Taking the Guilt Out of Napping

12:20 PM
Taking the Guilt Out of Napping -

Napping While napping at work can be a no-no, a nap under the house can actually be Good for you. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 85 percent of all mammals sleep in several short periods during the day, while actually humans divide their day into only two time periods: one for sleeping and one for everything else. As part of the sleep these days gets shorter and shorter because of our busy schedules, fortunately studies have emerged that show the benefits of integrating a nap today. Check out these tips and tricks to get the most out of your next siesta.

1. Don, AOT Exceed 30 Minutes

sleep inertia is that groggy post-nap feeling that lasts all day, leaving you less productive and alert. Avoid a nap for 20 to 30 minutes maximum for increased vigilance that can last several hours.

2. Mix Naptime with caffeine

Caffeine and sleep have more advantages put together on their own. Caffeine usually takes about 20 minutes for the shot, so get your fix in just before a nap. This way, you, Äôll wake up alert and ready to conquer the rest of the day! This combination also reduces errors and accidents, which is beneficial to work late at night or long road trips.

3. Set your alarm

Worried you can take a nap for too long? Take the stress nap by setting your alarm. And if you, Aore a perpetual snoozer, set your alarm a few feet from your bed if you Aore forced to get up to turn it off.

4. Plan ahead

Although late nights should be avoided, sometimes it AOS impossible to go to bed early because of our busy schedules. If you know you have a late night in front of you, get ready by taking a nap in the afternoon. In these cases, a long nap (over two hours) can significantly improve alertness to 24 hours.

5. Create the perfect environment

Find the perfect place for a quick nap can reduce the time we spend tossing and turning. That find a place, dark and quiet OSA, or use an eye mask and ear plugs. Also, make sure the temperature is comfortable for you; Fresh stains tend to be better scratching areas.

6. Don, AOT Feel Guilty

There may still be some stigma surrounding nap, but research studies are constantly adding to the already long list of benefits nap, as improving learning, retention and creative thinking. A recent discovery reported by BBC News suggests that even a nap can reduce the risk of heart problems.

7. Find what works for you

If you find that a nap makes it harder for you to sleep at night, try a nap earlier in the day to avoid launching and turn later. Still not helping? Napping may not be the solution for you. Try other techniques like meditation to boost vigilance and be strict about bedtime.

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