health insurance and the economy

2:46 PM
health insurance and the economy -

employees In 07, more Americans had health insurance from 06 . But what is the outlook for 08?

Not good, says a report by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI).

The non-profit research organization has released the report today showing that the number of people covered by an employer -sponsored health insurance scheme will most likely decline this year.

the number of Americans with coverage from an employer has declined since 00, but that was paired with an increased number of people who lost coverage in the individual health insurance market.

with a stronger economy, people could afford their own plans, reported Kansas City Star .

"the increase came with a hand in hand strong economy and low unemployment that caused more employers to provide health benefits in order to attract and retain workers, and also may have led to more workers being able to afford health insurance, "said the EBRI report.

Today, it is not so much the case.

These days with the economy in recession, unemployment is rising and fewer people will be able to offer coverage on their own.

this combined with the fact that gas prices and food prices are the highest they have ever been, and people are struggling to keep their mortgages, there is no shock that pay for health insurance is the first to be cut from the family budget.

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