National Youth Registration Day: February is not only about love and Rappers

4:24 PM
National Youth Registration Day: February is not only about love and Rappers -

Just when you thought that there was enough of the holiday chance, it seems there's another one. Do not be fooled though-between Valentine's Day and Ice-T's birthday a very important event occurs. National Youth registration is February 15. If you are a young in this country it affects you, to get HYPED!


You can tell yourself, "If this blog encouraged me to enroll in a secret society, I'm out of here faster than a speeding bullet. " not Superman, we do not want you to bend the laws of nature, we just want to register for health insurance.

1-4 young adults do not have health insurance

National Youth Registration Day will take place on February 15 across the country. This is also the last day to enroll in a health plan that begins March 1. Many organizations have joined forces to make this event a success, but it turns out the timing was not on their side.

Administration of Social Security recently announced that temporarily halted on February 15. Talk about bad timing! Since it is necessary to submit your social security information on your insurance application, no one can apply for cover while the administration of social security is undergoing maintenance. It is 15 February to 15 hours - February 18. Due to the judgment, it is important to include before 15 February to ensure you have coverage through March 1.

Despite the unfortunate time of the event, you can still support the cause of the national youth Day registration. Over 19 Million Americans aged 18-34 are uninsured, so tell your friends and family to take action and register.

Already covered? Awesome! Here's what you can do:

-Assist an event near you

-Volunteer to many places of events

-Spread the word about social media #GetCovered

-Get a puppy (Congrats, you have health insurance!)

And if you are not already covered ...

looking for some options in the comfort of your home! You can leave your Netflix streaming account and learn more about health insurance. We will not judge you for watching eight hours of Breaking Bad. GoHealth has 10,000 licensed advisors in insurance benefits. Call us at 877-01-605 or speak directly with us through the website. Get the lowest quotes on a brand plethora plans. You can also see if you qualify for lower costs right on our site.

health insurance is important to your well-being. Do yourself a favor and cover. GoHealth makes the process easier and gives each customer easy access to information they need. With all the time you save by using our site, you can bake a birthday cake for Ice-T. We heard he's a big fan of red velvet (not really).

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