Last chance to avoid the tax penalty Obamacare

7:02 PM
Last chance to avoid the tax penalty Obamacare -

Lauren Mandel

We explained before the tax penalty but now is the time when the potential consequences of going uninsured could begin to feel real. tax penalty

There are only a few days left of Obamacare Open Enrollment, which means that if you have yet to register in a 2016 health plan, you only have a few weeks to avoid the tax penalty .

reminder, if your household chooses not to obtain health insurance, you could end up paying an average fine of nearly $ 1,000. And pay the fine does not mean that you suddenly have health insurance; you will always be assured without additional protection against medical expenses.

Do not let the deadline pass you by. January 31 will be here before you know it, so it is time to find coverage for you and your family before it's too late. If you miss the deadline, you may not be able to find a health plan until the next open enrollment period begins in the fall

If you think you can not pay health insurance, you could be wrong. With the help of Obamacare subsidies, you could find a plan that is affordable and has all the benefits you need to stay safe and healthy. Last year, 8 out of 10 people who enrolled in a qualified health insurance plan for financial assistance

Visit to find the right plan for your needs today.

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