The vaccine against HPV

3:59 PM
The vaccine against HPV -

phlebotomy tray Back in 06, the HPV virus was big news. Merck & Co. drug company developed a vaccine against HPV virus -. a virus that has been proven to cause cervical cancer in women

The vaccine, called Gardasil, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in June 06.

it was so great news because the human papilloma virus (HPV) is so common among sexually active people. Health experts estimate that 50 percent of sexually active Americans will be infected with HPV during their lifetime.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 20 million Americans have HPV. More surprisingly, 80 percent of women will be infected with genital HPV by the time they reach the age of 50 years.

Although there are about 100 different strains of HPV, the vaccine protects against four strains.

But two of these strains cause 70 percent of cases of cervical cancer. The other two are the cause of 0 percent of cases of genital warts, according to the National Cancer Institute.

No, shortly after the vaccine was approved, health officials began recommending it to girls before they become sexually active.

"This is a huge breakthrough for women's health, for prevention, and for the prevention of cancer, in particular," said Anne Schuchat, a specialist in vaccine to the CDC.

The vaccine was initially hit with controversy because some thought it might actually promote sexual activity. Then, until 07, 22 different states have tried unsuccessfully to pass a law requiring girls to get the vaccine against HPV

There is only one condition to date has spent a requirement vaccine against HPV for girls: Virginia ..

more recently, Kentucky tried to pass legislation to require vaccines against HPV, but it was blocked by a leader of the state because it does not include details on how the law would cost the state, reported Herald-leader .

"It is just a stalling process," said a representative who sponsored the bill.

But some lawmakers stressed that the state government or federal government would have to pay the bill for distributing vaccines. Some felt that this legislation would cost more than $ 3 million per year.

demanding Until now vaccines against HPV in girls are not acquired any traction, and remains a highly politicized issue.

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