average health insurance Deductible For BPP group now $ 1,000

10:42 AM
average health insurance Deductible For BPP group now $ 1,000 -

graph Yesterday, HR consulting and Mercer Investment released a report that found the average deductible for a PPO health insurance plan sponsored by the employer is $ 1,000 for 08.

last year, the average PPO deductible was half 500 $. In fact, according to the Mercer report, average $ 500 held from 01 to 07. In 00, the average was $ 250.

So why health insurance deductibles groups increase?

There were a few key points to this increase, the report said. The first was that the cost of healthcare for employers increased 6 percent for the past four years. This led to an almost national trend transfer costs to employees through higher deductibles and higher premiums.

Another was the growing popularity of high-deductible consumer directed health plans and health savings accounts (HSA). Such plans are now offered by 20 percent of large companies.

Really, though, this is another way to transfer employee costs. Higher deductibles and HSA average workers pay for their own health care costs out of pocket.

This is not to say that there is no benefit to the consumer directed plans and HSA. You can save tax-free money in an HSA, and you still have major medical coverage in case of emergency.

But these plans are generally better for those who are not often need care.

The bottom line, however, is that the deductibles rise, slim wallets.

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