:25 PM Add Comment
What happens if I do not sign up for a health insurance plan? -

A date registration key limit for health insurance beginning on 1 January st quickly came and went. Yet many uninsured Americans have no idea whether or not they need to register. While you will not be penalized if, for not having health insurance on January 1st st , you could face a fine if you fail to register before March 31, 2014. almost everyone can afford a health insurance plan is required by law to purchase a plan before that date.

The Consequence

right now, if you can afford insurance but choose not to obtain health coverage, you will probably be subject to a fine of $ 95 per person in your household or 1% of household income, whichever is greater. Only people who have difficulty exemptions are not required to purchase a plan. It is also important to note that if you choose to pay the tax penalty instead of buying a plan, you will be responsible for the full cost of your medical care.

Brace Increases

on 1 April, when penalties begin, they will start small and grow on a scale on several levels until 2016.


Families - $ 285 or 1% of total household income, whichever is greater

individual adults - $ 95 or 1% of household income

2015: ..

Families -. $ 975 or 2% of income, whichever is greater

Health Insurance Cost for Young Adults individual adults -. $ 325 or 2% of income

2016: ..

Families - $ 2,085 or 2.5% of revenues, whichever is greater
individual adults - $ 695 or 2.5% of revenue

the penalty tax increase with inflation following (rounded to $ 50). In 2023, he hit a projected $ 800. And the percentage of the penalty income also increases 2 percent in 2015 and 2.5 percent next.

Do not Delay

There are only a few months left until the March 31 st deadline of registration. Although there is still time to weigh your options, do not miss the deadline because once open ends, you'll have to wait until the registration period of the year next to buy a plan. Only those with a qualifying life event are allowed to buy a plane outside of open enrollment.

To compare your Medicare options, visit GoHealth market.

National Youth Registration Day: February is not only about love and Rappers

4:24 PM Add Comment
National Youth Registration Day: February is not only about love and Rappers -

Just when you thought that there was enough of the holiday chance, it seems there's another one. Do not be fooled though-between Valentine's Day and Ice-T's birthday a very important event occurs. National Youth registration is February 15. If you are a young in this country it affects you, to get HYPED!


You can tell yourself, "If this blog encouraged me to enroll in a secret society, I'm out of here faster than a speeding bullet. " not Superman, we do not want you to bend the laws of nature, we just want to register for health insurance.

1-4 young adults do not have health insurance

National Youth Registration Day will take place on February 15 across the country. This is also the last day to enroll in a health plan that begins March 1. Many organizations have joined forces to make this event a success, but it turns out the timing was not on their side.

Administration of Social Security recently announced that temporarily halted on February 15. Talk about bad timing! Since it is necessary to submit your social security information on your insurance application, no one can apply for cover while the administration of social security is undergoing maintenance. It is 15 February to 15 hours - February 18. Due to the judgment, it is important to include before 15 February to ensure you have coverage through March 1.

Despite the unfortunate time of the event, you can still support the cause of the national youth Day registration. Over 19 Million Americans aged 18-34 are uninsured, so tell your friends and family to take action and register.

Already covered? Awesome! Here's what you can do:

-Assist an event near you

-Volunteer to many places of events

-Spread the word about social media #GetCovered

-Get a puppy (Congrats, you have health insurance!)

And if you are not already covered ...

looking for some options in the comfort of your home! You can leave your Netflix streaming account and learn more about health insurance. We will not judge you for watching eight hours of Breaking Bad. GoHealth has 10,000 licensed advisors in insurance benefits. Call us at 877-01-605 or speak directly with us through the website. Get the lowest quotes on a brand plethora plans. You can also see if you qualify for lower costs right on our site.

health insurance is important to your well-being. Do yourself a favor and cover. GoHealth makes the process easier and gives each customer easy access to information they need. With all the time you save by using our site, you can bake a birthday cake for Ice-T. We heard he's a big fan of red velvet (not really).

Sign up for Medicaid or CHIP at any time

3:23 PM Add Comment
Sign up for Medicaid or CHIP at any time -

Lastminute insurance seekers rushed to buy Obamacare before the deadline for open enrollment nationally, but not all Americans is linked to that deadline. People who are eligible for social care programs such as Medicaid or Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) may enroll at any time of the year.

The truth about MEDICAID
Individuals and families can receive free coverage or health insurance at low cost through Medicaid. This cover is designed for certain low-income Americans, pregnant women, the elderly and the disabled. Eligibility depends on income, family size and where you live.

Medicaid Expansion
Where do you live could make a big difference if you apply for Medicaid. Some states expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act so that more people are eligible. In these states, if a person earns less than $ 16,105 per year or a family of four earning less than $ 32 913, they will probably qualify for Medicaid.

In states that expand Medicaid, people who earn less than 100% of the federal poverty level may be eligible for Medicaid. In other words, if you earn less than about $ 11.40 per year individually or about $ 23.550 for a family of four, you may be eligible.

Medicaid Application
If you think you qualify for Medicaid, head to Medicaid.gov. If you win enough money to private health insurance, start shopping for brand affordable coverage by GoHealthInsurance.com.

FACTS ON-CHIP Women's Health Week
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) offers a low-cost health coverage for children in families who earn too money to qualify for Medicaid, but have difficulty
to pay for private coverage for their children. Some states offer CHIP parents and pregnant women. Each state offers coverage through CHIP and works closely through its state Medicaid program

Benefits of CHIP
CHIP coverage varies by state, but all States to provide comprehensive coverage, including :.

· routine controls

· Vaccinations

· physician visits

· requirements

· dental and vision care

· inpatient and outpatient hospital care

· laboratory and radiology services

· emergency services

Apply for CHIP
www.insurekidsnow.gov You can visit or call 1-877-543-7669 to see if your family qualifies.

GoHealth Breaks Down conflicting decisions on Obamacare subsidies

1:21 PM Add Comment
GoHealth Breaks Down conflicting decisions on Obamacare subsidies -

State of the Union Address and Medicare Two panels of the Court of Appeals made separate opposing decisions that could affect the amount of millions of people to pay for health insurance.

Details on decisions
States may decide to use the federal market (HealthCare.gov) to help people shop for health insurance, or create their own online insurance exchange. On Tuesday, the panel of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that on the basis of how the Affordable Care Act was written, states that use the federal trade can not not offers tax subsidies that reduce the cost of health coverage. Based on this decision, the tax subsidies would become invalid in 36 states, affecting about 5 million people who qualified for health coverage at lower cost.

Hours after the decision, a panel of the separate federal appeals court in Virginia has unanimously upheld the law and decided that is legal offer tax subsidies in both exchanges managed by the state and the federal insurance exchange.

What is at stake
long -term the potential impact of this issue is important because it could change the way many people pay for individual coverage or family health . Tax subsidies in question were set up to make more affordable health coverage; without them the majority of consumers who have enrolled in the health insurance market this year would have to pay much more for their coverage.

For example, the federal market, the average monthly premium is $ 346, but with the tax subsidies the average monthly premium is only $ 82. This represents more than $ 250 in savings that people can use to buy food, pay bills or put fuel in their tanks. Based on the decision on D.C., people in the 14 states that run their own insurance exchanges illness would not be able to access these savings. The 14 states include California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachesetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia.

The impact on the public
What is most important for people to know is that their health plans and the price they pay for them remains the same. Despite today's decisions, the law remains intact. The entire legal process has to play before consumers could be affected, and noted that this case will likely reach the Supreme Court.

Emily Pierce, deputy director of the office of the Department of Justice Public Affairs said: "In However, to be clear, people get the premium tax credits should know that nothing ' changed; tax credits remain available. "

The markets are still allowing grants to be applied to premiums and those who are eligible can now even buy and enroll in qualified health plans in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

as a contract approved by the federal government, GoHealthInsurance.com works as usual. people who choose to register on GoHealthInsurance.com not only have access to tax subsidies to lower the cost of health coverage but also allowed insurance consultants who can recommend plans and answer your Medicare questions.

Thus, although the decision has the potential to impact how consumers pay for coverage it is important to remember that the law remains unchanged and a long legal process to take place before you could be affected.

Taking the Guilt Out of Napping

12:20 PM Add Comment
Taking the Guilt Out of Napping -

Napping While napping at work can be a no-no, a nap under the house can actually be Good for you. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 85 percent of all mammals sleep in several short periods during the day, while actually humans divide their day into only two time periods: one for sleeping and one for everything else. As part of the sleep these days gets shorter and shorter because of our busy schedules, fortunately studies have emerged that show the benefits of integrating a nap today. Check out these tips and tricks to get the most out of your next siesta.

1. Don, AOT Exceed 30 Minutes

sleep inertia is that groggy post-nap feeling that lasts all day, leaving you less productive and alert. Avoid a nap for 20 to 30 minutes maximum for increased vigilance that can last several hours.

2. Mix Naptime with caffeine

Caffeine and sleep have more advantages put together on their own. Caffeine usually takes about 20 minutes for the shot, so get your fix in just before a nap. This way, you, Äôll wake up alert and ready to conquer the rest of the day! This combination also reduces errors and accidents, which is beneficial to work late at night or long road trips.

3. Set your alarm

Worried you can take a nap for too long? Take the stress nap by setting your alarm. And if you, Aore a perpetual snoozer, set your alarm a few feet from your bed if you Aore forced to get up to turn it off.

4. Plan ahead

Although late nights should be avoided, sometimes it AOS impossible to go to bed early because of our busy schedules. If you know you have a late night in front of you, get ready by taking a nap in the afternoon. In these cases, a long nap (over two hours) can significantly improve alertness to 24 hours.

5. Create the perfect environment

Find the perfect place for a quick nap can reduce the time we spend tossing and turning. That find a place, dark and quiet OSA, or use an eye mask and ear plugs. Also, make sure the temperature is comfortable for you; Fresh stains tend to be better scratching areas.

6. Don, AOT Feel Guilty

There may still be some stigma surrounding nap, but research studies are constantly adding to the already long list of benefits nap, as improving learning, retention and creative thinking. A recent discovery reported by BBC News suggests that even a nap can reduce the risk of heart problems.

7. Find what works for you

If you find that a nap makes it harder for you to sleep at night, try a nap earlier in the day to avoid launching and turn later. Still not helping? Napping may not be the solution for you. Try other techniques like meditation to boost vigilance and be strict about bedtime.

Breast Awareness Month Cancer: More than a Pink Thing

11:19 AM Add Comment
Breast Awareness Month Cancer: More than a Pink Thing -

October is awareness month for breast cancer, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. Why do we dedicate a whole month to a disease that most people are aware of already? Because women in eight born today in the US will get breast cancer at some point in their lives. This statistic is not intended to be used as a scare tactic, but rather as a catalyst to spur action. When breast cancer is detected early (localized stage), the survival rate at 5 years was 98 percent. Here are some early warning plans, you can save up for yourself and your loved ones. breastcancer2 (2) Visit your doctor

Because of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, the health insurance companies are now required to cover certain preventive services for women, such as well-woman visits, contraceptives and mammograms at no cost to the patient additional out-of-pocket. This is a big step toward protecting your health and keep more money in your pocket.

Do not wait for a mammogram

Although mammograms can help detect cancer chest before you can even feel a bump, are the self-examination equally important. They help you become familiar with how your breasts look and feel so you can alert your healthcare professional if any of the changes. Whether you are in the shower, in front of a mirror, or lying within self-examination should be done once a month. Forty percent of diagnosed cases of breast cancer are detected by women who feel themselves a piece, it is important to conduct independent reviews consistently. An easy way to remember to do your breast self-examination is to set a reminder recurring calendar event on the phone each month.

investigate your family history

Based on personal or family history, you can ask your doctor if a BRCA test is recommended. The BRCA test is a blood test that uses DNA testing to identify harmful changes (mutations) in one of the susceptibility genes to breast cancer two - BRCA1 and BRCA2. Women who have inherited mutations in these genes are confronted with a much higher risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer relative to the general population. Of a BRCA gene test, you will learn if you carry a BRCA mutation inherited and receive an estimate of your risk of breast cancer personnel and ovarian cancer.

Take Action Now

not wait until it's too late. Here are some ideas to help you take action this month :.

  • Encourage women you know who are aged 40 to 49 talk with their doctors about when to start getting mammograms
  • Organize an event to talk with women aged 50 to 74 in your community to get a mammogram every two years.
  • Spread the word by tweeting about the National Awareness Month breast cancer.
  • donations to provide breast health services for women in need through the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Susan G. Komen, Bright Pink, or the Foundation of the American breast cancer.

What future for the Affordable Care Act in 2015?

9:17 PM Add Comment
What future for the Affordable Care Act in 2015? -

There are only a few weeks left until we reach February 15 the deadline to enroll in coverage during Open Registration. Whether you are enrolled in a new health plan or have not yet obtained coverage, there are some things you can expect from the Affordable Care Act in 2015.

insurance card

plans begin to take effect -. once you have paid your first premium
Many people who have enrolled in health insurance plans in December expected benefits to start on January 1st. However, if you have not paid the premium for your first month of coverage, your insurance will not be active. Some people think they are covered just because they chose a plan and completed an application form, but you must do this first payment to activate your insurance benefits.

The uninsured population gets fined for the first time.
Some people are still unaware that they will be fined for going uninsured, but those people will take notice when they file their taxes this spring. This tax season is the first time that people will know the financial consequences of the individual mandate. People who could afford health insurance but chose not to include in 2014 the coverage will owe the government a percentage of their income. When people see that money withdrawn from their tax refund, the individual mandate will finally start to flow.

The penalty tax increases.
In 2015, the fine for not having health insurance increases to two percent of a person's household income. For someone who earns $ 40,000 a year, the fine would be nearly $ 0. As the tax penalty becomes more severe, it will become a deterrent to people considering uninsured. Fortunately, there is still time to avoid the tax penalty this year.

There will be confusion surrounding the tax penalty.
If you think filing your taxes has been confusing in the past, just wait until you see what happens when it comes tax time this year. With the deployment of new forms of taxation on tax grants from the Affordable Care Act and the individual mandate, this upcoming tax season will be more complicated than usual . GoHealth teamed with the largest tax services provider in the world, H & R Block, to prepare for it. Now buyers can contact H & R Block for registration Medicare services, a review of tax and health care, and assistance with tax subsidies premium of Affordable Care Act.

5 health insurance Acronym know

10:18 AM Add Comment
5 health insurance Acronym know -

You can be an expert on your own medical conditions, have a hard-earned graduate degree, or kill them words Crusaders on Saturdays, but you can yet confused regarding health insurance. health plans and coverage information often include language that we do not know - especially with so many acronyms. GoHealth is there to help. No judgment, no nonsense, just the explanation you need.

Before going through the plans as of November 15 or to consider changes to the coverage you currently have, brush on these Medicare acronyms you need to know to make informed decisions. Who knows? One of them might even appear in crossword next week


CHIP -. children's health insurance program (CHIP) provides free care or low-cost coverage for more than 7 million children and adolescents. To qualify, you must be aged under 19 years, has no health coverage and be a US citizen, US National or Qualified Alien

APTC -. Tax Credits Advanced Prime (APTC) are government grants that are offered to individuals and families eligible to reduce their monthly premiums. Eligibility is determined by the size of your household and your income

FPL -. Federal poverty level (FPL) is an income level measurement can help determine whether you are eligible for certain programs and benefits, including tax subsidies from the government. Tax subsidies are offered on the market plans for anyone making between 100 percent and 400 percent of the federal poverty level

FSA -. A flexible spending account (FSA) is a system set up by your employer that allows you to contribute pretax dollars to pay for medical expenses out of pocket. The funds do not run from year to year, so it's important to spend what you have saved

HSA -. A health savings account (HSA) is an account that is available to taxpayers who are enrolled in a high deductible plan. All account funds are to be used to pay for eligible medical expenses and will run from year to year.

Open To: Time is running

8:16 PM Add Comment
Open To: Time is running -

February 15th is just around the corner, which means that we are fast approaching the deadline for open enrollment. Are you still not sure? It is time to act fast!

What happens if I do not sign up before February 15?

If you miss the deadline February 15, you will not be able to register for health insurance until the next Open Enrollment period unless you experience a life event to qualification.

AEP ending

The Act Affordable Care, Americans must have health insurance or they could face a fine. In 2015, the penalty for not carrying health coverage could be as much as 2 percent of your annual household income. The costs are expected to increase each year.

But I have health insurance last year ...

If you do not make changes to your current health insurance plan you will be automatically re-enrolled in the same plan. However, with so many new coverage options, your 2014 plan may not be your best option.

In addition, if you have received financial assistance in the form of a tax subsidy in 2014, you will continue to receive the same tax subsidy in 2015, even if that amount is exceeded. That's why it's important to explore your coverage options so make sure you start 2015 with the best plan available for you.

How do I start?

Search for a plan that is in your monthly budget, while taking account of your medical needs. GoHealth can help you compare your options, so you can find the best health plan for you.

I just registered! When my new health plan take effect?

Shots purchased by the 15th of the month may take effect on the 1st of the following month. If you register on February 15, your coverage can begin on 1 March, if you pay the fee for your first month. It is important to note that you must pay the fee of your first month directly to your insurance company before you can use your plan.

Once you got a health insurance plan, you are on your way to cover prescription drugs and visits, screenings, and the benefits outlined in your policy.

you still have questions about enrolling in Medicare? Learn the answers to the Top 6 Questions registration.

Open Enrollment Tax Extension: You have one more chance

7:15 PM Add Comment
Open Enrollment Tax Extension: You have one more chance -

Thanks to a recently announced extension if you do not have health insurance in 2014 and are subject to a fine come tax time, you will have the opportunity to join the coverage from 15 March to April 30. so, if you were not aware of the individual mandate requiring all Americans to get health insurance or face a fine, this is your second chance. tax extension

This special enrollment period is available for those who do not know the tax penalty after Open Enrollment ended on February 15. Not only the extension to give people another opportunity obtain health insurance, but it also offers them the chance to avoid facing a penalty tax for next year.

Unfortunately, even if you take advantage of this special enrollment period, you still need a tax for the months you were insured and does not receive an exemption in 2014 and 2015.

more importantly, however, this special enrollment period will allow you to avoid facing additional fines and ensure that you have health insurance coverage you need.

Note: This extension is separated from the announcement last week, which allowed those who were "in line" to get health insurance to supplement their inscriptions

to more information or help register once the special enrollment period of the tax season begins. March 15 visit GoHealthInsurance.com or call 888-322-7557.

How much it costs to have a baby

6:14 PM Add Comment
How much it costs to have a baby -

Having a child can put a big hole in your finances - a tooth that many people are not necessarily plan . Even if you plan ahead when deciding to grow your family, you can always be surprised at how much it costs to have a baby. cost of baby

How much does having a baby?

Prospective parents often forget to consider the financial impact of hospital bills in their budget planning. One in four new parents end up spending over $ 2,000 on medical services in normal birth, they mistakenly believed would be covered by their health insurance. Pregnancy or birth complications can still contribute to the increase in non-pocket costs.

Why does it cost so much?

Health care in the US is charged per service and each hospital gets to set its own prices. For complex admissions, such as childbirth, many small expenses can add up quickly, because the American standard of care at birth has grown to include a number of expensive tests.

What can I do to reduce my cost of having a baby?

maternity and newborn care are considered a benefit of essential health and covered by health plans under the Affordable Care Act. Call your insurance company to find out exactly what services will be covered during your pregnancy, birth and after birth, so that you will not be any surprises when you receive your medical bills.

How do I start?

Speak with a licensed insurance advisors GoHealth to make sure you have health insurance before getting pregnant. Call (888) 322-7557 to speak directly with a counselor or learn more GoHealthInsurance.com.

What is the difference between the short term and major medical coverage?

5:13 PM Add Comment
What is the difference between the short term and major medical coverage? -

If you missed the deadline for open enrollment, you can still have one last chance to register in major medical coverage. However, when you search for coverage options, you can also come across the so-called short-term insurance. The two may seem similar, but their details can actually be very different.

We described the variations between major medical health insurance and short-term in the table below to help you find the right plan.

Short-term vs. Major medical chart NEW

Celebrate your health with the Week of the National Women's Health!

4:12 PM Add Comment
Celebrate your health with the Week of the National Women's Health! -

Week National Women's Health began on Mother's Day and runs through May 16 and there is no better time to work towards the you be your healthiest. NWHW

The aim of the week of the National Women's Health is to enable women to make their health a priority and to help women understand the steps they can take to improve their overall health . Health Week this national women, we want to help you take control of your health.

What can I do to a healthier me ?

  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Schedule regular checkups with your primary care physician
  • Take advantage of preventive care free Obamacare
  • avoid risky behaviors, including smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and not using a seat belt
  • Sign in health insurance during Open Enrollment
  • of exercise regularly
  • Managing stress
  • Get an adequate amount of sleep

How can I participate in the week of the national Women's health ?

  • Spread the word through social media with the hashtag #NWHW
  • take the national week of women's health pledge
  • Discover steps you need to take for good health depending on your age

take the first step toward better health by getting health insurance coverage today. Call 888-322-7557 to speak directly with one of the licensed agents of GoHealth, or start shopping online today for health insurance for you and your family.

Join Scott Sullivan GoHealth IHC Forum and Expo 2015

3:11 PM Add Comment
Join Scott Sullivan GoHealth IHC Forum and Expo 2015 -
Scott Sullivan Small 2014

SVP Sales & Business Development, Scott Sullivan

Scott Sullivan, Vice President of sales and business development, will join leading experts on private exchanges at the Institute for the sixth annual Forum & Expo IHC HealthCare consumerism in Atlanta from June 23 25.

Sullivan will speak on a panel on the defined contribution and private exchange, which is scheduled for Thursday, June 25. private exchanges and defined contribution approach symbolize the next generation of solutions Medicare, and Sullivan and other panelists will discuss how this model can benefit both employers and employees.

throughout the conference will cover the cost savings of health insurance, empowerment tools, healthcare technology solutions, and information on the changing landscape of the industry 'Health Insurance.

For more information on the conference, please visit the website. And for more information on Sullivan, GoHealth and private exchange, please visit GoHealthInsurance.com.

5 Ways It pays for same-sex couples to get married

2:10 PM Add Comment
5 Ways It pays for same-sex couples to get married -

by Elizabeth Fay

In a decision history, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled 5-4 in favor of the legalization of gay marriage in the country. The decision has several monetary implications that can benefit couples of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people who decide to tie the knot. Here are five ways the court's decision to level the playing field for LGBT couples while putting more money in their pockets. improving mental health care

1. Social security

all married couples, regardless of sexual orientation, are entitled to a spouse and survival of social security benefits . This change may have significant financial value for couples married gays and lesbians. Financial Engines, a large consulting firm, crunched some numbers for a hypothetical sex couple and found that marriage could earn a same-sex couple extra government benefits worth about $ 343,000.

The spousal benefit, especially when using one person earns less than another. In this case, the payment of lower gain spouse could increase to half the payment from the other spouse. On average, this could put an extra $ 780 per month in the portfolio of a same-sex spouse, according to the Human Rights Campaign.

married couples

same sex will also be able to leverage the advantages of survival. If the check of a deceased spouse social security is larger than the living spouse of the check, the surviving spouse may elect to receive the largest check instead of his own. Same-sex spouses will also be entitled to a single payment of $ 255 to help with funeral expenses.

2. Employer Benefits of Health

Depending on where they live, same-sex couples are not insured health benefits of the employer their partner. Although about 77 percent of employers currently offer domestic partner coverage of health care the same sex, this benefit is often imposed by the State as income. The recent decision to eliminate taxes and requiring employers that offer health benefits spouse to offer both homosexual and heterosexual married couples.

3. Estate Planning
LGBT married couples living in states that do not recognize gay marriage to win new rights to cover their spouses and children after death. The same-sex couples can inherit property from their spouse without paying estate or succession of the state. They will also acquire the right to prevent parents to challenge wills.

4. Medicaid
The legalization of gay marriage makes Medicaid more accessible to the LGBT community. Historically, the federal government allowed states to determine eligibility for Medicaid for same-sex couples. Since many states do not recognize same-sex marriages, many same-sex couples were denied health insurance through the Medicaid program of the government. Since the legalization of gay marriage takes effect, more gay couples with low incomes will be eligible for free health coverage or low cost through Medicaid.

5. Subsidized health insurance

Under the Affordable Care Act, legally married couples - gay or straight - can jointly apply for federal tax subsidies for reduce the cost of health insurance. However, some gays and lesbians couples were waiting for the same-sex marriage to become legal in their country of origin before officially tying the knot. With the legalization of same-sex marriage in all 50 states, homosexual couples can marry in the state in which they live, and then apply for health insurance subsidies. According to the federal government, these tax credits generally save a person $ 272 each month.

Now that the high court has spoken, same-sex couples have much to gain financially if their marriage. To inherit property to save thousands of dollars on health insurance, the financial consequences of the court's decision has the potential to hit six figures for same-sex couples who say "I do".

6 Highlights on breastfeeding and your health

1:08 PM Add Comment
6 Highlights on breastfeeding and your health -

August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, a campaign funded by the Ministry of health and Human Services US. The organization hopes that the campaign will highlight the importance of breastfeeding, recalling all mothers and families that this approach may not be the best choice for everyone and every situation.

We have described some tips and facts to help you understand the benefits of breastfeeding and ultimately decide if it's the right decision for you and your newborn.

  1. breastfeeding is covered as a preventive care service for women.

once you give birth to your baby, breastfeeding support, supplies and counseling are covered by all the individual health insurance plans as care service preventive under the affordable care Act. This means that these nursing services are covered at no extra cost to you with no cost-sharing involved. Make sure health insurance to cover the cost of your newborn Facebook august - baby

  1. Your baby -. And you -. Can benefit from breastfeeding

your baby can obviously benefit from your breast milk, which gives newborns the right amount of protein, fat, sugar and water, and also helps to protect the baby against infection and disease. Breastfeeding can also serve as bonding time for mother and child. Mothers can also benefit: .. Breastfeeding can save you money, help you lose baby weight and can reduce your risk of disease

  1. You can benefit financially, as

women and families who choose to breastfeed their children could save up to $ 1500 on infant formula in the first year alone.

  1. breastfed babies tend to be healthier in the long run.

Generally, breastfed babies are less likely to develop various illnesses and diseases, including asthma, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and obesity .

  1. Nursing mothers may also prevent illness and disease.

It has been proven that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer in a mother.

  1. Remember :. Breastfeeding is not necessarily for everyone

Only about 75 percent of mothers start breastfeeding, which means that the other 25 percent of mothers choose not not breastfeed their babies. It is important to remember that breastfeeding is a personal choice, so talk with your family before making a decision.

COBRA is your best health insurance option?

12:07 PM Add Comment
COBRA is your best health insurance option? -

Lauren Mandel

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) was passed by Congress in 1986 to help individuals and their families to obtain temporary health insurance. Under COBRA, individuals and their dependents can choose to remain on their current health plans for a specific time period, payment of their premiums in full and on time until they find a new job or a new method for the cover.

For years, COBRA has served as a valuable tool for those who find themselves without insurance covered illness. But now, almost 30 years later with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in place, private markets offer better coverage options that can be much less expensive than COBRA.

HOW tHE COBRA ACA CHANGED health savings account 2013 rules

Before the ACA, COBRA coverage if made sense for people who were between jobs or could not afford health insurance regardless of their employer. But now the private market and subsidized health insurance are both available, and in many cases, enrollment in individual health insurance is much more affordable than COBRA.

COBRA is expensive for everyone

a person who chooses COBRA is generally required to pay their full monthly premium, plus an administrative fee of two percent. Employers usually pay part of the premium for their employees, so for a person who may have just lost their jobs, pay their full premium plus a fee out of pocket can be difficult or impossible. Data from the Congressional Research Service, the average cost of COBRA participant can be 54 percent higher than active employees, which means that once a person is unemployed and locked in COBRA, they could pay double they paid for health insurance as an employee. And an employer could save an average of $ 3,000 per year if their former employees purchase individual coverage than COBRA election. COBRA can be more expensive, not only for the individual but for their former employer, as well.

to private markets that offer COBRA You can not

The ACA requires that 10 Essential health benefits, including hospital stays, the maternity care and prescription drugs, be covered by private health insurance plans. However, under COBRA, there is no guarantee that these products and services will be covered. Therefore, if an individual is locked in a COBRA plan, becomes pregnant, and the plan does not cover maternity care, then they could be responsible for the costs of expensive health care.

Choosing to buy health insurance from a private exchange also means people may be eligible for federal tax subsidies to help lower monthly premiums. Tax subsidies are available on plans to buy health care exchanges for people who make between 100 and 400 percent of the federal poverty level. For an individual, it is between $ 11,770 and $ 47,080, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Under the ACA, about 84 percent of people who enrolled in private Medicare received a tax subsidy.

However, if covered by COBRA, the federal tax subsidies do not apply. Choosing register through COBRA instead of electing individual coverage through a private exchange could mean missed significant savings through financial assistance from the government. It is best to assess the tax subsidy eligibility before being locked into COBRA.

before finalizing COBRA

Under COBRA, it's easy to get locked into a plan that is not the right fit. With private market, individuals can view and compare thousands of different plans of the major carriers in their region. But with COBRA, they should continue on their current health plan, whatever life changes that have occurred.

changing health care needs

suddenly becoming unemployed or be increased from health coverage are both considered as life events qualification, which allow individuals to enroll in coverage outside of Open Enrollment. This is a great opportunity for individuals and their families to explore all options to find a new plan that meets their needs. Registration directly with COBRA means no chance to reverse the changes and health needs until the next open enrollment period.

It is also important to consider the changing health care needs. If a family plans to develop or a family member develops a serious medical condition, this could greatly affect this type of health plan they need. COBRA commit to mean no option to explore the different health plans from different carriers, which could mean losing a family on the discovery of a plan that best suits their specific situation.

long term versus short term

COBRA is a temporary solution, which means that individuals can not stay on a current level of 18 to 36 months , depending on their situation. COBRA is designed to support individuals until they find another blanket. Once COBRA runs out, the individual is responsible to find a new health insurance. Rather than anticipating that date, it is better to join a health plan choice through private exchange immediately when health insurance coverage is lost.

Individuals also can not change their mind and switch to individual health insurance plan once they 're registered under COBRA. Unless they have a qualifying event life, they are trapped in their COBRA plan until their coverage is exhausted or until the next open enrollment period begins. Again, it is best to consider if COBRA is the right option before committing

The private exchanges and a personalized experience

elect COBRA coverage simply means than:. Only a blanket. People who buy individual health plans through private exchanges like GoHealth can receive active assistance in their decision making and easy access to their options.

licensed insurance agents are available to help individuals and families find the right coverage and also answer all questions related to health insurance. Sites enable customers to view and compare thousands of large companies health plans in their region, plans which can be much more suited to their needs and financial situations than is available through COBRA.

In general, private exchange of health plans allow individuals the luxury of choice, savings, and comparison, while COBRA does not. Although COBRA can be an easy option, it may not be the best choice.

4 changes this year Open Enrollment

11:06 AM Add Comment
4 changes this year Open Enrollment -

Lauren Mandel and Elizabeth Fay

Obamacare Open Enrollment for individuals begins on November 1. you walked around a new plan, discuss your budget with your family, and I know you're ready to register for the right coverage when that date arrives.

But as we enter the third year of open enrollment under the Affordable Care Act, there are some changes you need to wait and prepare before the strike deadline. Shocked

New Milestones

While last year's Open Enrollment also began in November, the registration period this year has changed slightly . You can start your registration on 1 November 2015, but you must have a new coverage by January 31, 2016.

Changes in contribution rates

rates of national contribution to an increase average of 4 percent. However, do not assume that you will pay more for coverage: Changes to rates vary according to location, from a 10 percent reduce in Seattle to 29 percent increase in Minneapolis. Make sure you evaluate all your options before enrolling in a plan.

Increases tax penalty

All Americans are required to have health insurance, and the penalty for going uninsured is increasing this year. If you choose to go without health insurance in 2016, you will face a fine of $ 695 or 2.5 percent of your income, whichever is greater. This represents an increase of $ 325 or 2 percent of your income for the past year.

tax subsidy Changes

Most buyers will be eligible for financial assistance from the federal government to help pay for their health insurance. This year, the income will qualify for financial aid have changed slightly, so make sure you receive your tax subsidy estimate before you enroll in a plan.

5 Thanksgiving swaps you do not even know are in good health

9:04 PM Add Comment
5 Thanksgiving swaps you do not even know are in good health -

By Lauren Mandel

We know Thanksgiving is all about the family, but it can not be a Thanksgiving meal without delicious food holiday. Unfortunately, most of the dishes on your table is far from ideal when it comes to your health. Facebook nov - thanksgiving

If there is ever a time to indulge, it is during the holiday season, but it does mean you can not do swap meals charged to reduce fat, sugar, and a few inches from your expectation come 2016. Discover healthy recipes replacements for some of your favorite Thanksgiving dishes.

Instead of mashed potatoes and gravy ...

Try these stuffed twice baked sweet potatoes. This alternative includes less butter and no cream when compared to potatoes in creamy mashed potatoes, and even better, they are cooked individually for perfect control of the game. And not the necessary sauce.

Instead of whole-fried a turkey ...

Try herb roasted turkey breast. fried turkeys can be part of your family traditions, but they are also very high in fat and calories. White breast meat turkey contains much less fat, and herbs give the turkey all the flavor needed.

Instead of a classic green bean casserole ...

Try this healthier pan green beans. We are not about to give up this crunchy, creamy classic, but we recommend giving a healthy makeover. Using low-fat milk instead of canned soup can make the recipe a little more difficult, but also better for your health.

Instead of four cheese mac n 'cheese ...

Try the mac n healthy "cheese. So there is mac n cheese in this' cheese, but not nearly as much as in the original. Replace most of that fat with smooth and creamy butternut squash. Thanks to a bit of cheese and seasoning, you'll know just the difference.

instead of sausage and bread stuffing corn ...

Try butternut squash, Brussels sprouts, stuffing and bread apples. no, we do not remove your precious farce. instead, we found a recipe that load as many vegetables as you will not miss the bread that was left out. Use the bread multi- grains for health benefits.

instead of pumpkin pie ...

Try pumpkin pie pudding. We get: It is not exactly the classic pumpkin pie you might have been hoping for. But this cream, whipped dessert has all the flavor and pie spice pumpkin you love without all the calories. Not to mention, it meets in some time for a quick and easy dessert option.

2 ways to get health insurance with GoHealth

10:05 AM Add Comment
2 ways to get health insurance with GoHealth -

Lauren Mandel and Adam Tock

Open Enrollment is here, which means it is time to start exploring your health insurance options for 2016. But where should you start? Is there more than one way to register? What is the difference between online registrations over the phone

We're glad you asked

And do not forget:. If you are a returning customer, we made even easier registration process. You can register online completely free application, and the entire process takes less than 10 minutes. Visit GoHealthInsurance.com to start.

Enrolling with GoHealth infographic

4 things to know when shopping for Obamacare for your children

8:03 PM Add Comment
4 things to know when shopping for Obamacare for your children -

Lauren Mandel

We always want to protect us harm, but if you are a parent, your first concern is probably well-being of your children. So while you're busy finding Obamacare plan for yourself, you may also be anxious to find the best coverage for your little ones. cost of baby

How can you ensure that your children get the best possible protection? Here are 4 things to note when Obamacare coverage selection for 2016:

  1. Think about their needs when covering selection Although a certain type of Obamacare plan can work for your needs, it can. does not work as well for the needs of your children. Do you have a specific pediatrician you want for your children? If they are very active, they need a more comprehensive coverage to cover the bumps and bruises of life? Ask yourself these important questions before choosing a plan.
  2. They can stay on your plan until age 26. As a provision of the Affordable Care Act, children can now stay on the plan until their parents 'this 26 this is true even if your child is married or living outside your household. So if the same set of advantages that works for you and your child, there is no reason to seek separate plans.
  3. You could save even more money. Obamacare eligibility for the tax credit is based on some details, including the size of your household, so it is important to count your children when updating your personal information. And do not forget sharing cuts costs. If you qualify, this could Obamacare grant you thousands more on your coverage when you choose a plan to save Money.
  4. Help is available. If you are still confused about finding coverage for your family, do not worry: Our licensed insurance agents are there to help you understand all the details. These experts can provide your estimate of the tax credit, recommend plans according to the needs of your children, and you get registered in 2016 coverage.

Visit GoHealth.com to find your plan today, or call 888-322- 7557 to find health insurance for your entire family.

Last chance to avoid the tax penalty Obamacare

7:02 PM Add Comment
Last chance to avoid the tax penalty Obamacare -

Lauren Mandel

We explained before the tax penalty but now is the time when the potential consequences of going uninsured could begin to feel real. tax penalty

There are only a few days left of Obamacare Open Enrollment, which means that if you have yet to register in a 2016 health plan, you only have a few weeks to avoid the tax penalty .

reminder, if your household chooses not to obtain health insurance, you could end up paying an average fine of nearly $ 1,000. And pay the fine does not mean that you suddenly have health insurance; you will always be assured without additional protection against medical expenses.

Do not let the deadline pass you by. January 31 will be here before you know it, so it is time to find coverage for you and your family before it's too late. If you miss the deadline, you may not be able to find a health plan until the next open enrollment period begins in the fall

If you think you can not pay health insurance, you could be wrong. With the help of Obamacare subsidies, you could find a plan that is affordable and has all the benefits you need to stay safe and healthy. Last year, 8 out of 10 people who enrolled in a qualified health insurance plan for financial assistance

Visit GoHealth.com to find the right plan for your needs today.

Why women need regular checks

6:01 PM Add Comment
Why women need regular checks -

Lauren Mandel

We all could use some reminders and we re here to share one of the most important reminders regarding your health: for regular checks

During the week of the health of national women today the national women's Checkup Day, an effort initiated by the US Department. Health and social services to help women prioritize their health.

So what can you do to prepare for your next well-woman visit? We have described some tips to help you feel comfortable and confident

Double check your health insurance

An annual trip to your doctor - .. Or to a well -woman visit - is a preventive care service under the affordable care Act, which means that if you have health insurance, your visit will be covered. If you do not have health insurance, however, these tours can get expensive. March - womensHistoryMonth

You also want to make sure that the doctor you choose to visit your provider is in the network. Going out-of-network is another detail that could cost you a lot of money.

Review your family history.

Your parents have high blood pressure? Is breast cancer in your family? Did your grandparents have specific conditions? Questions like these are important to ask yourself before you visit the doctor. Your doctor will want to know these details so that he or she knows what to look for during your appointment.

Evaluate your own health.

Yes, you see a doctor to be properly diagnosed, but there are some abnormalities or discomforts that you can identify initially. Go through significant changes to your health or your body before your appointment, so that when the doctor asks, you will have answers to share.

Remember why you are there.

you may think you only need to visit the doctor when you are sick, but the reality is, that can often be too late. Health insurance is mandatory for all Americans so that everyone will be proactive about their health, rather than reactive. Planning and attend regular check you will receive the necessary vaccinations, screenings and tests, and well-woman visits can help you live a long and healthy life.

2016 summer interns Meet GoHealth

5:00 PM Add Comment
2016 summer interns Meet GoHealth -

by Carrie Murphy, director of human resources

GoHealth was happy to welcome five college interns in our office last June! During their 10-week internship, students will gain exposure to industry technology and startup in Chicago, while training and learning directly from their managers and teams. GoHealth is excited and honored to bring these talented young people who will eventually become important assets to the local community.

Now that the trainees are halfway through their courses, we thought we would check to see how their experiences have been so far. Here they tell how they first heard GoHealth, what attracted them to our company, that their courses have, and what they plan to do after graduation.

Summer interns billboard

Full Name: Jenny Fliegel

Internship title: Consumer Marketing Intern

College or university: university of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

you interested GoHealth, and why did you apply for this internship?

of exciting corporate culture GoHealth was what really attracted me in an application for the course. I am interested in working for a high-tech company where I could gain experience in the industry, while improving my skills.

What is certain tasks from day to day, you are responsible for your internship?

I write weekly posts for the blog GoHealth, conduct research internal and external competition for the GoHealth brand, and think of compelling content for our social media platforms.

What has been your experience so far in GoHealth, in your internship and society?

My experience at GoHealth was great. My colleagues were very welcoming and treated me like I'm part of a lot longer than the summer team. Work directly with the lead manager of consumer marketing has been an exciting experience, as I have been able to get exposure in the industry by being involved in a variety of relevant tasks for the company.

What do you hope to do after graduation, and how has your training at GoHealth helped to work to achieve this goal?

after graduation, I hope to begin my career in marketing at a company related-tech or an advertising agency. GoHealth provided me with a variety of skills and real-world experiences that I can apply to my career goals

Full Name :. Jack Gergets

title of the course: Carrier Onboarding trainee team

College or university: University of Notre Dame

what interested you about GoHealth, and why did you apply for this internship?

I applied for this internship because I'm interested in the technology sector, and I wanted to explore something outside of my major.

What are some of the tasks on a daily basis, you are responsible for your internship?

I work on onboarding support, which means preparing the information and forms a carrier to be available for use on the site GoHealth.

What has been your experience so far in GoHealth, in your internship and society?

So far I have enjoyed my time here, because everyone around me is my work useful and interesting.

What do you hope to do after graduation, and how has your training at GoHealth helped to work to achieve this goal?

After graduation, I want to work in the automotive industry. GoHealth is an excellent starting point for me because it allowed me to get my feet wet in the world of business, develop problem solving skills, and explore an interesting area.

Full Name: Dominique Lotz

title of the course: Business Development Intern

College or university: Miami University in Ohio

what interested you GoHealth, and why did you apply for this internship?

I am interested in GoHealth because Brandon and Clint, President and CEO, graduated from my school, and I wanted to know more about how they created such a business large and successful. I applied for this internship because I felt like I fit the corporate culture and gain experience of GoHealth. I wanted to be exposed to different sides of the business, including marketing, management and finance.

What are some of the tasks on a daily basis, you are responsible for your internship?

My daily tasks include work on various long-term projects, including editing and uploading RFP, creating competitive analysis, and work on planning for the next period 'open enrollment. I also participate weekly sales meeting.

What has been your experience so far in GoHealth, in your internship and society?

My experience at GoHealth and my training has been very positive. I learned a lot about the health care industry and have acquired a general understanding of how a business runs successfully. I work with great people who are always willing to help.

What do you hope to do after graduation, and how has your training at GoHealth helped you work to achieve this goal?

After graduation, I hope to pursue a career in finance, particularly in the investment banking sector. GoHealth work helped me to achieve this goal because I am guided by people who have a bank training and give me advice on how to get my foot in the door.

Full Name: Jenny Marks

Internship title: digital marketing intern

College or university: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

what you are interested about GoHealth, and why do you ask this course?

What interested me was that he was GoHealth an innovative technology company. This seemed to be a growing business bigger and smarter quickly. All this seemed to be the ideal solution for me, including the corporate culture and values ​​and all the things I would learn.

What are some of the tasks on a daily basis, you are responsible for your internship?

Some of the tasks on a daily basis, I work on report daily to the revenue and paid search costs, learn to optimize paid search accounts, and be able to implement ideas that I create.

What has been your experience so far in GoHealth, in your internship and society?

My experience so far this summer was everything I thought it would be. I learn so many skills that will be helpful for me after this session ends and help me when looking for jobs. Everything I learned here are not things that I could have learned in school.

What do you hope to do after graduation, and how has your training at GoHealth helped you work to achieve this goal?

After graduating next spring, I would like to continue with digital marketing and paid search and get a full time job in Chicago using all the skills I learned here.

Full Name: Daniel Stiefel

title of the course: Marketplace & Sales Intern

College or university: university of Southern California

what interested you GoHealth, and why did you apply for this internship?

I applied for this internship because I wanted to get a first hand view of a workplace of the company, and especially one that is growing and succeeding. I also wanted to get an internship after my first year of college so I can gain experience early in my career.

What are some of the tasks on a daily basis, you are responsible for your internship?

I do a lot of research on current and innovative health care models markets. I am responsible for some checking of the commission and the database of the different policies and to call many GoHealth customers to update them on our future updates and features.

What has been your experience so far in GoHealth, in your internship and society?

I am very impressed with the casual and comfortable environment GoHealth, but they still preach hard work and dedication. Regarding my internship, projects that I received are hard and help me learn the routine daily business practices. Specifically I gained a lot of knowledge and skills presentation Excel formatting.

What will you do after graduation, and how your internship GoHealth helped to work to achieve this goal?

I hope to have a job in the business world and have a profession that requires a lot of interaction with customers and innovators. This course definitely helped me, especially with communication skills. I also worked with a lot of data, and I know that most companies need employees who can manage and organize data.

The vaccine against HPV

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The vaccine against HPV -

phlebotomy tray Back in 06, the HPV virus was big news. Merck & Co. drug company developed a vaccine against HPV virus -. a virus that has been proven to cause cervical cancer in women

The vaccine, called Gardasil, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in June 06.

it was so great news because the human papilloma virus (HPV) is so common among sexually active people. Health experts estimate that 50 percent of sexually active Americans will be infected with HPV during their lifetime.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 20 million Americans have HPV. More surprisingly, 80 percent of women will be infected with genital HPV by the time they reach the age of 50 years.

Although there are about 100 different strains of HPV, the vaccine protects against four strains.

But two of these strains cause 70 percent of cases of cervical cancer. The other two are the cause of 0 percent of cases of genital warts, according to the National Cancer Institute.

No, shortly after the vaccine was approved, health officials began recommending it to girls before they become sexually active.

"This is a huge breakthrough for women's health, for prevention, and for the prevention of cancer, in particular," said Anne Schuchat, a specialist in vaccine to the CDC.

The vaccine was initially hit with controversy because some thought it might actually promote sexual activity. Then, until 07, 22 different states have tried unsuccessfully to pass a law requiring girls to get the vaccine against HPV

There is only one condition to date has spent a requirement vaccine against HPV for girls: Virginia ..

more recently, Kentucky tried to pass legislation to require vaccines against HPV, but it was blocked by a leader of the state because it does not include details on how the law would cost the state, reported Herald-leader .

"It is just a stalling process," said a representative who sponsored the bill.

But some lawmakers stressed that the state government or federal government would have to pay the bill for distributing vaccines. Some felt that this legislation would cost more than $ 3 million per year.

demanding Until now vaccines against HPV in girls are not acquired any traction, and remains a highly politicized issue.